Hit twice by cars,Antoinetta knows how vulnerable pedestrians are

Victorians are being urged to pay attention on the state’s roads as distraction and carelessness is blamed for a growing number of crashes that kill and injure pedestrians,cyclists and motorbike riders.

Victoria Police fears there will be another jump in victims as Melbourne enters the dark and wet winter months,so it has launched a five-month operation to crack down on behaviour that endangers vulnerable road users.

Antoinetta Mauro Tartaro has lived with the effects of road trauma since she was 15.

Antoinetta Mauro Tartaro has lived with the effects of road trauma since she was 15.Joe Armao

Almost half the 241 people killed on Victorian roads last year were vulnerable road users,including pedestrians (44),motorbike riders (55),bicyclists (12) and electric scooter riders (two).

Data released toThe Age by Victoria Police shows that last year officers attended 1494 crashes in which pedestrians were injured and 1247 where a cyclist was injured. So far this year,121 people have been killed on Victoria’s roads – an increase from 92 at the same time last year – including seven pedestrians,five cyclists and 17 motorbike riders.

Assistant Commissioner Glenn Weir,of Victoria Police’s Road Policing Command,said it appeared motorists had become complacent during the pandemic years when roads were quieter.

But with traffic now back at pre-pandemic levels and more people moving around on bicycles and on foot,complacency was having catastrophic consequences.

“Where the two cohorts meet – the vulnerable road users and vehicles – we’re just seeing unacceptable levels of trauma,” Weir said. “There is a real issue with people concentrating ... or not having patience or respect and care.”

Antoinetta Mauro Tartaro has lived with the effects of road trauma since she was 15,when a motorist went through a red light and crashed into her as she crossed Warrigal Road almost 30 years ago. Her broken bones mended but three months away from school left her socially isolated and dealing with psychological trauma she has never escaped.

“That ripple effect has been with me my whole life,” she said. “Initially,it’s the physical side that you need to recover from,but then you have the difference in your heart and your emotional state;just not feeling safe in the outside world.”

Mauro Tartaro,a mother of two,had her life turned upside down again in 2019 when a driver mounted the footpath on Bayview Avenue near Monash University and struck her from behind,throwing her nine metres through the air,cracking her skull and inflicting a mild traumatic brain injury.

Now 44,Mauro Tartaro needed three months of physical rehabilitation but is yet to regain her full cognitive functions,forcing her to step back from her work in administration at Monash University and delay her studies in social work.

“It really sent me to a very dark place because I started to feel as though I was a burden on my family. I had new needs and different characteristics. My daughter actually said to me,‘I just want my old mum back’,” she said.

Mauro Tartaro wants motorists to understand how easily their actions can change other people’s lives forever.

“The vehicle that you are operating can be a weapon on the road and there is a level of responsibility that comes with that,” she said.

Police have released dashcam footage of an allegedly deliberate hit-run in Melbourne’s south-east last week that left a cyclist with cuts and bruises.

Victoria Police’s four-month blitz will initially focus on the Melbourne,Yarra,Port Phillip and Merri-Bek council areas,targeting motorists who block pedestrian crossings and bike lanes,use their phones,break the speed limit,or are intoxicated. Jaywalking and other dangerous behaviour will also be policed at busy intersections.

“Whether you’re on four wheels,two wheels,or on foot,if you’ve got to pay attention,act responsibly comply with the road rules,” Weir said.

Bicycle Network CEO Alison McCormack said a recent survey found thousands of Victorian riders were deeply concerned about their safety.

“They feel that roads are there to be shared,but they are treated with a lack of respect and courtesy by drivers,” she said. “Most of all they want separated infrastructure that is well-connected and gets them from A to B in safety.”

Victoria Walks executive officer Ben Rossiter said driver behaviour was the leading cause of crashes involving pedestrians,so the police operation was welcome.

“We all have a responsibility to travel safely in a way that doesn’t impact others,” he said.

Operation Halo will run until September,making it one of the longest-running road operations held in Victoria. It will cover winter,when there is typically a jump in pedestrian crashes.

A Victorian upperhouse parliamentary inquiry is presently looking into the safety of vulnerable road users and how driver behaviour changed during the pandemic. Public submissions to the inquiry close on Friday.

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An earlier version of this article incorrectly reported that 90 people had been killed on Victoria’s roads so far in 2023. In fact,121 people have been killed,which at the time of publishing was an increase from 90 deaths during the same period in 2022.

Patrick Hatch is transport reporter at The Age and a former business reporter.

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