Australia news LIVE:Organised crime strips more than $1b from NDIS;Scott Morrison swore himself in to additional portfolios as PM

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Wrapping up today’s headlines

ByAngus Thomson

That’s where we will leave today’s live coverage. Thanks for following along.

Here were today’s main headlines:

That’s all from us today. We will be back tomorrow from 7 am with live coverage of events as they unfold.


“I’ve never heard of this’:Turnbull lashes Morrison on portfolio saga

ByAngus Thomson

Turnbull was asked about Scott Morrison’s self-appointment to several key ministries,which he described as “sinister” and “one of the most appalling things I have ever heard in our Federal Government.”

He alsospoke to this masthead earlier today. Here’s what he had to say:

[This decision is] utterly at odds with our whole system of government. The public are entitled to know who is responsible for what.

I was sworn in as minister for agriculture and water resources when Barnaby Joyce was found to not be a valid member of the parliament because of his New Zealand citizenship. We put out a press release,I went to Government House and was sworn in.

I’ve never heard of this,it is completely without precedent,and it’s wrong.

Firstly and most importantly,it is utterly undemocratic,and it is inconsistent with how our parliamentary democracy works. It is fundamental that the public know who is responsible for what,who ministers are. If the PM wants to give himself or herself authority to exercise powers they should make sure it is done legally and make sure it is publicly known.

Turnbull backs Voice to parliament,regrets ‘third chamber’ comments

ByAngus Thomson

Former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull spoke to ABC 7.30’s Sarah Ferguson on his support for an Indigenous Voice to parliament.

Turnbull’s government in 2017 rejected recommendations in the Uluru Statement from the Heart to enshrine an Indigenous Voice to parliament in the constitution,saying it would “inevitably be seen as a third chamber of Parliament”.

Malcolm Turnbull delivers remarks at an Indigenous economic development Showcase in Canberra in 2018.

Malcolm Turnbull delivers remarks at an Indigenous economic development Showcase in Canberra in 2018.Alex Ellinghausen

After a 2000-word essay in favour of the Voice inThe Guardian today,here’s what he had to say on his change of heart:

I’ve reflected on it. I mean,I still believe it will make a very big change. It’s not a symbolic change,not like the Republic[referendum],which was largely symbolic. This is conferring real power,real political power,to the Voice,which will be an assembly of Indigenous Australians chosen exclusively by Indigenous Australians and while it will not be a third chamber,in the way the Senate is a second chamber,it won’t have a legal veto,it will be enormous influence,as Anthony Albanese conceded a few weeks ago.

He said he regretted using the third chamber term “because it was misunderstood”.

“I never intended to convey the idea that it would be a third chamber like the Senate is a second chamber,” he said.

Curtain call:States battle for musical premieres

ByCara Waters

When the musical,Hairspray, premiered in Melbourne’s Regent theatre on Monday night,the city’s showbiz fraternity celebrated the fact that,to see it first,people must be in Victoria’s capital. After a 12-week run,it will move to Adelaide then Sydney.

The interstate competition to secure Australian openings has,in recent years,been intense,and sometimes expensive. Melbourne has seenHarry Potter and the Cursed Child,Moulin Rouge,Come From Away and Cinderella premiere in its theatres,while Sydney scored the premieres ofHamilton,Mary Poppins and9 to 5 the Musical.

Rhonda Burchmore performs in Hairspray which premiered in Melbourne on Monday night.

Rhonda Burchmore performs in Hairspray which premiered in Melbourne on Monday night.Jeff Busby

In Victoria,some of these shows are secured with cash incentives through the government’s tourism arm,Visit Victoria,and negotiations often go all the way to the top.

“I apologise if Mr Andrews is upset with me as a result,” former NSW premier Gladys Berejiklian said after personally intervening to clinch the Hamilton premiere.

Read more from Cara Waters on the secret - and often - expensive battle to bethe first to host some of the world’s biggest shows.

Businesswoman gave car,boat and holidays to NAB employee in kickbacks,court told

ByGeorgina Mitchell

A Sydney businesswoman bought a luxury car for a senior National Australia Bank employee and paid for a $620,000 overseas holiday as part of a series of kickbacks to ensure her inflated invoices kept getting paid,a jury has heard.

Helen Rosamond,47,is on trial in the NSW District Court accused of paying millions of dollars to Rosemary Rogers,the chief of staff in the office of NAB’s chief executive,between 2013 and 2017. Rogers,who had worked for the bank since 1995,was authorised to approve payments of up to $20 million.

Helen Rosamond,former CEO of executive events firm Human Group.

Helen Rosamond,former CEO of executive events firm Human Group.Jessica Hromas

Rosamond allegedly paid for luxury travel,accommodation,and a vehicle for Rogers,in return for Rogers approving inflated invoices that incorrectly attributed personal expenses to NAB including $228,000 for an interior designer to furnish Rosamond’s home.

Read more from court reporter Georgina Mitchell here.

Australian government ‘working on’ Kabul evacuations one year after Taliban takeover

The Albanese government says it is committed to helping those who helped Australia in Afghanistan,one year on from the fall of Kabul.

Foreign Affairs Minister Penny Wong,Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles and Immigration Minister Andrew Giles issued a statement this afternoon marking the anniversary,saying the government was considering its response to a Senate inquiry into Australia’s time in Afghanistan:

Over the past year,we have seen the deterioration of human rights,a growing humanitarian crisis and ongoing problems with security and governance.

Australia is working with the international community to respond to the humanitarian crisis and alleviate the suffering of Afghans across the country.

Since the fall of Kabul,Australia has committed $141 million to ensure that help reaches those most in need. This includes emergency food supplies,responses to natural disasters,and women’s access to sexual and reproductive healthcare.

The one-year anniversary will be a sad day for the Afghan community here in Australia. Many remain fearful for the safety of their loved ones.

‘No trickier politician’:Dutton backs Guy to beat Andrews at state election

ByAngus Thomson

Peter Dutton was also asked whether Victorian Opposition Leader Matthew Guy could win November’s state election.

Here’s what he had to say:

I hope that he can,and it’s a tough job here because there’s no trickier politician in the business than Daniel Andrews.[You’ve got to] give credit to him. He’s been able to find his way out of every cul-de-sac,he’s been able to stare down all of the corruption allegations he’s been smeared with … and he comes out smelling of roses on every occasion.

He said time in opposition allowed political parties to “step back and have a conversation with people again”.

“I think this is true of Liberal and Labor - and I can say this after we’ve had nine years in government - a change,frankly,is good for a state or for the country,” he said.

“I think in Victoria it is time for a change,but that’ll be up to the Victorian public to decide.”

Dutton says he didn’t know about Morrison’s additional portfolios

ByAngus Thomson

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton says he was not aware of his predecessor Scott Morrison’s appointment to additional ministerial portfolios while prime minister.

Speaking to ABC Radio Melbourne’s Raf Epstein this afternoon,Dutton said the uncertainty around the coronavirus pandemic may have been a factor in Morrison’s appointment to the health and finance portfolios.

Peter Dutton and Scott Morrison during the federal election campaign in April.

Peter Dutton and Scott Morrison during the federal election campaign in April.James Brickwood

“Obviously,the prime minister or the former prime minister had his reasons,his logic for it but[it was] not a decision that I was a party to or was aware of,” he said.

“Obviously,there was no vaccine and people were having all sorts of Armageddon scenarios.

“It was,as I say,the most confronting period that I[have] had in Parliament,so I know that the Prime Minister had some of that logic playing in the back of his mind when he was making these decisions.”

Asked whether that logic extended to the decision to take on Nationals MP Keith Pitt’s resources portfolio,Dutton said he wasn’t consulted on any of the ministerial appointments.

“I wasn’t part of the decision-making process,” he said. “I read about it the paper in the last couple of days,And that’s just ... something that I don’t want to venture[an opinion on].”

Iran denies involvement in attack on Salman Rushdie

Tehran: An Iranian government official has denied that Tehran was involved in the assault on author Salman Rushdie,in remarks that were the country’s first public comments on the attack.

Nasser Kanaani,the spokesman for Iran’s Foreign Ministry,made the remarks in a briefing to journalists on Monday.

“We,in the incident of the attack on Salman Rushdie in the US.,do not consider that anyone deserves blame and accusations except him and his supporters,” Kanaani said. “Nobody has right to accuse Iran in this regard.”

Rushdie,75,was stabbed on Friday while attending an event in western New York. He suffered a damaged liver and severed nerves in an arm and an eye,his agent said. He was likely to lose the injured eye.

His assailant,24-year-old Hadi Matar,has pleaded not guilty to charges stemming from the attack through his lawyer.

Rushdie,an award-winning author for more than 30 years,has faced death threats for The Satanic Verses.

Iran’s late Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini had issued a fatwa,or Islamic edict,demanding his death. An Iranian foundation had put up a bounty of more than $US3 million for the author.


Opinion:Morrison’s mystery ministries reduced the Westminster system to a sitcom

ByDavid Crowe

More on Scott Morrison’s appointment to additional cabinet positions from chief political correspondent David Crowe,who writes that ministers need to have the authority to make their own decisions for Australia’s Westminister system of government to work:

The mystery of the Morrison ministries is the story of a federal cabinet that lost sight of good government after its leader triumphed against the odds.

Scott Morrison was always inclined toward the presidential style,as many leaders are,but this became a defining feature of his government after he won the 2019 election by hiding his ministers.

Now we know how far Morrison went to centralise power. Thinking he did not really need his ministers,he had himself sworn into their jobs.

The Westminster system,with clear duties and accountability to Parliament,became a joke with secret roles and blurred responsibility. Morrison turned the system into a sitcom.

Read the full column here.

Broede Carmody is a state political reporter for The Age. Previously,he was the national news blogger for The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald.

Angus Thomson is a reporter covering health at the Sydney Morning Herald.

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