My tips to easily slash the interest on your mortgage

Money contributor

It is often said there are no shortcuts when it comes to securing your financial future (listen up all those carried away with cryptocurrencies!)

However,there are ways to work within the system to build wealth smarter,easier and cheaper. And principal of these is to repay money sucking,opportunity sapping debt.

Dionne Gain

Here are the three techniques I used to repay my mortgage in full for $200,000 less… and 18 years sooner.

Get the offset advantage

You have probably heard that it is a good idea to get a loan with a mortgage offset account,but you may not realise just how powerful and profitable it is.

Short version:an offset account lets you use every dollar you have twice – both for its intended purposes and to cut your mortgage interest bill.

Any money held in an offset account reduces your loan balance. So,it is the savviest place for funds you need to keep safe,as they will save you more money against the loan (it has a higher interest rate) than you would earn in interest by having it sitting in the bank.

We are talking any savings for holidays,a new kitchen,school fees… whatever you have stashed. You should also aim to hold emergency funds equal to six months’ salary in the offset account – if you can afford it.

Just what do you stand to save by adopting this strategy?

On a $400,000 loan at an average 5 per cent interest rate,having $30,000 in an offset account at all times would slash your interest bill by $66,000 and the time in debt by almost 2.5 years. For free.

Supercharge your savings

Anyone with a problem with spending or who cannot stick to a budget should skip this bit – you need to be disciplined for it to work. But,if you are,you can use the bank’s money to make the above mortgage offset strategy even more effective.

What you do is take out a credit card with a long interest-free period – say,55 days – and put all your monthly expenses on it. At the same time,you get all of your salary paid into the offset account,so it saves you loan interest the whole time.

When the credit card bill is due,shift the money out of the offset account and pay off the card bill – in full,to create a zero balance.

You will then pay no credit card interest,so it is free money.

Let’s assume you can park $10,000 additionally in your offset account,on top of the $30,000 from before. Your interest savings leap a further $18,668 to near $85,000 and your loan term shrinks again,to 22 years.

Make repayments fortnightly

This is the only strategy where you pay a little extra on your mortgage,but somewhat painlessly so.

We all know there are 12 months (the frequency mortgage repayments are typically due) in a year. Think about it though:there are not double that number of fortnights,24,but in fact 26.

That means if you merely switch to making your repayments fortnightly,you get a whole month ahead on your loan term each year. You would end up saving $48,000 in interest and being mortgage-free a further 3.5 years earlier.

Switch providers

If you have had your mortgage for a few years,there is very likely a bonus technique to boost your interest savings.

Fierce competition for your home loan business has seen the interest-rate difference between the cheapest and most expensive mortgages blow out.

The difference between the cheapest and average big-four bank discounted mortgage interest rate is now almost 2 percentage points.

If you are stuck with an older,higher-rate mortgage,that means a huge opportunity.

Let’s say you have significant equity in your home and have $400,000 owning on the mortgage.

If you switch from the Mozo-calculated big-bank average discounted rate of 3.87 per cent to the best in market of 1.93 per cent – and make the same repayments – you would save $146,008 in loan interest and shave five years from your loan term.

The above measures are relatively easy to do and the savings on your mortgage interest bill just keep on giving.

It is well worth your precious time to set you up for a mortgage-free financial future.

Nicole Pedersen-McKinnon is the author ofHow to Get Mortgage-Free Like Me. Follow Nicole onFacebook,Twitter orInstagram.

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Nicole Pedersen-McKinnon is a financial educator,commentator and author.

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