‘Hope and tears’:Biloela family peg change in fortunes on election outcome

Columnist and author

Priya and Nades Murugappan are two Tamil refugees who came to Australia separately from war-torn Sri Lanka a decade ago,seeking asylum. They met,married,and were granted bridging visas,whereupon they settled in the tight-knit community of Biloela in central Queensland,where they worked,paid taxes,and had two daughters,Kopika and Tharnicaa. In early 2018,the morning after their bridging visa expired,their home was raided by Australian Border Force. They were eventually sent to Christmas Island – the detention centre’s sole residents – and stayed there until last year,when an unwell Tharnicaa was finally flown to Perth. The family have been there since. With the help of a translator,I talked to the mother of the family,Priya,on Friday.

Nades and Priya Murugappan with their daughters Kopika and Tharnicaa.

Nades and Priya Murugappan with their daughters Kopika and Tharnicaa.Supplied

Fitz: How is your family?

PM: We have a little bit of freedom and are a little bit happy to be surviving at the moment.

Fitz: Do your daughters feel Australian?

PM: Oh yes,they are. They always say that. This is the only country they have known.

Fitz: Do you and your husband also feel Australian?

Tharnicaa and her sister Kopika in hospital on Christmas Island in 2021.

Tharnicaa and her sister Kopika in hospital on Christmas Island in 2021.

PM: We want tobeAustralians. We want to respect Australian culture and laws and live safe and peaceful lives,but it has been very difficult so far.

Fitz: Why did you love Biloela so,and why did they love you – for both you and that community to have fought so long and hard to have you come #BackToBilo?

PM: Because we felt safe in Biloela and we had a peaceful life with our family. And my children were born there. And we had a really peaceful and happy life. Biloela is ourhome. And we love the community because they were always friendly people. So we were very lucky to have those people in our lives. It was such a lovely community that there was a quick connection between us and them. They helped give ushope and they are the reason we are still fighting to get back there,to our home. Our daughters ask all the time,“When will we be going back to Biloela,to our safe and happy life,to our home?”

Fitz: What do you remember of the time in 2018 when the Australian Border Force raided your home at dawn,to put you all in detention?

Biloela locals have rallied around Nades and Priya Murugappan.

Biloela locals have rallied around Nades and Priya Murugappan.Paul Harris

PM: It was horrific and terrible. I don’t have the words to put it. You know I was still in my nightdress and my children were still in bed. And 50 people,with police officers,arrived at dawn. And we were put in a vehicle,and they didn’t even allow us to pack or change. I was put in police car,in my nightdress. It was horrific. They treated us very badly and without humanity. We couldn’t even get a bottle for the baby,or a change of clothes.

Fitz: What was Christmas Island like?

PM: That was a life that is not suitable for children. We were put in a box and not allowed to go outside,other than to school[with guards accompanying my daughter]. The whole family had to stay in one room,with one bed. There were a lot of other issues too:not enough medical facilities and I felt harassment. It was a very terrible way to live.

Fitz: Your youngest daughter,Tharnicaa,was medically evacuated to Perth last June. Is she recovered from her medical woes?

PM: Thank you. She is still affected from the pneumonia she had. She is still seeing a doctor sometimes,as she lost weight and was not feeling normal. But she is slowly getting better. Thank you.

Fitz: Tharnicaa,four years old,is now in community detention without a visa. Why,of the four of you,is she the one who is regarded as a danger to shipping? Why can’t she get a bridging visa too?

PM: I don’t know. It seems a very unjustified thing to do,that is done to justify the punishment already done to us. I don’t know why they happen to be so cruel to us,to a four-year-old,who was born in Australia. I feel this is like a punishment to us.

Fitz: When the girls are older and they ask you “Mum,why did the Australian government spend $60 million to keep us out of Australia when we had a community to go to and when we were not dangerous,” what will you reply?

PM: I will tell them we as a family are not responsible for that money being spent. We were being used to support government policies. It was never about us. It was about the government staying in power. I have recorded videos and photos and everything of how we live our life in detention. So I will show them so they don’t forget. This is how we were put in a box with one bed and had a very limited life. They say they are “spending the money on refugees,” but the reality is that they just paying for the guards. We were treated very badly. And I will make clear to my girls that this what happened to us.

Fitz:The Australian government has said you are not genuine refugees,saying you are “unlawful non-citizens”. In your view,what would happen if you were to be sent back to Sri Lanka?

PM: Weare genuine refugees. We face torture if we go back. I have faced horrible things in my life and I am still carrying the scars. There’s just one department deciding whether or not we are legal refugees or not. Not even the court decides that. I feel like the justice system is broken.

Fitz: The last asylum seekers and refugees who were transferred to Australia for medical treatment were released in Melbourne last week. Why are the last four left?

PM: I don’t know what’s going on with our situation but I think they are holding us back to justify what they have done to us so far,destroying my children’s hope. I go to bed every night with tears and am waking up with hope,but every time our hope is destroyed and at night it is tears again. It is a very unpredictable situation for us.

Fitz: You have been in community detention. Labor has said if it wins this election,you will be granted visas and be allowed to go back to Biloela. Do you feel like your family’s fate rests on the election result?

PM: We do hope that our situation will change because it’s been four years we’ve been punished by this government. But I feel hope in next election and that it will bring some hope to our family.

Fitz:Do you ever feel bitter at your treatment?

PM: I feel disgust at the way we have been treated. It’s not the way you treat humans. Sometimes I feel really depressed. It’s got to me and I ask God:“why has this happened?” We have not done anything wrong,so why is my family being punished? We respect Australia,and have respected its rules and regulations. We had a wonderful life in Biloela,with that community. We love them and we respect all laws. So why are people from outside treating us like that. So I have got that question. Why? What have we done?

Joke of the week

My Kid:I feel like you’re always making up rules and stuff.

Me: Like what?

My Kid: Like if I don’t clean my room a portal will open and take me to another dimension.

Me: Well that’s what happened to your older brother.

My Kid: What older brother?

Me: Exactly.

Tweet of the week

“Deidre Chambers!” Greg Jericho on twitter,in response to the PMdenying any knowledge of how Premier Dominic Perrottet’s texts to him,supporting his outrageous stance on trans athletes,leaked into the media

Quotes of the week

“We want to take a cautious and proportionate approach as we enter the colder months when we know that we might have flu circulating at higher levels. We have to coexist with COVID-19,but we can’t ignore it.”NSW Chief Health Officer Dr Kerry Chantabout the relaxing of COVID rules this week

“My opponents,parts of the left media and twittersphere have been unrelenting in calling for me to be disendorsed because of past statements. I have been bullied in the most vile way and received death threats. I’m not going anywhere,as the prime minister said yesterday.”Katherine Deves,Warringah’s Liberal Party candidate,hanging on for grim death. And the trans athletes Ms Deves? You don’t think your comments help legitimise the bullying they have suffered?

“I’m pleased she apologised and would encourage her to sit down and work with the trans community and their families to get a better understanding of how these kinds of comments can impact them.”MP Trent Zimmerman,trying hard to sound balanced and reasonable about Katherine Deves.

“As you all know it takes enormous woman and manpower to operate this important annual event. And like many businesses and organisations we have been impacted by COVID.”Tracy Bonfante for the Country Women’s Association,announcing on Monday that the NSW CWA’s tearoom at the Royal Easter Show had been closed because some of its volunteers had contracted COVID-19,which meant no scones.

“These dangers are small,but poorly understood and not yet well managed.” Toby Ord of Oxford’s Future of Humanity Institute,being cautious abouta NASA proposal to reveal Earth’s location. Researchers at the US space agency have backed a broadcast message,dubbed the “Beacon in the Galaxy”,intended to greet extra-terrestrial intelligences. Beam me up,Sco . . . Oh,wait!

“The draft business case will be reported to the audit,risk and improvement committee,and also presented to a councillor workshop,before being reported to the ordinary council meeting in June 2022,along with a plan for community engagement.”Inner West Council general manager Peter Gainsford explaining how easy it will be for reluctantly merged inner city councils to de-merge themselves.

“$46 a week.”Scott Morrison,asked in Perth if he knew what the JobSeeker rate was. (It’s $46 a day)

“I misspoke.”Scott Morrison asked later how he got it wrong.

“I wish they would stop talking about historical issues like stopping the boats. What are they doing about the present – like the people left homeless by the floods in Lismore.”Fiona Lewis,giving her view as an audience memberat the first debate between Scott Morrison and Anthony Albanese.

“What we are seeing in NSW is unique on a global scale. The world is watching what NSW is doing. The decline is definitely real,but it has been accelerated by COVID-19 restrictions.”Professor Andrew Grulich,head of the HIV Epidemiology and Prevention Program at the Kirby Institute,as NSWreported its lowest number of new HIV infections on record last year with the goal of elimination of the virus in the state now “well within reach by 2025.” The achievement would make NSW one of the first places in the world to eliminate HIV before the global target of 2030,public health experts say.

“Jenny and I have been blessed,we have two children who haven’t had to go through that. And so for parents,with children who are disabled,I can only try and understand your aspirations for those children. And then I think that is the beauty of the National Disability Insurance Scheme.”Scott Morrison during his first campaign debate with Anthony Albanese.

Peter FitzSimons is a journalist and columnist with The Sydney Morning Herald.

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