We need an inquiry into the handling – good and bad – of the pandemic

Hello from my couch,where I’m writing this note in self-isolation. I’ve somehow managed to contract COVID-19 for the third time,which feels like something of a world record!

I first caught COVID-19 in April 2020 as theHerald’s Europe correspondent in London. That wasn’t very fun,as I wrote at the time. The second infection was in December last year,just before I moved back to Sydney to take up the editorship of theHerald. I had an annoying cough then but felt fine and thankful for being triple vaccinated.

This time,I don’t feel as bad as the first bout but much worse than the one just five months ago.

Reinfection seems like an extreme case of bad luck but,as theHerald’s excellent health reportersLucy Carroll and Mary Ward write today,tens of thousands of people in NSW have most likely caught COVID-19 more than once,as highly contagious Omicron sub-variants such as the newly arrived BA.4 strain increase the chance of second or even third infections.

Experts say reinfections are still rare,but they will “become more and more common” – and are expected to be milder – as the virus shifts to an endemic phase.

Regrettably,NSW Health has not made public the number of COVID-19 reinfections recorded and federal authorities don’t even collect the data. How hard can it be? Plenty of other countries manage to do it.

Coronavirus seems to be sweeping around NSW at the moment,although the official numbers are actually on the decline. Hospitalisations are climbing but not substantially.

We are well protected,though:94.7 per cent of people aged 16 and over have had two vaccine doses and 62.3 per cent three doses. About 80 per cent of children aged 12 to 15 have had two doses.

The Herald supported the recent decision to ease the isolation rules for close household contacts because staying home for seven days places huge strains on people’s mental health and on staffing at workplaces,including hospitals and airports.

But is NSW ready to follow England,where people who have COVID-19 are now under no obligation to self-isolate? I really don’t think so. But I do suspect that’s where things are headed eventually.

I still reflect a lot about how the UK managed to so comprehensively stuff up the start of the pandemic and then pull off one of the world’s fastest vaccination rollouts. I read with interest a recent High Court decision that found England’s controversial decision to discharge hospital patients into care homes at the start of the pandemic was illegal. The policy was designed to free up 25,000 hospital beds for COVID-19 patients,but it ended up introducing the virus into nursing homes and killed thousands of people.

That policy will be one focus of an impending public inquiry in the UK which will drill into the health and economic responses to the pandemic.

I believe Australia needs its own inquiry into the handling – good and bad – of the pandemic but Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese are not taking any firm commitment on this to the election.

Some Labor MPs have publicly advocated for a royal commission and while Albanese does back the need for some kind of retrospective examination,he is cautious about the timing and shape of any inquiry. Morrison last year said,“there’ll be a time and a place to have those discussions”,but that time was not now.

Albanese and Morrison are short-sighted. Some people died who didn’t need to,while others had their freedoms and liberties restricted in outrageous and unjustified ways. Taxpayer funds were well-spent in certain areas,but vast amounts were wasted in others.

This does not have to be a partisan issue. Former Liberal prime minister Tony Abbott has backed a COVID-19 inquiry,as has former Victorian Liberal premier Jeff Kennett and former Queensland Labor premier Peter Beattie.

An inquiry should not be seen as a witch-hunt but as a chance for a mature country to look back at what went right and what went wrong. This deserves to be an election issue.

Bevan Shields sends an exclusive newsletter to subscribers each week.Sign up to receive his Note from the Editor.

Bevan Shields is the Editor of The Sydney Morning Herald.

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