Kitching’s husband takes aim at Labor’s ‘cantankerous cabal’ at funeral

Kimberley Kitching’s husband has told a roll call of politicians at her funeral in Melbourne that his wife deserved to be treated better than she had been by a group of Labor figures he described as a “cantankerous cabal”.

Senator Kitching,who was 52,died onMarch 10 from a suspected heart attack. There has been turbulence in the party since her death,with her supporters claiming she had been ostracised and bullied by some Labor colleagues who were from different factions. These claims have been denied.

Kimberley Kitching’s husband Andrew Landeryou speaks at his wife’s service.

Kimberley Kitching’s husband Andrew Landeryou speaks at his wife’s service.Eddie Jim

Scores of current and former politicians from across the political spectrum attended Senator Kitching’s funeral at St Patrick’s Cathedral in East Melbourne on Monday afternoon.

One of Senator Kitching’s closest friends,former opposition leader Bill Shorten,used his eulogy to urge Labor figures to “move onwards” from her death and channel their energy to the task of winning the upcoming federal election. However,her husband,Andrew Landeryou,suggested he could not forget the way she had been treated by the party machine.

“There’s a lot I could say about the unpleasantness of a cantankerous cabal,not all of them in Parliament,that was aimed at Kimba,” Mr Landeryou told the mourners.

“I hope it’s sufficient to say she deserved so very much better … Her friends and ferociously loyal staff are angry about how she was treated.”

A woman holds the order of service.

A woman holds the order of service.Eddie Jim

He added that he did not blame any one person or any one meeting for her death – a reference to a Right faction meeting a day before her death at which her Senate preselection was not guaranteed.

The atmosphere was solemn and tense before the funeral as a large media pack waited alongside the cathedral entrance.

Politicians’ funerals tend to be straightforward affairs filled with praise for past deeds,but Monday’s was an event of political intrigue in its own right because of speculation about whether Senator Kitching’s alleged adversaries would attend,and whether friends such as Mr Shorten would use the pulpit to criticise them.

The scene inside St Patrick’s on Monday afternoon.

The scene inside St Patrick’s on Monday afternoon.Eddie Jim

The service,held in the cathedral where the Senator was married,was punctuated by speakers failing to hold back tears. It was also interspersed with moments of laughter,such as when Mr Shorten noted that Senator Kitching’s language skills could come in handy given Australia’s parlous diplomatic relationship with France.

Labor leader Anthony Albanese attended as did the party’s senate leadership team of Penny Wong,Kristina Keneally and Katy Gallagher – who supporters of Senator Kitching believed had isolated the politician – along with about 30 senators and 25 members of the House of Representatives.

Former prime minister Tony Abbott,Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce,Defence Minister Peter Dutton and Senator Pauline Hanson were among the most prominent of a large group ofconservative politicians.

Premier Daniel Andrews,Opposition Leader Matthew Guy and a group of senior Victorian state politicians including Treasurer Tim Pallas,Employment Minister Jaala Pulford and Trade,Tourism and Sport Minister Martin Pakula also made an appearance.

Mr Landeryou,a controversial political blogger who has ridden the highs and lows of public life with his wife,arrived with Senator Kitching’s closest political allies,including the secretary of the Health Workers Union Diana Asmar and her family.

Mr Landeryou,a factional warrior for decades,said he would not give lectures about “being nice in politics” and said he was ultimately displeased with himself for failing to persuade Senator Kitching to slow down and for attracting “menace” towards her.

He said it was “bizarre” that some questioned his wife’s loyalty to the Labor Party because of her “muscular internationalism” and advocacy for the rights of people including the ethnic Uighur minority,which put her on a collision course with the Chinese government.“

Senator Wong arrived at the funeral early flanked by many colleagues,including Macnamara MP Josh Burns and Senator Jess Walsh. She appeared relaxed as she signed the guest book on her way in.

Former leader of the Opposition Bill Shorten,wife Chloe Shorten and daughter Clementine arrive ahead of the funeral service.

Former leader of the Opposition Bill Shorten,wife Chloe Shorten and daughter Clementine arrive ahead of the funeral service.Eddie Jim

Vanquished figures from across the Victorian political spectrum,including dumped MPs Tim Smith and Marlene Kairouz,paid their respects,while two members of Senator Kitching’s “wolverine” anti-China group,Liberals Andrew Hastie and James Paterson,arrived together.

Mr Shorten said his address was not a “political speech”,but called on Labor MPs,unionists and party members to use their feelings of grief for the best interests of the party. He did not directly address the bullying allegations.

“She understood,in the marrow of her bones,that the people who count on Labor count,above all,on Labor governments,” Mr Shorten said.

“I believe Kimberley would want everyone in her Labor family to channel their grief,gather their strength,and move onwards from here together in pursuit of that goal.”

Mr Shorten,who was criticised for handing his friend a senate seat in 2016,said she proved adversaries wrong and shone in her political career,especially in Senate estimates which he said was like “like running onto the[Melbourne Cricket Ground]” for Senator Kitching.

“In these polarised times,tact and diplomacy,style and good manners may be rarer than a Latin speaker in Parliament,[but] Kimberley’s skills and sophistication should not be mistaken for anything but a great Labor heart beating in overdrive,” he said.

“The passing of this remarkable,valiant woman leaves a great hole,a black hole almost,with its own gravity the kind caused by the collapse of a massive star.”

Senator Kitching’s father,Bill Kitching,remembered his daughter as a worldly lover of life who was passionate about literature,history and the arts.

Penny Wong defends her relations with late Labor colleague.

Mr Kitching was an organic chemistry professor and Fulbright scholar whose work prompted the family to live in the US and many European cities during Senator Kitching’s childhood. “Wherever she went throughout her life,she was a positive advertisement for our country,” he said. “Her mind roamed a broader terrain than the neo-parochial.”

A statement from the Dalai Lama,who Ms Kitching met in 2017,called the senator a “steadfast supporter and friend of our people”.

“Dear Mr Landeryou,I was saddened to learn of the sudden passing of your wife and our friend,Senator Kimberley Kitching,” the statement said.

Some federal Labor MPs and Victorian Labor figures believe Senator Kitching’s supporters are using her death to damage factional opponents,and the episode has sparked a debate about acceptable behaviour in the cut-throat world of politics.

Senator Wong said on Sunday “common decency” should be demonstrated when someone had died. “I would invite some of those making claims and sharing views to consider and reflect on whether or not they have demonstrated that now,” she said.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison accused Labor of living in “a crystal cathedral” while being “pretty quick to throw stones” over accusations of misbehaviour elsewhere.

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Paul Sakkal is federal political correspondent for The Age and Sydney Morning Herald who previously covered Victorian politics and has won two Walkley awards.

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