'She dominates every time':Punters honour Winx in her last race

As Winx ran her final race,the significance was not missed by racegoers at Royal Randwick with many paying homage to the mare who has become a household name.

Nerida Winter,the official milliner to the Australian Turf Club since 2003,said the races were her busiest time of the year.

But,there was one trend that stood out for Ms Winter. “This year,it’s all about the blue,” she said.

Liz Bellos,who has travelled from Victoria to see the race,and official milliner Nerida Winter,will cheer on Winx.

Liz Bellos,who has travelled from Victoria to see the race,and official milliner Nerida Winter,will cheer on Winx.Brook Mitchell

Kate Ryan,dressed as Winx’s jockey Hugh Bowman,arrived at 11.30am to mark out a spot next to where the winning horse would cross the line.

Kate Ryan has travelled over five hours to see Winx's final race.

Kate Ryan has travelled over five hours to see Winx's final race.Brook Mitchell

Ms Ryan travelled more than five hours to attend Winx’s final race and said although there is a “drought where I live,the race has raised our spirits”.

When Ms Ryan found out this race would be the winning mare’s last,she knew she had to come and asked her dressmaker to make her outfit. Her dressmaker created the masterpiece in about two weeks and when Ms Ryan saw it,she"couldn't wait to wear it".

Similarly dressed Liz Bellos,who made her jockey outfit for under $15,said,"It doesn't matter if Winx wins or losses". She was there for"the moment in history".

Jake Denny,who wore a sequined jacket,was excited to see the"amazing"horse,even hoping to put a few dollars on her,despite being at very low odds.

"Winx knows the audience,"he said."She dominates every time."

Minutes before Winx's race,thousands of punters piled into the stands,many standing on tiptoes and holding cameras in the air. But once the race started,the crowd grew silent,many whispering their support for Winx.

As the horses drew closer to the stands,the crowd started to grow louder,and as the champion crossed the line,and cheers and blue streamers erupted,tears pooled in racegoer Clare Thompson's eyes.

"It's emotional,"she said."The races are always a great day but today is even more special."

For many,like Faye Hedaytatian and Britany Evans,it was their first time at the races. The pair,who didn't know it would be the mare's last race when they bought their tickets,were glad they had been able to see the horse whose"name you've heard"before she retired.

Winx claimed her 33rd consecutive win in the Longines Queen Elizabeth Stakes,netting $2.32 million in prize money.

Laura Chung is an environment reporter for The Sydney Morning Herald.

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