News Corp executive's novel makes 50 Shades look tame

News Corp supremo Siobhan McKenna. Illustration:Joe Benke

News Corp supremo Siobhan McKenna. Illustration:Joe Benke

The pandemic has been good for the erotica industry. Consumption of pornography is at record levels while the internet is in a lather about365 Days,a spellbindingly terrible Polish softcore thriller racing up the Netflix charts.

Which brings us toSiobhan McKenna,News Corporation Australia’s broadcasting boss,Lachlan Murdoch’s most trusted executive and a director on many boards including Woolworths,Foxtel and Melbourne Grammar School.

McKenna has written a novel,Man in Armour,which publisher HarperCollins (owned by News Corp) says is"set in the world of big money and big deals"and the"compelling story of a man at the end of his tether,written with a sharp-eyed,incisive focus that also carries real emotional − and moral − resonance''.

It also contains sex. Very graphic sex. The sort of sex that makes50 Shades of Grey read like a work of Austenian restraint. Your diarist would like to tell you exactly what the hero ofMan in Armour,a high-flying executive called Charles Edgeware,gets up to in his leisure time − but this is a family newspaper. Here are some edited highlights.

At one point Charles enjoys sushi in London with a female acquaintance who is preoccupied with something else. “He could feel the breath from her nostrils on his thighs. But he was distracted,staring into the sun. At his city. At his prison. At his battleground. He withdrew. He would ejaculate over London.”

Then there’s the section where Charles attends a business meeting to discuss one of those big deals of his. The meeting is populated by characters called “Miss Prim”,“the Chairman Lothario” and “the Red Woman” who also goes by “Naomi” and wastes no time flirting with Charlie when they are re-introduced.

“The Red Woman stepped away from the Lothario and towards Charles,saying ‘Of course’. A look of consternation crossed the Lothario’s face as she leaned in to mark Charles’s cheek with red. ‘Everyone knows Charles’. The chief executive raised his eyebrows. The Lothario’s face hardened as Naomi laughed softly,her face lingering a breath away from Charles’s. Charles took an uncomfortable step back. And became aware of his erection. What was she doing? Silly Bitch. ‘We’ve just been talking about balance sheet risk,Charles’,the Lothario stated,frowning at the mark of Charles’s cheek. ‘Oh?’ Charles said politely. His blood cooled.”


McKenna is an influential figure in the business community and keeps a very low profile. Your diarist called to ask whether she worried publishing such a raunchy thriller would make her more conspicuous.

McKenna described herself as “a very private person” and went on to say “my business profile is about as low as I can make it so I guess it’s a testament to how serious I am about writing that I would be prepared to publish a novel”.

McKenna saidMan in Armour would not be “everyone’s cup of tea” and that it was “not a children’s book”. We agree. Don’t buy it for your kids. “Hopefully people will read it for themselves and make up their own minds,” she added.

Of course,when a person writes a work of fiction people may be tempted to speculate about whether certain characters are based on real people. McKenna warned us not to get excited.

“I know the business community very well and I think what emerges in the novel is a compelling view of that world. The story itself and the people in the story are fictional and,from that perspective,I’m not worried.”


Forget the lycra parade of the early morning peloton. There’s a new power sport attracting Sydney’s smart set − surf ski paddling.

PaddlerLuke Horderhas racked up more than 500 members at his surf-ski paddle business,the Sydney Harbour Surf Club on Rose Bay. Venture capitalistMark Carnegiewas the club’s very first member. He’s now been joined by the likes of Atlassian founderScott Farquhar,Olympic sailorTom Slingsbyand McGrath chief executiveGeoff Lucas. Shaw and Partners are now sponsors,probably thanks to the group’s co-chief executiveEarl Evans who is a fanatic. Other banking regulars include Macquarie executiveJustin Crawford andDavid Finnemore.

Just don’t mention it to Carnegie,who is still stuck on his farm in New Zealand after leaving Australia before the pandemic. He’s still thousands of kilometres away from his favourite hobby,which has seen him paddle internationally,including catching a tidal wave 10 kilometres up a Sumatran river.

On Sunday,he reflected on starting out paddling on a tough,racing grade surf-ski,with barely any stability. Horder took Carnegie out into Rose Bay but,after watching the businessman spend more time in the water than on the ski,had to make some adjustments.

“He attached a pool noodle to either side of the surf ski,just like pool floaties,” Carnegie said.

What’s worse,is that Carnegie knew that the lunch crowd - including his friend and well-known art dealerJustin Miller -enjoying life inside the exclusive Pier restaurant could see his struggle on the water.

“A humbling experience,” he said.


In a week where Qantas axed 6000 jobs at the airline,it’s no surprise to see chief executiveAlan Joycewas keen for some fresh air over the weekend. The active aviation boss was spotted on Saturday at Palm Beach with his husbandShane Lloyd,both giving their legs a workout climbing the hills around the beach.

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Samantha Hutchinson is the AFR's National Reporter. Most recently,she was CBD columnist for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age. Before that,she covered Victorian and NSW politics and business for The Australian,the AFR and BRW Magazine.

Paul Sakkal is federal political correspondent for The Age and Sydney Morning Herald who previously covered Victorian politics and has won two Walkley awards.

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