Shoppers urged to buy sustainable presents this Christmas

Consumers are being urged to give more thought to their Christmas shopping and help reduce the number of gifts that are discarded and end up in landfill.

Consultancy Fifth Quadrant expects Australians to spend $10.5 billion on Christmas gifts this year with 16 million people spending $578 per person,on average,on gifts.

Australians are expected to spend $10.5 billion on gifts this Christmas,but how much will be unwanted,cannot be recycled and end up in landfill?

Australians are expected to spend $10.5 billion on gifts this Christmas,but how much will be unwanted,cannot be recycled and end up in landfill?Kate Geraghty

Many recipients would actually prefer to receive eco-friendly presents,which is not lost on retailers. The internet is awash with merchants – as well as online marketplaces – that seek to attract consumers who want to make sustainability-focused choices.

Typically,the claims the retailers make about the sustainability of their businesses and products are not independently verified.

Clean Up Australia chair Pip Kiernan says,“We are bombarded by green messages,and it can be confusing for consumers to know what is and isn’t genuine.”

Retailers are keen to put their green credentials forward during the Christmas trading period,during which up to two-thirds of the profits of discretionary retailers are made.

Last year,theConsumer Policy Research Centre audited 122 green claims across a range of product categories and found only 32 per cent were able to provide supporting evidence or verification on their websites or packaging that would provide some confidence the claims are accurate.

It did not follow up with providers to see whether the claims were accurate,as the point of the audit was to test the evidence consumers were able to easily access without having to spend hours attempting to verify them.

In July,the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC),released draft guidelines for businesses on their environmental and sustainability claims.

The regulator said it is good practice to ensure there is clear evidence to back up claims and that “evidence that is independent and scientific is the most credible”.

Kiernan’s recommendations for gift buying include seeking quality over quantity – make a list,and try to find out what someone will want,rather than buying “stocking fillers and cheap trinkets” that are often plastic and end up in landfill.

Even better is to give an experience rather than a thing,such as tickets to a movie or a show,she says. “Often,parents and grandparents really want time with their family rather than a gift,such as taking them out for a meal,” Kiernan says.

If you do get a gift,consider buying second-hand from a charity or vintage store,Kiernan says. And giving gifts that are made from recycled materials or can be recycled should be on everyone’s Christmas shopping list.

Shoppers should always check the retailers’ returns policies,just in case the recipient wants to exchange the gift. Lastly,shoppers should be particularly careful of fake online sites in the lead-up to the festive season.

Figures from the ACCC released inApril this year show there were almost 18,000 reports of losses to online shopping scams during 2022,totalling more than $9 million. That was an increase in losses of almost 15 per cent on 2021.

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John Collett writes about personal finance for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

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