Crimes involving prescription medication explode as opioids flood market

Crimes involving prescription medications have soared in Victoria and NSW,fuelling concerns about a rising black market for opioid painkillers and other pharmaceutical drugs.

Crime statistics from the two states reveal police have recorded about 35,000 offences involving manufactured medicine over the past five years as more people get caught dealing and trafficking or obtaining the drugs through theft,fraud or other unlawful means.

Thousands have died in the past six years from prescription and illicit opioids.

Thousands have died in the past six years from prescription and illicit opioids.The Age/SMH

Law enforcement agencies concede that “no area is immune”,with recent cases ranging from emergency service workers stealing fentanyl - a synthetic opioid up to 100 times stronger than morphine - to residents of regional areas forging scripts for addictive painkillers such as OxyContin or Endone.

“The evidence … clearly shows that drug harm is not going away,” a Victoria Police spokesman said. “Victoria Police recognises that the increasing harms and deaths from the misuse of pharmaceutical medicines,including opioids,is a growing major public health and safety concern.”

NSW Police have repeatedly raised concerns about the rise of opioids and prescription medications at coronial inquiries and,in one 2018 inquest"specifically raised the misuse of Fentanyl as an issue of real concern".

The figures come one week afteran investigation by The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald examined the rise of opioids in Australia,where deaths have doubled in a decade,drug companies are aggressively marketing their products andgovernments are under growing pressure to act to avoid a US-style epidemic.

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Victoria had the most significant increase in pharmaceutical-related crimes,with offences involving prescription drugs up by more than 400 per cent in 10 years,from 826 offences in 2010 to 4234 in September 2019.

In the past five years alone,police recorded 19,162 offences in Victoria under the category of “prescription” drugs,which includes oxycodone (an opioid painkiller);alprazolam (a benzodiazepine trading under brands like Xanax) and buprenorphine (which is used to treat opioid addiction.)

In NSW,“pharmaceuticals” - which can include drugs obtained through a doctor’s prescription as well as over-the-counter medicine - accounted for 15,818 offences over the same period.

The figures - from the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research and Victoria’s Crime Statistics Agency - show that while the states categorise drug crimes differently,law enforcement agencies face a growing problem when it comes to medicinal substances. It comes in addition to the battle against illicit substances such as heroin,methamphetamine and ecstasy.

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The Australian Crime Intelligence Commission has thrown its weight behind calls for the Morrison Government to introduce a national prescription monitoring system,which would track how high-risk “Schedule 8” medicines such as opioids and benzodiazepines are dispensed by GPs and pharmacists.

In a letter to the government’s Therapeutic Goods Administration,ACIC chief Michael Phelan argued in 2018 that such a system could help crack down on the illegal trade,which he said was “most commonly supplied by criminal entrepreneurs who are motivated individuals,including persons who are long term users of various opioids.”

“Some doctors and pharmacists are complicit in the supply of pharmaceutical opioids to the illicit market,” Mr Phelan wrote. “Law enforcement access to the (national system) would permit agencies to identify individuals who are obtaining an unusually high number of prescription opioids.”

The ACIC toldThe Age and theHerald this month that its focus remains “one of prevention,to ensure the illicit market does not develop as it has in North America".

The US opioid crisis has claimed an estimated 400,000 lives since 1999,both from pharmaceutical opioids such as Oxycontin and fentanyl,as well as illegal opioids such as heroin. Australia has not yet reached such epidemic proportions,but figures suggest there are now at least three opioid-related deaths per day and 150 hospitalisations. In 2016,deaths from opioids exceeded the road toll.

Meanwhile,prescription-related crime is a pressing issue. In the NSW Hunter Valley pharmacists as far back as 2017 began noticing counterfeit prescriptions for addictive medicines circulating throughout the wine region,including some scripts printed on department of health paper.

Last year,an Illawara doctor was in court on aggravated sexual assault charges after making a male patient,who was addicted to painkillers,give him oral sex in exchange for renewing his prescription.

And in Victoria,paramedics were caught stealing fentanyl for their own personal use and sometimes replacing it with saline.

This led to an inquiry by the state’s anti corruption watchdog in 2017,while Ambulance Victoria introduced electronic drug safes,CCTV at every branch,and random drug testing for staff.

Ambulance Victoria chief executive Tony Walker said the organisation had worked hard to tackle the problem,and since those measures were implemented,there had been no further cases of fentanyl being substituted.

“But that doesn’t mean we can be complacent,” he added.

Farrah Tomazin is the North America correspondent for The Age and Sydney Morning Herald.

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