PM wedges himself on climate - and opens a door for Labor

It’s time to talk about Anthony Albanese,and his ambition for climate change policy. The Labor leader has reached the inflection point in the electoral cycle where he must choose between truce and attack.

Will he match the minimalist program Scott Morrison took to Glasgow on Australia’s behalf this week to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050 – a position that annoys the international community,but attempts to take climate change off the table as an election issue? Or will he accept the Prime Minister’s implied challenge of a policy fight and adopt a more aggressive interim target for 2030 – a platform that would please our allies in Washington and London,but risk an anti-Labor backlash in Queensland and regional NSW?

Illustration:John Shakespeare

Illustration:John ShakespeareThe Sydney Morning Herald

The answer depends on whether Albanese and his colleagues can see the wedge that Morrison has created for himself.

Lost in all the drama of the past fortnight,from Morrison’s minute-to-midnight deal with the Nationals on net zero to his undiplomatic spat with French President Emanuel Macron at the G20 in Rome and COP26 in Glasgow,is the reversal of the domestic politics of 2019.

The PM is walking in Bill Shorten’s shoes now,on both sides of the argument on climate change. This is harder than it seems,even for a politician of Morrison’s epic self-belief. He is asking the so-called Quiet Australians who don’t pay attention to politics to read between the lines of his public utterances. “Hey,I know I’ve backflipped on the environment,but that’s only to save my seats in the cities.”

Meanwhile,the Liberal base in the nation’s best-educated electorates are supposed to be inspired by the offer of net zero,and ignore the absence of a plan to get there. Even if they don’t really believe the government means it,they could at least appreciate the effort Morrison went to to get those crazy Nationals on the same page.

Morrison’s bargain with voters at the last election was that he would not disturb the status quo. Now he is asking them to forget everything he said in 2019,and believe that cost-free action on climate change was the destination all along.

Labor,by contrast,has a catalogue of Morrison’s own climate denial which it can play against him in the cities,while in the regions it will runs clips of his awkward attempts to extract handshakes from victims of the Black Summer bushfires. This is the other reversal on 2019. The PM is also wearing Shorten’s suit now,as the leader most vulnerable on the question of trust.

The argument that Albanese and his senior colleagues are weighing at the moment is whether Morrison has inadvertently opened the door for Labor,or laid a booby trap. Has the PM made his and the government’s position so complicated that it releases Labor to do much more than it dreamed on climate change?

This is not a matter of pragmatism versus purity,but the more substantial issue of mandate. If the election is really Labor’s to lose,does it want government on Morrison’s terms,with a bipartisanship of ambiguity on climate change?

Our allies in Washington and London would view a Labor victory as a sign that Australia is ready to step up. But Labor would be stuck with no feasible way forward if it minimised the differences with the Coalition beforehand. This,in fact,is the booby trap of pragmatism. The Coalition would have every incentive in opposition to revert to obstruction if Labor was too smart by half in the campaign.

While Labor people are understandably spooked by the 2019 election,which the polls also showed was theirs to lose,it is the lesson of 2010 that is more relevant today. Remember Julia Gillard campaigned on the promise that there would be no carbon tax,and then promptly pivoted from poll-driven sceptic to believer after the election? Labor can’t afford power on those terms again,where its agenda it set by the independents and Greens.

If Albanese thinks climate change will be a pressing reform for his first term of government,he needs to say so before the election.

So how would Labor frame a more ambitious climate change program without triggering a scare campaign that delivers another miracle victory to Morrison and his divided government? The clue is in Morrison Achilles’ heel:the states. Liberal and Labor premiers have already committed to more aggressive targets for the remainder of this decade. In the case of the Coalition government in NSW,a state where coal is the number on export earner,the target is a 50 per cent reduction by 2030,matching the position of Joe Biden’s Democrat administration in the US.

Albanese does not need to go that far. But he could codify the existing state and territory targets into a national target,and offer to work with the premiers and chief ministers to implement it. He could borrow from John Howard’s GST manual and promise that short-term targets would only be lifted in the future if the states and territories agreed. He can use Morrison’s national cabinet as the forum for that negotiation.

Many on the Labor side imagine there is a sweet spot between cynicism and crazy-brave reform. This is the Clayton’s option of falling broadly into line with the government,while seeking policy differences at the margin which highlight the rift within the Coalition.

Senior Liberals had hoped Morrison would take two commitments to Glasgow – net zero to 2050,and a higher interim target to 2030 than the one Tony Abbott adopted for the Paris conference in 2015. But the Nationals party room was not prepared to convert beyond the 2050 commitment.

That left Morrison as the odd one out of the democratic leaders. He was stuck with the Abbott-era promise for a 26 to 28 per cent reduction in emissions even though he told the COP26 meeting that we would land at 35 per cent on current projections.

The temptation for Labor is to take that 35 per cent figure and formalise it as its own target. It might even add a percentage point or two. But the danger of playing it safe is it would release the PM from the burden of pretending to be for action in the cities,and against it in the regions. Morrison would tell Liberal voters in the cities that Labor isn’t serious,while his message to the regions would be that Labor has a hidden agenda. It would be a stretch,but the debate would be back on Morrison’s nuance-free terms.

If Albanese takes the high road of co-operation with the states and territories he can adopt a target of at least 40 per cent based on their existing commitments. He can insure himself against a scare campaign by framing Morrison as the wrecker:the short-tempered politician who is more comfortable picking fights,and shifting blame,than solving problems.

Albanese may lack the charisma of a Bob Hawke or Kevin Rudd. But he can make the choice on climate change between co-operation and chaos. That would allow him to exploit the electoral advantage he has hiding in place:the ability to visit marginal electorates with popular Labor premiers.

George Megalogenis is a journalist,political commentator and author.

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