Children who see mothers abused ‘more likely to suffer asthma,language problems’

Children exposed to family violence from infancy are up to three times more likely to develop asthma and have a psychiatric diagnosis,emotional behavioural difficulties or impaired language skills by the age of 10.

These are some of the grim findings from a decade-long study led by the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute,which documented the experiences of more than 1500 first-time Victorian mothers.

Family violence can have long-lasting consequences.

Family violence can have long-lasting consequences.Bombaert

The study which has been published in the prestigious British Medical Journal, also found children who saw their mothers endure intimate partner violence over an extended period during the first 10 years of life fared much worse than those who received intervention by the age of five.

Poor health outcomes surged for children with experience of family violence in the year they turned 10,with researchers finding they were up to three times more likely to experience poor mental health,elevated blood pressure and sleep difficulties than children who had not seen such abuse. Exposure to violence in the first four years of life also put children at three times higher risk of developing asthma and language difficulties before the age of 10.

The researchers say the findings highlight the critical urgency of effective intervention,with health outcomes for children greatly improving when they received support early or were taken out of a family violence situation before they turned five.

As part of the study,1507 mothers were recruited from six Melbourne hospitals. They were questioned in the first year of the child’s life and then in the child’s fourth and 10th years. Data collated from maternal questionnaires was analysed retrospectively by the researchers.

More than one in four women and children were exposed to intimate partner violence during the first 10 years.

Last year it was revealed an increasing number of women werecoming forward for the first time to report family violence as COVID-19 lockdowns worsened the potential for abuse in many homes.

One of the study’s lead researchers,Stephanie Brown,said the findings showed clear evidence that when intimate partner violence was addressed before middle childhood,adverse health outcomes such as a psychiatric diagnosis or emotional behavioural difficulties were less likely.

“The children that were exposed to intimate partner violence in their household when they were under five,in that early part of their lives,but not exposed when they turned 10 were doing much better in terms of their mental health than the children who had recent exposure to intimate partner violence,” Professor Brown said.

But the scientists found irrespective of early intervention,if a child was exposed to intimate partner violence in their early years their risk of developing language difficulties and asthma was unchanged.

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Royal Children’s Hospital paediatrician Harriet Hiscock said delayed diagnosis could be behind some of the asthma cases,but she pointed out that studies have shown children exposed to intimate partner violence were more likely to have higher cortisol levels,a marker of stress.

“Stressful events in general have been implicated as predictors of asthma,” she said.

“We know that asthma is linked with inflammation in the body and perhaps growing up in these sorts of environments,which we know leads to very heightened brain responses,that maybe it’s leading to heightened immune or inflammatory responses.”

After being exposed to family violence since birth,Evie’s five-year-old daughter has sensory issues,is prone to emotional outbursts and has a preference for dressing up in costumes.

“I think that comes from this idea of,‘I don’t have to be scared,I can be a superhero,’ ” said Evie*,who left her husband last year after 10 years together.

“Sometimes it can be really difficult for her to feel her arms and legs due to her sensory issues and her emotions escalate from zero to 100 instantly.”

Professor Brown said intimate partner violence was not limited to physical and sexual violence. Often,it was characterised by a pattern of psychological control and coercion.

“Children can pick up on this and experience constant fear or anxiety at home,” she said. “What’s most striking from this study is just the scale of of the issue for our community. One in three children’s lives were impacted by this issue by the time they turned 10.”

While there had been significant focus on family violence during pregnancy and the early postnatal period following a royal commission on the issue,“we were still completely missing the fact that this issue continues in the lives of children and their mothers”,Professor Brown said.

“We need to have service responses that encourage women to seek support for themselves and for their children and feel confident that services will not judge them and will have pathways of support,” she said.

“All the evidence suggests that women of all ages and social and cultural backgrounds strive really hard to support and protect their children.”

Since separating from her husband,Evie said,she had noticed a marked improvement in her daughter’s mental health and she has applied for assistance from the National Disability Insurance Scheme to help with her behavioural challenges.

“I didn’t realise until recently,but you can apply for help for children,even if they don’t have a diagnosis,if they’re under the age of seven,so that has given me big peace of mind,” she said.

“I believe trauma is one of those things that you can recover from the sooner that it’s dealt with. We are in a rough patch at the moment as I’m starting to see a lot of her trauma unravel. But that’s probably a good thing,because she’s in a place where she feels safe to express herself for the first time in her life.”

If you or anyone you know needs support,contact the National Sexual Assault,Domestic and Family Violence Counselling Service on1800RESPECT (1800 737 732).

*Evie’s real name was withheld at her request.

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Melissa Cunningham is a city reporter for The Age. She has previously covered health and has also been a reporter for The Sunday Age.

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