The Facebook elephant is still in the room:what it’s doing with your intimate data

Columnist,co-host of Ten's The Project and academic

Well,that ended quickly. Only late last week Facebook tore down Australian news from its site completely,in response to the federal government’s insistence that it pay news outlets for that content. It looked like an act of brinkmanship,forcing both the tech giant and the government into positions from which neither could retreat without humiliation. And yet,a few days later,all was resolved.Face saved,agreement reached, each claiming victory.

Illustration:Simon Letch

Illustration:Simon LetchThe Sydney Morning Herald

How? One way to answer that question would be to crunch through the deal’s details to determine exactly what each party gave up. Here,you’d note that the government got its wish of Facebook striking agreements with major news outlets it would rather not. Conversely,you’d say this gives Facebook the right to make completely different deals with each outlet. It’s not compelled to pay each one a similar amount for similar content. So it could,for instance,pay the ABC a lot less than it pays News Corp,in exchange for putting ABC content higher in its ranking algorithm – meaning ABC content gets shared more across the site. This potentially puts news organisations in the familiar position of trading money for distribution. It sends a little money to the big news companies,but leaves Facebook’s business model broadly undisturbed.

And that suggests a better way of answering the question. Instead of looking at what the new legislation changes,consider what it doesn’t even address. Because it seems to me that this whole stoush is misconceived. It’s pretending to be about something it’s not.

The government – and its media backers – are asking us to believe that Facebook is somehow leeching or stealing news for its own profit. Actually,there’s no theft taking place here for the very simple reason that big media companies are willingly giving their content to Facebook. They’re the ones uploading it,and frequently encouraging their audience to share it,hoping it will deliver enormous reach.

It’s true Facebook benefits from this. It has solicited news organisations to post,presumably because Facebook figures this will entice users to spend more time on the site. It’s also true many news organisations probably didn’t have much choice but to play along,since to do otherwise would risk them forfeiting audience to their competitors. But ultimately,everyone was pursuing some benefit here.

The problem for the news companies isn’t that Facebook took their audience. It’s that it siphoned off their advertisers. That’s obviously a disaster for journalism,and there’s clearly a democratic interest in doing something to redress this and make journalism viable. But if you were really worried about that,you’d find a way to tax the tech giants properly,and put that money into a fund specifically dedicated to public-interest journalism. You wouldn’t come up with a scheme to make Facebook pay for content it isn’t stealing in the first place,with no guarantee those payments will ultimately go to fund journalism anyway.

Or better yet,you’d go for the ultimate problem,which is this:Facebook won the advertising war,not because it “stole” anyone’s content,but because it offers a more sophisticated advertising product. It can do this because it hasan unconscionable amount of data on its users. It knows everything about them:their tastes,their politics,their weaknesses,even their moods and how to manipulate them. News organisations sell the size of their audience to advertisers. Facebook sells its users’ most intimate psychology.

Facebook’s supercharged advertising platform is therefore built on something unethical and yet almost completely unregulated. No one has yet explained why this should be tolerated,and no one has found the will and ability to do anything about it.

Maybe that’s because capitalism has evolved into new forms governments haven’t yet fully come to terms with. The dominant companies of our age seem to be ones that don’t produce very much,but make extraordinary money out of those who do. Take Uber Eats. It doesn’t produce food. In one sense it doesn’t even deliver it,because that’s left to sub-contractors,who it specifically denies are employees. Uber Eats is a platform that draws on people who actually are doing productive work,but sends most of the profit elsewhere. The restaurants take a hit to their profits unless they are prepared to jack up their prices (which will probably cost them customers). And the drivers enjoy very few labour rights and very low pay. The producers – even the innovative ones – are the ones earning the least.

I look forward to hearing from economic historians who’ll know better than me,but I can’t think of anything quite like this. Old-school capitalists had employees who (eventually) had rights,and factories or oil rigs that were expensive to build and maintain. Film studios and record companies provided fancy equipment and hired considerable expertise to help produce new work,rather than simply host and monetise work for which they’ve paid nothing. Sure,these older arrangements could be exploitative but the new ones are almost entirely parasitic. It’s a significant difference.

For some reason,governments haven’t shown much desire to do anything about this except when it affects the media. Accordingly,they’ve developed no template for how to respond to this new form of capitalism and have had no practice at regulating it. The result is what we’ve seen this past week:haggling over a policy that doesn’t engage with the root of the problem it says it wants to solve.

Viewed in that context,this week’s agreement wasn’t a miracle. It was possible because the whole negotiation wasn’t about anything particularly fundamental in the first place. And if sending a few hundred million dollars to Australia’s biggest media companies is the price of keeping it that way,then for a behemoth like Facebook,it will have been a price well worth paying for them. For us as citizens,though? We might be paying the highest price of all.

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Waleed Aly is a broadcaster,author and academic. He is a lecturer in politics at Monash University and co-host of Channel Ten's The Project.

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