Premier's office under investigation for council grants document shredding

The state’s Information Commissioner has launched a preliminary investigation into the Premier’s office shredding documents related to more than $250 million in council grants.

This comes as Labor and the Greens accused the government of trying to stop a key witness from giving evidence to a parliamentary inquiry.

Commissioner Elizabeth Tydd wrote to Labor’s Greg Warren on Friday and said she would use her legislated powers to investigate after senior policy adviser Sarah Lau testified to shredding notes and deleting electronic records showing Premier Gladys Berejiklian's approval for spending on projects now the subject of pork-barrelling claims.

Information Commissioner,Elizabeth Tydd has launched a preliminary investigation into the document shredding.

Information Commissioner,Elizabeth Tydd has launched a preliminary investigation into the document shredding.Brook Mitchell

Emails also emerged showing Department of Premier and Cabinet staff repeatedly trying to discourage the upper house's Public Accountability Committee from calling Ms Lau to give evidence in the days before she appeared at the inquiry alongside the Premier's former chief-of-staff Sarah Cruickshank last Friday.

Greens MLC David Shoebridge,who is chairing the inquiry into the alleged misuse of government grants,announced on Friday the committee had resolved to call the Premier's former policy director Matthew Crocker,who assisted Ms Lau in preparing the briefing notes that were later shredded.

"The Premier,her office and department need to be held to account for their bungled efforts to mislead and misdirect the parliament,"Mr Shoebridge said.

The Premier's office declined to comment after being contacted by theSydney Morning Herald.

NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian's office has said she was not the decision-maker for the Stronger Communities Fund.

NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian's office has said she was not the decision-maker for the Stronger Communities Fund.Nick Moir

The Department of Premier and Cabinet denied any"attempt to mislead Parliament".

"These are very serious allegations that DPC rejects."

When asked about the the emails,a department spokesperson said:All written correspondence between the Committee and DPC is available in the tabled emails. DPC doesn't have anything further to add."

According to a Labor's analysis,95 per cent of the $252 million pool went to councils in Coalition seats in the lead up to the 2019 state election. Emails show the Premier approved almost $142 million,the majority of which went to councils in Coalition seats,including $90 million for Hornsby Shire Council.

Gladys Berejiklian's senior policy adviser Sarah Lau gave evidence at a parliamentary inquiry into the grants.

Gladys Berejiklian's senior policy adviser Sarah Lau gave evidence at a parliamentary inquiry into the grants.NSW Parliament

Emails uploaded onto the inquiry's website late on Thursday show correspondence between the Department and the Public Accountability Committee's secretariat regarding government witnesses,with one October 16 departmental email saying all records concerning Ms Lau's role had already been produced to parliament.

"I am therefore advised that Ms Lau is unlikely to be able to assist the Committee's inquiries further by attending in person,"the departmental staffer,whose name has been removed,wrote a week before Ms Lau gave evidence alongside the Premier's former chief of staff Sarah Cruickshank.

The staffer said the Office of Local Government and Department of Regional NSW would be better placed to assist the inquiry,despite OLG head Tim Hurst saying the grants were allocated by the Premier,Deputy Premier John Barilaro,and then Minister for Local Government,Gabrielle Upton. Ms Berejiklian has denied being the decision-maker behind any of the funding allocations.

Greens MLC David Shoebridge and Labor's John Graham outside Parliament House on Friday.

Greens MLC David Shoebridge and Labor's John Graham outside Parliament House on Friday.Renee Nowytarger

A NSW Government spokesperson has previously said that the guidelines for the administration of the fund were followed at all times and the grants benefited community projects statewide.

An October 19 email from a departmental staffer said both Ms Lau and Ms Cruickshank considered their attendance wouldn't be able to assist the inquiry.

The staffer also asked whether the committee was able to inform them beforehand of the matters they wanted the witnesses to talk about,before acknowledging it was a"novel request".

Labor's John Graham labelled the emails"extraordinary":"Without Ms Lau’s evidence we wouldn’t know what happened to these documents,the fact that they’d been shredded,the electronic records deleted."

"This whole scandal looks like a conspiracy,[but] we’ll wait until the multiple investigations that have now been launched into this conclude to make that judgment,"Mr Graham said.

Mr Warren,the Opposition's spokesman for local government,referred the issue of the shredded documents to NSW Police and the Information Commissioner amid concerns Ms Berejiklian’s office had breached the State Records Act and the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.

Ms Tydd said her powers allowed her to look at whether “conduct (including action or inaction) contravened the GIPA Act.

“It is not apparent whether you have written to the State Records and Archives Authority (SARA) but I propose to separately contact SARA in accordance with my powers under section 33(2) of the GIIC Act,” Ms Tydd wrote.

Earlier this year NSW Auditor-General Margaret Crawford wrote to Mr Warren to tell him she would investigate the Stronger Communities Fund,among other grant schemes,following a request from him.

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Angus Thompson is a federal workplace,education and migration reporter for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

Alexandra Smith is the State Political Editor of The Sydney Morning Herald.

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