Government tried to hide Premier's involvement in council grants scheme

The NSW government tried to withhold documents that show bureaucrats concealing Premier Gladys Berejiklian's personal involvement in a council grants scheme now alleged to be the subject of rorting.

In email correspondence seen by theHerald,a draft answer to parliamentary questions said the Premier signed off on a $1 million grant to Hunters Hill Council under the Stronger Communities Fund,but that answer was struck out and amended.

NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian approved of more than $100 million going to councils in Coalition-held seats.

NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian approved of more than $100 million going to councils in Coalition-held seats.Nick Moir

The correspondence was released to Greens MLC David Shoebridge after Parliament's independent arbiter,Keith Mason,QC,upheld the upper house MP's challenge to the government's claim of privilege over the material.

"Today we can confirm the government deliberately hid the Premier’s role in this $250 million local government grants scandal,"Mr Shoebridge said.

"The government knew that what they had done was wrong and that's why they kept hiding the Premier's involvement."

TheHerald reported last month the Premier directly signed off on more than $100 million going to councils in Coalition-held electorates in the lead-up to last year's state election.

NSW Auditor-General Margaret Crawford has confirmed she is investigating the government's handling of the fund,which delivers community projects to local areas,following a request last month from Labor's local government spokesman Greg Warren.

The fund was set up by the Baird government in 2016 for the purpose of financially supporting amalgamated councils,but Ms Berejiklian's office updated the guidelines about the same time she approved of grants to multiple councils that hadn't merged,including $90 million for Hornsby Shire Council.

During a budget estimates hearing in March Mr Shoebridge asked Office of Local Government chief executive Tim Hurst the process through which Hunters Hill – another council that hadn't merged – received the grant. He later asked who decided which councils were eligible or ineligible to receive funding.

NSW Greens MP David Shoebridge is chairing a parliamentary inquiry into allegations of grant rorting.

NSW Greens MP David Shoebridge is chairing a parliamentary inquiry into allegations of grant rorting.Dominic Lorrimer

Mr Hurst responded that he could not answer the latter question:"I can only advise that we were told the councils to pay and the projects,and the Office of Local Government prepared the agreements,sent them to the councils,executed them and paid the funds."

After Mr Shoebridge asked"who told you,"Mr Hurst said the question had been taken on notice.

In the draft response,released to Mr Shoebridge on Thursday,the answer stating that the OLG"was advised that the Premier approved the allocation of funds,and the nominated projects,under the Stronger Communities Fund tied grants round to Hunters Hill Council"had been struck out.

The amended answer read:"OLG allocated funds based on the Stronger Communities Fund grants guidelines,approved by the former minister for local government in 2018."

TheHerald contacted the OLG,asking why the answers were changed.

A NSW government spokesperson said"all responses were prepared and submitted in accordance with standing orders and committee procedures".

Emails from a tranche previously released to Mr Shoebridge under the upper house's"call for papers"powers show staff from the Premier's office corresponding directly with Mr Hurst about the grants Ms Berejiklian had approved.

Hornsby Shire Council was given $90 million,part of which was allocated to transform a disused quarry into a park.

Hornsby Shire Council was given $90 million,part of which was allocated to transform a disused quarry into a park.Supplied

An OLG spokesperson previously said that,at times,the department needed to clarify matters with the decision-makers,"which required direct liaison with the offices of the Premier and Deputy Premier".

An email from one of the Premier's senior advisers in June 2018 said Ms Berejiklian had"reluctantly"signed off on a grant for Hunters Hill Council at the request of then-housing minister Anthony Roberts.

Mr Roberts then announced a sporting oval upgrade in his Lane Cove electorate.

The NSW government has said that all funding allocations followed established guidelines,with the program delivering"significant benefits"to local communities across the state.

A previous Greens analysis of the allotment of Stronger Communities Fund grants showed almost 80 per cent of the $250 million pool had been given to Coalition-held seats since 2017.

Following calls for the government to release all papers relating to the fund,including the draft answers,to the Upper House,in early June the government submitted an argument for parliamentary privilege,which failed.

Parliament's Public Accountability Committee,of which Mr Shoebridge is the chairman,had commenced an inquiry into allegations of grant rorting,with submissions closing on August 23.

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Angus Thompson is a federal workplace,education and migration reporter for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

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