‘Difficult to capture the horror’:Judge’s mercy for poison biscuit killer

In an isolated rural home in Victoria’s far north-west,Noel Payne subjected his wife to unspeakable abuse.

Rebecca Payne,43,wasn’t allowed to shower alone,attend medical appointments without her husband and had his name etched in black ink across her body 18 times.

Rebecca Payne arrives at the Supreme Court of Victoria On Thursday.

Rebecca Payne arrives at the Supreme Court of Victoria On Thursday.AAP

Mr Payne controlled the family’s finances,monitored his wife’s weight and forced her to redo housework if it didn’t meet his standards.

During a decade of depraved abuse,his coercive control was such he also refused to let his wife attend the funeral of her 21-year-old murdered son in 2017,the Supreme Court of Victoria heard.

“The abuse was insidious,” Justice Rita Incerti told Mrs Payne on Thursday.

“You were living in intolerable and inescapable circumstances.”

Rebecca Payne drugged husband Noel with Temazepam and then hid his body in a freezer.

Rebecca Payne drugged husband Noel with Temazepam and then hid his body in a freezer.Matthew Bouwmeester

On September 1,2020,Mrs Payne ground up the sedative Temazepam and laced biscuit icing with the prescription medication. She later told policeshe needed a break from the abuse.

When her husband ate the biscuits the drugs had a stupefying effect,and when the 68-year-old fell unconscious,she wrapped his body in a blanket,taped his hands and feet together and put the body in a backyard freezer box.

On Thursday,Incerti jailed Payne for at least 10 years aftera jury found her guilty of murdering her husband at their home in Walpeup,130 kilometres south of Mildura.

“This is a case that calls out loudly for the exercise of the discretion of mercy,” Incerti said.

Noel and Rebecca Payne.

Noel and Rebecca Payne.Supplied

“This was not an execution by a practised killer.”

The court heard Payne grew up in Auburn in NSW and her childhood was marred by domestic violence. She left school in year 10 when pregnant with her first child.

In 2005,the single mother met a man 27 years her senior in South Australia,and they married the following year.

The couple moved to remote Walpeup – a town with a population of about 100 – where they had two children. Mrs Payne twice left the family home over marital issues but ultimately returned to be with her kids.

A photo from inside the Paynes’ home.

A photo from inside the Paynes’ home.Supplied

During her second stint away,Payne moved another woman into the home. The mistress,who has a cognitive impairment and acquired brain injury,continued to live there even when Mrs Payne returned.

In 2020,Mrs Payne was prescribed Temazepam on four separate occasions and in August that year asked a friend for a copy of her biscuit recipe.

On September 1 of that year,amid her husband’s continued abuse,Payne used a mortar and pestle to crush the prescription tablets,mixed them into biscuit icing and fed them to her husband.

After hiding her husband’s body in the backyard freezer,Payne fabricated a text message and told lies about his whereabouts in an attempt to conceal her actions.

A photo of the Paynes’ backyard at their home in Walpeup.

A photo of the Paynes’ backyard at their home in Walpeup.Supplied

Three days later,she asked a neighbour if she could leave the freezer in their yard,telling them it had broken down and was full of rotting meat. When one of the neighbours became suspicious,they checked inside and discovered the body.

Payne,43,was arrested the same day.

A medical examination was unable to determine if Mr Payne died from a drug overdose or suffocation.

The court heard he was last seen alive by locals who waved at him as they moved an alpaca on September 1,2020.

Prosecutors argued the murder was planned and Mrs Payne stockpiled prescription pills to use in the killing.

But Incerti rejected this suggestion and said her fatal actions had the hallmarks of someone in a panicked state of mind.

Payne had told police she dosed her husband in an attempt to get a break from his abuse,but denied murdering him. She later offered to plead guilty to manslaughter,but the jury rejected this and found her guilty of murder.

The judge said a victim impact statement submitted by Mr Payne’s mistress,who cannot be named for legal reasons,provided a snapshot of the dangerous dysfunction inside a home that was “disturbing on many levels”.

Incerti said photographs and videos of the victim’s demeaning and cruel acts on his wife and mistress were so “depraved and distressing” it was difficult to capture the horror.

Rebecca Payne was found guilty of murder.

Rebecca Payne was found guilty of murder.Supplied

Incerti said given the husband’s controlling and coercive behaviour,the couple’s children,and the fact they all lived in an isolated part of the state meant Payne had “no realistic options to leave”.

The judge also accepted the woman’s account that she was subjected to ongoing and extreme physical,sexual and emotional abuse over many years.

“One of the reasons you were unable to leave was because you could not take your children with you. It’s a sad irony that your incarceration means that situation is now realised,” Incerti said.

The unique case,the judge said,warranted mercy.

Incerti sentenced Payne to 16 years’ jail with a non-parole period of 10 years.

With time already served,she could be released in seven years.

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Erin Pearson covers crime and justice for The Age.

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