Victorians are proving more resilient than the rest of Australia may realise

It is time to praise Victorians;the people,of course,not the politicians who represent them at the national and state level. Victorians are proving more resilient,and cohesive,in the second wave of the pandemic than the rest of the country may appreciate. Community support for the second lockdown remains at remarkably high levels despite the blame-shifting between Scott Morrison and Daniel Andrews and the bomb-throwing from the state opposition.

Nine out of 10 Victorians support the wearing of masks,and seven in 10 support the restrictions of movement,and even the nightly curfew,according to research from Roy Morgan released this week. The only restriction that divides opinion at the margin is the ban on visiting family members in another house (with the exception of delivering care or essential services),but even on this question almost six in 10 (57 per cent) are still in favour.

The citizens of Victoria are proving to be a resilient and cohesive bunch.

The citizens of Victoria are proving to be a resilient and cohesive bunch.Jason South

The survey coincided with an encouraging report from the Victorian Coroners Court showing the number of suicides has not surged in lockdown. Every life lost remains a tragedy. But the state total in the year to August 26 – 466 – happens to be the lowest since 2017. This figure echoes the trend in New Zealand,where the national suicide rate is also at its lowest level in three years,according to New Zealand’s chief coroner Judge Deborah Marshall.

There are even green shoots of recovery,and not in the place one would expect. Victoria appears to be the only state in the health crisis so far that has been able to shift some economic activity from the capital to the regions. Employment in the rest of Victoria was almost 3 per cent higher in July compared with the same month last year. In Melbourne,it had fallen by more than 4 per cent,based on original data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

In NSW and Queensland,both city and country were worse off during the first lockdown. Employment in Sydney dropped by 3 per cent,and by 4 per cent in Brisbane,while the job losses in the rest of each respective state were almost 5 per cent.

One possible explanation is the role that Victoria’s second,third and fourth cities,Geelong,Ballarat and Bendigo play in the state’s population equation. Each city shared in Melbourne’s population boom before the coronavirus. Geelong happened to be the fastest-growing city or town in Australia last year. Only Melbourne and the Sunshine Coast grew faster than Geelong across the past decade while Ballarat and Bendigo were not far behind. Ballarat grew faster than every capital apart from Melbourne and Brisbane,while Bendigo matched Perth’s 10-year growth rate,and was ahead of Sydney,Canberra,Darwin,Hobart and Adelaide. Decentralisation may be the unintended bonus of the coronavirus for both Melburnians and their regional cousins to the north and south-west of the capital.

Obviously these numbers will shift as the full toll of Victoria’s second lockdown is measured in the coming months. But it is a reminder not to jump to conclusions of doom for any particular state.

Before the Melbourne outbreak,Victoria was leading the recovery alongside NSW,while Queensland and Western Australia were the laggards. But the latest ABS payroll figures for August show those tables have flipped;now the frontier states can see the glass half full,while NSW threatens to join Victoria in a second crash.

Nationally,there were 520,000,or 4.9 per cent fewer,payroll jobs in the week ending August 8 than for the week ending March 14,before the first national lockdown. Half that total is explained by Victoria,where 7.8 per cent of payroll jobs have been lost across the state. Tasmania is the next weakest state (down 5 per cent),followed by NSW (4.4 per cent),South Australia (3.8 per cent),Queensland (3.7 per cent) and Western Australia (2.0 per cent). The payroll numbers are not strictly comparable with the labour force survey because they include people with more than one job. But the rankings between the states are telling.

What will irk Victorians is how closely the immediate present resembles the nightmare of the early 1990s. The southern state accounted for almost half of all the workers retrenched in that recession –163,000 out of 331,000,Total employment fell by 4.2 per cent nationally between June 1990 and November 1992;in Victoria it collapsed by 7.7 per cent.

There were two main drivers of this Victoria-centric recession:the decimation of the state’s manufacturing sector,and the twin bankruptcies of the state bank and Geelong’s Pyramid Building society. The fusing of the two,a restructure of the economy combined with a financial crisis,cast a long shadow over Victoria’s recovery. National employment had returned to its pre-recession level by July 1994,but Victoria was still 100,000 jobs short of where it had been at the top of the previous boom while Queensland was 100,000 ahead.

Politics doesn’t remember the 1990s quite this way. Queensland assumed the role of recession’s victim as Pauline Hanson’s One Nation Party disrupted the federal and state parliament in the second half of the decade. Victoria emerged from recession more progressive than the nation at large,but without the critical mass of seats to determine how Australia was governed. Redistribution of boundaries had increased Queensland's share of the federal Parliament to the point where John Howard,and his Sydney Liberal successors Tony Abbott,Malcolm Turnbull and Scott Morrison could win without Victoria. In eight of the past 11 federal elections from 1990 to 2019,Victorian voters gave a majority of seats to the losing party. The three exceptions were the Howard landslide of 1996,the Ruddslide of 2007 and the hung parliament of 2010. Queenslanders,on the other hand,picked the winner in 10 of those 11 contests. The one they missed out on was 2010,which was the last time Labor ruled nationally.

Illustration:Simon Letch

Illustration:Simon Letch

The risk the Prime Minister takes whenever he attacks Victoria’s Labor government over the Melbourne outbreak is that state pride kicks in. In the past when a leader tried to play an individual state off against the rest of the country,the target delivered a landslide to the other side. Bob Hawke lost all five seats in Tasmania in 1983 over the Franklin dam issue. But Hawke could afford to make this trade-off because there were more seats to win on the mainland.

Victoria isn’t so easily dismissed from the electoral map. Melbourne will pick up an extra seat at the next election,reflecting its population boom of the past decade. That seat is likely to be notional Labor. A Liberal electorate in Western Australia and a Labor electorate in the Northern Territory will also be scrapped. The net effect of these changes will reduce the Coalition to 76 seats in a Parliament of 150.

Polarisation kept the Coalition in power in 2019:their supermajority in Queensland cancelled the Labor majority in Victoria. But what happens if Victoria keeps moving to the left? The redistribution in Victoria’s favour will see Labor start the next election with 22 seats out of the 39 in that state,against 15 for the Coalition,one Green and one Independent. In Queensland,the Coalition has 23 seats out of 30,Labor six and one independent.

Queensland won’t matter if Morrison’s transparent politicking provokes a backlash against his government in Victoria. He would need to pick up seats in his home state of NSW to hold onto power. He might pull it off,but a parochial path to victory would leave the nation even more divided than it was before the pandemic.

George Megalogenis is a journalist,political commentator and author.

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