More crops,more problems:skills shortage looms large in lead-up to record WA grain harvest

A record 20 million-tonne grain harvest is predicted for Western Australia but bumper crops could simply create more headaches for an industry hampered by the impacts of COVID-19 restrictions on its workforce.

The situation is so dire the Grain Industry Association of WA suggested in its August crop report the combination of big yields and fewer workers could make this year’s harvest – which usually starts around October and runs for about six weeks – a drawn-out affair exposing farmers to higher than average losses.

The WA government is proposing Christmas Island be used to quarantine European workers for the grains harvest.

The WA government is proposing Christmas Island be used to quarantine European workers for the grains harvest.James Davies

WA’s biggest-ever harvest in 2016 saw 18.2 million tonnes of grain – including wheat,barley,canola,oats,lupins,and pulses – collected.

Last year’s 16.6 million tonne haul was also above the state’s 14 million tonne average but WAfarmers grain president Mic Fels said it had been incredibly tough without the 1000 experienced international harvester operators who would usually fly in.

“I think most people had enough workers last year. But a larger portion than normal were inexperienced,” he said.

“It made it a lot harder for everybody ... a lot of time was spent training and there was naturally more stress in the workplace.

“I don’t think anybody thought it was easy last year.”

Skip forward to 2021 and Mr Fels says the job situation ahead of the next harvest has deteriorated further.

“Last year was drastically worse than the year before and this year is drastically worse than last year,” he said.

The sector has been fighting off the mining industry – which has targeted its truck and train drivers – while progress on bringing in skilled European or American professionals to operate harvesting equipment has been glacial.

There is a lack of backpackers to fill more unskilled roles thanks to a 64.9 per cent decrease in the number of travellers in Australia,with Working Holiday Maker visas down to just 49,542 from before the pandemic to last December.

WA’s CBH Group – the world’s largest grain supply chain – started advertising for harvest casuals months earlier than normal in June and is relying on school leavers and grey nomads to fill the army’s worth of roles needed. The cooperative has even taken the unusual step of booking radio air time to try and recruit workers.

Rail company Aurizon,which won the contract to cart CBH grain this month,has job ads out for 140 train driver positions.

Mr Fels hopes there could be some relief as late talks progress between the state and federal government to bring in 300 to 900 European operators who would quarantine on Christmas Island – which sits between WA and Indonesia – before coming to the Wheatbelt.

WAfarmers raised the problem last year and again in June but an official request from the state to bring in the workers was not submitted to the federal government until last week as the issue became politicised.

Mr Fels said the submission had come late in the piece and it would now be difficult to recruit overseas staff when it usually took months,as opposed to days,to organise.

He said it was up to the two levels of government to now back up their words with action.

WA opposition agriculture and food spokesman Colin De Grussa said the situation was so bad the state Labor government and federal Liberal-National government needed to put aside political arguments and just make things happen.

“It’s going to be a monumental challenge ... I’m deeply concerned about the effect it will have on those workers that are in the system that are going to be doing extreme hours and the stress it will cause on their families that’s a huge concern,” he said.

Mr De Grussa said if WA could not ship out the grain it could lose markets.

“We’ve already seen that play out to some extent with grain accumulators or grain marketers,they’re getting a little nervous about the ability of WA to deliver its crop,” he said.

WA Agriculture and Food Minister Alannah MacTiernan said the government knew bringing in the 20 million tonne harvest was going to be tough.

She said there would be 2000 seasonal workers from Vanuata and Tonga in WA by the end of the year and called on the federal government to back the Christmas Island option.

“WA’s hotel quarantine system cannot safely accommodate the hundreds of additional seasonal workers from Europe that industry is calling for,” Ms MacTiernan said.

“The Commonwealth would be required to operate the quarantine facilities on Christmas Island – as is their constitutional responsibility,and as they did at the start of the pandemic.”

The Christmas Island detention centre is currently used as a holding facility for foreign nationals who have completed prison sentences in Australia that the country is unable to deport because of difficulties with international COVID-19 border restrictions.

The Australian Human Rights Commission raised concerns in June about the use of Christmas Island in the middle of the pandemic.

A report from the commission suggested its isolation and lack of sophisticated healthcare facilities would make it more difficult to respond as effectively as possible to a possible outbreak.

“There is limited health care available on Christmas Island. The Commission understands that acute
medical care is not available on Christmas Island,” the report said.

“In September 2020,the ABF informed the Commission that if a detainee required acute care,an air ambulance to Perth would be arranged.

“At this time,the ABF also informed the Commission that there were no ventilators available on Christmas Island,and that all testing of COVID-19 swabs occurred in Perth. The Commission is not aware of any changes to these arrangements.”

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Peter de Kruijff was a reporter at WAtoday focused on environment,politics and business.

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