Tip your delivery drivers:Treasurer’s plea for gig economy workers

Newly minted NSW Treasurer Daniel Mookhey is asking people to tip their service workers over the Easter weekend as ride-share and delivery drivers wait for reforms on minimum pay protections.

In the lead-up to last month’s election,Mookhey pledged to overhaul industrial relations legislation for gig workers by introducing a workers’ compensation style scheme and setting up a portable leave entitlement scheme.

Uber driver Nabin Adhikari will be working across Easter,but isn’t likely to make minimum wage.

Uber driver Nabin Adhikari will be working across Easter,but isn’t likely to make minimum wage.Rohan Thomson

Now that he’s been elected,Mookhey said people relaxing on their extra days off should offer a generous tip to the delivery workers who do not have the luxury of a short break.

“We know that low pay,job insecurity and a lack of fair,safe and sustainable standards are hallmarks of the gig economy,” he said.

“So it’s certainly fair if these workers get some extra recognition for the hard work they do making other peoples’ days off more pleasurable.

“When they show up at your door with a delivery this weekend,why not acknowledge just how hard they’ve toiled to make your life a little easier.”

How exploited are gig workers?

A recent study by the McKell Institue Queensland found:

“This could be the biggest case of wage theft in the country’s history”.

McKell Queensland executive director Sarah Mawhinney

Federal Workplace Relations Minister Tony Burke has also pledged to reform gig worker laws by the second half of this year,introducing minimum conditions for employee-like workers and gig economy workers,working with major employers. Penalty rates have not yet been discussed.

Nabin Adhikari will be working 15-hour shifts across the Easter weekend as an Uber driver in Canberra,attempting to make ends meet.

“It’s the long weekend,but for me,it’s going to be along weekend,” he said.

There are concerns drinking laws haven't kept up with online alcohol deliveries.

He plans to start work at 7am and finish around 11pm,napping in his car during lulls in demand.

Adhikari is one of the 250,000 ride-share,food delivery,or parcel delivery workers in Australia relying on gig work to pay his bills – though he is unlikely to earn minimum wage.

With soaring fuel prices,his income has decreased since he started working for Uber two years ago. “We’re not being heard,and we’re fighting[for fair pay],” he said.

Arecent study from the McKell Institute Queensland found 40 per cent of all surveyed gig workers worked overtime hours – though they do not earn overtime rates. For ride-share drivers working over 40 hours a week,less than a third earned minimum wage.

Delivery driver Nabin Adhikari,who will be working over the Easter break.

Delivery driver Nabin Adhikari,who will be working over the Easter break. Rohan Thomson

Report lead author and McKell Queensland executive director Sarah Mawhinney said the survey showed the gig economy could be behind “the biggest case of wage theft” in Australia’s history.

“What people were reporting that they were earning,against what[hours] they were working,was pretty shocking,” she said.

Mawhinney said a fundamental premise of the Australian industrial relations system is that all workers are fairly remunerated for the work they do,and shouldn’t have to rely on the compassion of others to earn a minimum wage. “We shouldn’t go down[the tipping] route because it will devalue and undermine what should be strong protections for workers,” she said.

But,she added,an extra dollar or two if people can afford it could serve as a stopgap until gig economy reform comes through. “It would be a gesture of goodwill more than anything,” she said. “I would encourage people to recognise the value of the work and the services that they employ and engage in.”

Transport Worker Union National Secretary Michael Kaine said the reforms were slow to come. Since 2017,11 food delivery drivers and one ride-share driver have been killed while working in Australia.

“Every day that passes is a day that these workers are literally in mortal danger,” he said. “[Australia] is abandoning those that are the most vulnerable in the community – those who are trying to make a living through one-off gigs.”

Kaine said if customers wanted to leave tips it would help workers,but warned not all companies gave 100 per cent of the tip to the driver. Uber does not apply a service fee to tips.

A spokesperson for Uber said the company “supported workplace reform that improves benefits and protections for gig workers while preserving the flexibility they’ve told us they value”.

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Amber Schultz is a reporter for The Sun-Herald in Sydney.

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