Clean-up starts at Bondi house full of rubbish

Heaters,lounge cushions,hardback books - even a roundabout sign - were among the rubbish piled high in the front yard of the Bobolas family's home in Boonara Avenue,Bondi.

The family was forced to let go of the clutter after the Land and Environement Court ordered Waverley Council to remove rubbish piled in some places almost as high as the eaves.

The council estimates that 200 cubic metres will need to be removed from the property which neighbours say attracts rats and other rodents.

But Elena Bobolas said on Friday the council had no right to enter her mother's house nor remove any of their property.

Clean-up operation:It is estiimated that it will take five days to clear out the house.

Clean-up operation:It is estiimated that it will take five days to clear out the house.Ben rushton

"We have arrangements in place and we could have finished the work ourselves,"she said.

Fairfax Media has previously reported the family was sleeping in a rented van as they could no longer live in the house. However,this was denied by Ms Bobolas.

George Taouk,co-owner of The Rubbish Taxi,the company responsible for removing the mess,said the company had done several similar jobs.

He had brought 11 men and three trucks to do the job,which he said would take up to five days. One truck was filled within 15 minutes.

Mountains of rubbish:The home of Mary Bobolas is being cleaned out.

Mountains of rubbish:The home of Mary Bobolas is being cleaned out.Ben Rushton

Despite the manpower and their speed,after one hour of work only about four square metres had been removed.

This is the fourth time since 2005 that rubbish has been removed from the property under court order.

Contractors remove rubbish from the home of Mary Bobolas.

Contractors remove rubbish from the home of Mary Bobolas.Ben Rushton

Neighbours are both sympathetic to the hoarders and fed up.

"We have had it up to here,"said Michelle,who declined to give her surname.

Her family has lived in the street since 1998 and had called council many times to complain.

Her son,Adam,said the house was a health hazard.

"It's just so disgusting for it to be going 20-plus years and it's ongoing,"he said."I think it's outrageous that this can be going for so long and no one can stop them from hoarding."

He said the state of the house had most likely affected property prices in the street.

"This is a beautiful part of Bondi and I'm no property expert,but if I was a potential buyer or investor I wouldn't buy here."

Colm Drumgoole,who lives next to the house,said the family's hoarding problem was a terrible cycle.

"I've seen Mary all this week and her kids ... carrying stuff down the road,they're hiding down here,they're hiding up there,so as soon as this circus is finished it will start all over again."

Waverley Council general manager Arthur Kyron said a community support service would be on site to support the family during the clean-up.

“We understand this is a difficult time for the owners and we hope they will accept the support we offer them.”

He said the council would work with the family to ensure the rubbish did not get out of hand again.

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