Tight-lipped:NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet.

Tight-lipped:NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet.Credit:Dominic Lorrimer

The Australian legislation reflects the global outcry and recognition of the harms caused by conversion practices. The Australian Medical Association has called for laws banning the therapy while both the Australian Psychological Society and the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists have issued statements warning that sexual or gender orientation change efforts of any kind are harmful.

Religion-based conversion therapy is most common,and includes counselling for “sexual brokenness”,prayer,scripture reading,fasting,retreats and “spiritual healing”. Larger mainstream churches have struck a balance between tradition and contemporary life,leaving the bulk of gay conversion therapy hidden in evangelical churches and ministries,often taking the form of prayer groups,counselling disguised as pastoral care or exorcisms.

Little factual information about the prevalence of gay conversion therapy in Australia exists,but a 2018 report by the Human Rights Law Centre,in concert with La Trobe University and Gay and Lesbian Health Victoria,Preventing Harm,Promoting Justice,pointed to the United Kingdom as a possible comparison. The UK’s 2018national LGBTQ survey found 2 per cent of respondents admitting they had undergone conversion therapy,with a further 5 per cent saying it had been on offer. People from multicultural and multi-faith backgrounds were up to three times as likely to report being offered the therapy.


With Sydney WorldPride running in parallel with the NSW state election,the controversial therapy issue has surfaced as a possible political issue. The independent MP Alex Greenwich has promised to make gay conversion therapy his priority,warning the Coalition and Labor that his support for a possible minority parliament would be contingent on backing for his bill. His draft bill,the Conversion Practices Prohibition Bill 2023,provides jail terms for people convicted of changing or suppressing another person’s sexuality and would bring NSW in line with Victorian,Queensland and ACT legislation.

State Labor leader Chris Minns has also belatedly joined the bandwagon,promising to legislate against gay conversion therapy if elected. Labor,he says,will establish a joint working group of NSW Health and the NSW Department of Justice to draft its own laws,working with survivors and other stakeholders.

But Premier Dominic Perrottet remains silent. It appears he wants to appease his conservative supporters by trying to push the issue out of the campaign. He repeatedly refuses to be drawn on his support or otherwise for banning gay conversion therapy and repeatedly dodges discussing the issue. On other issues,he has shown an admirable ability to give weight to controversial societal issues that straddle politics. Surely,the voters of NSW have a right to know if he intends to end this abhorrent therapy.

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