Lulu is 11. She has long COVID. Her mother just wants someone to help


Ginger Pig’s new mohawk does not suit her. The hands that chopped at her hair have left it frayed,and taken a chunk of the guinea pig’s whiskers,too.

But the hairdresser had no choice. Mum liked Ginger Pig too much,and Blossom was missing out. It wasn’t fair,Lulu thought. And when you’re 11 years old,fairness is very important.

Lulu,11,holds Blossom.

Lulu,11,holds Blossom.Jason South

These tiny dramas have become everything to Lulu as her world has shrunk down to her house in St Leonards,her pets and her mum,Lynne Donnelly.

Lulu has long COVID. For more than 12 months,she’s had digestive pain,problems concentrating and a tiredness she can’t sleep away. She slumbers 20 hours a day. “I don’t know why,” she says in a little voice.

The pandemic is over and we’ve all moved on. But life has not been fair to Lulu. She is stuck,with little help and no treatment.

“She’s completely isolated,” says Lynne. “This has taken away everything.

“We’re having to fight for her all the time. That has been exhausting. You just want people to open their arms and say ‘we can help’.”

Children have so far been largely protected from the direct effects of COVID-19 — an unexpected silver lining most likely due to the unique arrangement of the developing immune system.

Lynne Donnelly,left,and Lulu.

Lynne Donnelly,left,and Lulu.Jason South

This protection seems to extend to long COVID. “It’s very uncommon and it’s not something that should concern most people,” says Associate Professor Philip Britton,a University of Sydney paediatric physician who works with children who have the disease.

Studies using different methods come to different conclusions but after looking at all the data,Britton estimates the true prevalence among children at less than 1 per cent.

But thedata and science is clear:kids do get long COVID,and for some it can upend life. “It is very clear they are not at zero risk,” says the University of Tasmania’s Professor Martin Hensher,who haspublished modelling of long COVID prevalence in Australia.

The pandemic stretched Australia’s health system to breaking point. Treasury mandarins now look at the hundreds of thousands of adults who have long COVIDwith mounting alarm. Amid the chaos,kids with long COVID have fallen to the bottom of the priority list.

“I have colleagues who say ‘this does not really exist,it’s all in people’s heads’,” says Britton. “The problem with that is,for the small number of children and families genuinely affected by this,they often experience not being heard,difficulty accessing care,and they find it hard to form trusted clinical relationships with doctors.”

Lulu sometimes slumbers 20 hours a day.

Lulu sometimes slumbers 20 hours a day.Jason South

In October 2021,Victoria hit the 70 per cent vaccinated mark andended its last lockdown (a vaccine for children Lulu’s age wouldn’t get rolled out forfour more months). St Leonards was hit with a big outbreak.

“Lulu was just knocked out — in bed,high fever,severely fatigued,” says Lynne. “And then she sort of was OK-ish,but not really. She just started sleeping all the time and complaining of tummy aches.”

Lynne waited for Lulu to get better. She never did. Her book-loving daughter lost interest because she couldn’t concentrate,the words blurring and sliding off the page.

Government study shows about 12 per cent of workers are sick with COVID-19.

They went to the local GP,who ordered a battery of tests. The only thing they turned up were inflamed lymph nodes in the stomach,and signatures of Epstein-Barr virus reactivation. That was a “red herring”,Lynne was later told. Time and again,they’d be sent home with a reassurance the symptoms would lift. They never did.

“She’s gone from being present at school,being a popular member of the class,someone who’s really social,” says Lulu’s teacher,Shane Collins,“to someone who we try to talk about her daily but she’s not here.”

St Leonards Primary has tried to keep her involved with regular Zoom calls. “But there’s been no script for this,” says Chris Layley,the school’s student welfare supporter.

In early December,Lynne found she couldn’t wake Lulu at all. Terrified,she carried her daughter to the car and drove to the nearest hospital,in Geelong. Doctors there fretted about Lulu’s weight — she was down five kilograms,a lot for a skinny kid. But they also couldn’t find anything wrong with her. Eventually,they were sent home again.

“I don’t want to stay at home. It’s not fun. It’s boring,” says Lulu.

“I don’t want to stay at home. It’s not fun. It’s boring,” says Lulu.Jason South

The family’s lives became smaller and smaller. To care for Lulu,Lynne stopped working. Lulu would lie in a chair or bed,half-asleep,kept company by a cat or guinea pig. Lynne watched her vivacious and active daughter become anxious and fearful.

“I don’t want to stay at home. It’s not fun. It’s boring,” says Lulu.

She used to hike the dunes around home,pedal her bike,drag mum’s paddle-board down to the beach. Now she crashes so hard after any physical activity,her mum has banned her from running.

Doctors were baffled by Lulu’s constellation of symptoms. But they map very well with what other children with long COVID report,says Britton.

We still don’t know the underlying drivers oflong COVID in adults,let alone in children. Epstein-Barr virus reactivation is “one of the very strong areas of interest”,Britton says. There is some evidence the virus may set up a long-term infection in the gut,causing the aches common to Lulu and many people with long COVID.

Genes could also play a role. Lynne still struggles with long-term symptoms from a virus she caught two years ago. A large British study suggests when a parent has long COVID,their child is almost twice as likely to develop it.

Ultimately,we know “much less than we would like”,says Britton. But we do know most children,over six or 12 months,do recover. The problem is both diagnosing kids and supporting them until they get better.

Lulu’s school says it needs support from the Education Department — guidelines on how to care for children with long COVID and keep them in education.

After much searching,Lynne eventually drove Lulu down to the Royal Children’s Hospital’s long COVID clinic. They’re still on a waiting list. The clinic is under-resourced and does not have ongoing funding,Dr Shidan Tosif told this masthead. “It impairs our capacity to support children which is not how it should be.”

Given the disease is rare in kids,a little funding would go a long way,in particular to educate GPs on diagnosis and support. “At the moment there are no dedicated resources in any state or territory that I am aware of for clinical care for children with long COVID,” says Britton.

The RCH referred Lulu to a chronic fatigue syndrome clinic but it offers only exercise therapy,unsuitable for patients who crash after working out.

Lynne is left with nothing to do other than care for her daughter and hope she gets better.

“We’re going through this pretty much alone,” she says. “I think it’s showing that something’s deeply wrong with our society when it’s really hard to get help when you really need it for a child.”

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Liam Mannix is The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald's national science reporter.

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