How Queensland Delta outbreak has been supercharged by kids

Police on horseback enforcing Brisbane’s lockdown.

Police on horseback enforcing Brisbane’s lockdown.Jono Searle/Getty Images

To an unschooled eye,the growing list of exposure sites in Queensland’s child-driven outbreak of COVID-19 Delta might seem like a random collection of schools,shops and bus stops.

Not so for those who spend each day studying how Brisbane school-aged children move and interact,such as Queensland University of Technology sociologist Naomi Barnes,who admits that on outings to shopping centres she cannot help but make notes of which uniforms sit with each other and where.

COVID testing at Indooroopilly State High School.

COVID testing at Indooroopilly State High School.Getty Images

Unlike lockdowns past that trace lines from a seemingly indiscriminate Bunnings here through cafes and kebab joints there,Dr Barnes says the nation’s first major Delta outbreak supercharged by children has moved along broadly predictable lines of inter-school friendship,family and transport networks.

At least 10 Brisbane schools or their facilities appear as exposure sites:most of them on the same train and bus lines stretching west of the city,and five of them within three kilometres of the popular Indooroopilly Shopping Centre.

What began in Brisbane on July 30 with news a female student from Indooroopilly State High School was COVID-positive had by Friday,just one week later,grown into a cluster of 89. Of these,57 were aged 19 or younger.

Dr Barnes believes the rapid spread through the kids of Brisbane can be instructive for communicating the dangers of school-based Delta outbreaks to Victorians chafing at the haste of yet another lockdown.

Queensland’s exposure list may also contain lessons about proactive ring-fencing – thinking beyond how the virus gets into schools in the first instance and considering how it moves out of schools once it is hooked in,she says.

“If you can tell these stories systematically and factually,people might be scared,but they will know how it’s moving and they will know why it’s important to keep their kids at home,” Dr Barnes says.

Genome sequencing can trace each case of the Indooroopilly cluster to two passengers who arrived in Brisbane from Singapore on June 29 and later tested positive in hotel quarantine.

One of the passengers was taken to the Sunshine Coast University Hospital,where they may have infected another person,whose identity remains a mystery.

How the virus got to the first 17-year-old student,who lives in the Brisbane suburb of Taringa,is also unknown. It may have arrived via her tutor,a medical student. Everything is but a theory.

In any case – and Queensland Chief Health Officer Jeannette Young says it may never be solved – the student’s tutor,parents and two siblings were announced as positive cases on the morning of July 31.

By 4pm,south-east Queensland was in its strictest lockdown of the entire pandemic.

One of the COVID-positive Taringa siblings attends Ironside State School. It is a feeder primary school for many of the secondary colleges with infected students or listed as exposure sites.

Why is this important?

Dr Barnes says it is common for households in this corner of Brisbane to have a boy and girl each attending a single-sex high school and a younger sibling at Ironside.

Ironside State School became a close contact site thanks to normal student movements.

Ironside State School became a close contact site thanks to normal student movements.Getty Images

One positive case at such a dinner table not only infects the parents and siblings but puts everyone at three schools in the COVID firing line,and this does not even begin to include friends and parents at after-school activities.

Accordingly,almost 9000 people,mostly from Brisbane’s western suburb school community,were in home quarantine as of Friday afternoon.

The childhood connections formed at Ironside mean the after-school teenage cliques drinking juice and window shopping at Indooroopilly Shopping Centre weave through several state and independent high schools.

“They all would have gone to primary school together,” Dr Barnes says. “Kids who went to Ironside may have gone to Indooroopilly,but their friends may have gone off to St Peters[Lutheran College],[Brisbane] Grammar,St Aidan’s[Anglican Girls’ School] and they all congregate at Westfield after school.”

Grammar kids play sport against St Peters kids. Brisbane Girls’ Grammar plays St Aidan’s. And so on.

All these schools,along with public transport stops,dozens of stores inside the Indooroopilly Shopping Centre and other places in the western corridor for teenagers to see and be seen appear on Queensland Health’s list of exposure sites.

“What kids do after school involves way more people than what adults do after work,” Dr Barnes says.

On day three of the Indooroopilly cluster,the Queensland government announced nine new cases:four of them at a karate school a stone’s throw from Indooroopilly High and attended by one of original child cases,who was asymptomatic at the time.

Indooroopilly Shopping Centre in Brisbane’s south-west.

Indooroopilly Shopping Centre in Brisbane’s south-west.Supplied

The instructor,who is also an immunologist at the University of Queensland,is one of those cases and is recovering at the Gold Coast University Hospital.

“A frightening number of the Tuesday and Thursday classes have since tested positive,” he says through a persistent cough.

He unwittingly infected his 10-year-old son and five-year-old daughter after he picked them up for the weekend about 5pm on July 30,just hours before Queensland Health informed him he was a close contact of the positive case.

The three of them were tested at 9am the next morning.

“I would say[the children’s infections] almost 100 per cent came from me. If so,my kids went from getting infected to shedding the virus such that they were positive on the PCR tests and infectious – without any symptoms – in 14 hours. It’s scary,” he says.

“Just take a look at what it’s done in Brisbane over a weekend.”

The instructor,who asked his name be kept from this story to protect the identity of other infected families,says his son is still asymptomatic but his daughter developed a mild fever.

Indooroopilly State High School is ground zero for south-east Queensland’s school COVID-19 cluster.

Indooroopilly State High School is ground zero for south-east Queensland’s school COVID-19 cluster.Getty Images

“Kids know about COVID,” he says. “They know theoretically there is a virus and it’s bad. But to get it was something totally different and,yes,they both had a level of fear.”

UQ infectious diseases physician and microbiologist Paul Griffin says it is generally accepted that the Delta variant is twice as infectious as the Alpha variant,which itself is up to two times more infectious than the original version from Wuhan.

Dr Griffin says it is still too early to know conclusively if the variant causes more severe illness in children. Parents should be vigilant but not unduly alarmed,he says.

“Most of these children are very mildly symptomatic,if at all,and they recover quite quickly,” he says. “But the flip side of that is if we do nothing to control[the spread] and we do get a very high number of children infected,then ... we will see some that do get more unwell.”

Of course,it is also true of the pandemic that kids,even those without symptoms,will infect older people who are at higher risk of serious illness and death,he says.

Dr Griffin says Queensland’s Delta strain moving through children shows we can implement better mitigation strategies for younger people. Where feasible and appropriate,this could mean masks for children and more stringent social distancing.

“It would be great to say that we’ll get all the children[vaccinated] as soon as possible,” Dr Griffin says. “But there are still vulnerable adults that haven’t had access to these vaccines yet,so I don’t think it means we need to have a wholesale flip of our prioritisation strategy.

“I think what it means is we need to just get things in place as quick as possible to get everybody done. And that includes children.”

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Zach Hope is South-East Asia correspondent. He is a former reporter at the Brisbane Times.

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