Council to hold Melbourne Cup parade but pushes for ban on whips

Melbourne City Council will encourage the racing industry to consider banning whips but voted against scrapping the annual Melbourne Cup parade during an emotion-charged debate about animal welfare and gambling.

A push by Greens councillor Rohan Leppert to stop using ratepayers’ money"to celebrate an industry that relies on unsustainable and cruel practices"attracted 170 public submissions.

Lord mayor Sally Capp with VRC chairman Amanda Elliott holding the $200,000 Cup during the parade.

Lord mayor Sally Capp with VRC chairman Amanda Elliott holding the $200,000 Cup during the parade.Luis Ascui

Cr Leppert tweeted that all but three submissions were in favour of ceasing council support for horse racing events.

But his motion was defeated at a meeting on Tuesday night.

Instead,the majority of councillors voted to support laws to strengthen the protection of racehorses and encourage Racing Victoria and Racing Australia to consider banning the use of whips.

Victorian Greens leader Samantha Ratnam has called for whips to be banned while NSW Greens senator Mehreen Faruqi is campaigning for a royal commission into horse welfare.

Melbourne city councillors noted the horse racing industry employed about 25,000 people in Victoria and generated up to $3.2 billion annually.

They also said the Cup parade,which is"significantly"funded by the council,is a free event that attracts thousands of people into the city and provides a boost to local traders.

Greens councillor Cathy Oke,who said she felt the council was doubling down on its support for the Melbourne Cup,broke down in tears during the debate.

"I can’t speak to this without crying,to he honest. It really does just break my heart that we support this industry,"she said.

"We have all these policies that are against gambling and yet we support this event. We can support small businesses in other ways without supporting an industry that is so cruel to horses but also supports gambling."

Cr Nicolas Frances Gilley,who grew up in a family that owned a chain of betting shops,said thousands of horses have been"pushed through a sausage maker to find the one we can tell the story about .. and probably that one will die one day when somebody hits it too hard to get it across the race line".

He said there was a clear divide in the community between people"who are really upset and hurt about this"and people who want to"go and gamble and get drunk".

"It is not our job as a council to spend money on an event that actually highlights that divide,"he said.

"We do not need to close the street for a day to have horses uncomfortably walk down concrete. We just don’t need it."

Lord Mayor Sally Capp,who this year carried the Cup with Victoria Racing Club chair Amanda Elliott through the parade and attended Derby and Cup Day,said she had grown up with horses and had a former racehorse as part of her family.

She said the motion eventually passed by the council condemned cruelty to animals in all forms.

"I also acknowledge and agree that standards are changing across our community in terms of what they expect from a number of industries,"Cr Capp said.

"I think it is really important they are given an opportunity to respond and improve."

She also said the council should not characterise an entire industry by the actions of a few exposed by the ABC7.30 report about cruelty in the horse racing industry.

Cr Capp said a ban on the use of whips was the centrepiece of most of the 170 submissions received by the council.

"That’s why this motion puts it out there that that is something we would be looking to the industry to change."

Thoroughbred owner Lloyd Williams,who has won the Melbourne Cup as an owner on a record six occasions,told the ABC's7.30 program that whipping horses needed to end.

However Victorian Jockeys Association president Matt Hyland,a former jockey himself,told The Age in October the use of the whip was a matter of safety.

Jewel Topsfield is health and social affairs editor at The Age. She has worked in Melbourne,Canberra and Jakarta as Indonesia correspondent. She has won multiple awards including a Walkley and the Lowy Institute Media Award.

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