Eugene Levy visits Finland in<i>The Reluctant Traveler</i>.

Eugene Levy visits Finland inThe Reluctant Traveler.Credit:Ian Gavan/Apple TV+

The world is a book,he intones in the opening credit sequence,and if a person hasn’t travelled they’ve only read one page of it. “Well,I’ve gotta say,” he adds. “I’ve read a few pages,and I’m not crazy about the book.”

It’s a decent set-up – a guy who’d rather stay home gets dropped into exotic spots,and is forced to have experiences he’d prefer to avoid – and Levy’s caterpillar eyebrows,Corbusier glasses and deadpan expression are the perfect travel accessories. But it doesn’t take too long for the ruse to slip.

Try as he might to maintain the curmudgeonly facade,Levy is soon having fun. In Finnish Lapland,he eschews an icy morning dip but after a few vodkas he’s readily cajoled into a swim (albeit inside a hermetically sealed neoprene suit-cum-garbage bag) … and,loving it. In Costa Rica he’s pushing through his terror of insects,snakes and erupting volcanoes to go for a night-time jungle walk,and battling his fear of heights to tiptoe across a rickety suspension bridge.

Are we having fun yet? Levy in South Africa.

Are we having fun yet? Levy in South Africa.Credit:Apple TV+/Ian Gavan

By the third episode,he’s not even pretending to hate it any more. “I’m actually very excited about seeing Venice,” he says.

It’s not the travelling itself that Levy claims to object to;after all,it kind of goes with the territory of being a film and TV actor. It’s more the business of leaving his hotel room. “Exploring is something I rarely do when I’m travelling,” he claims,before setting off to explore (damn those TV producers).


To be fair,if I were staying in the kind of rooms he lands in here,I might be inclined to stay inside all day too. A $1000-a-night luxury camping experience in Costa Rica,a $3000-a-night architect-designed desert hideaway in Utah,the if-you-need-to-ask-how-much-you-can’t-afford-it opulence of the Gritti Palace overlooking the Grand Canal. Reluctant or not,you’d need to be an incredibly well-resourced traveller to even enter the lobby at these places.

LikeCunk On Earth,An Idiot Abroad andSomebody Feed Phil,The Reluctant Traveler is a comedic reaction to the Expert Guide. Think of it as The Inexpert Guide;the more ill-suited the host to the situation,the better.

Cunk is an out-and-out parody of the Expert Guide format,and while not every gag lands,Diane Morgan’s Ali G-like persona frequently takes it to high points of hilarity and absurdity.

Levy’s mission is far more benign. He’s not skewering the travelogue format so much as himself (or a version of himself,at any rate). In the end,it actuallyis a travelogue show,complete with the “it’s really the people you meet who make it special” vibes.

It makes for great eye candy and some droll moments,but I’m not buying the reluctant thing for a second.

The Reluctant Travelleris on Apple TV+ from February 23.

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