World-first research confirms why great white sharks bite humans

Australian researchers have confirmed that attacks on humans by great white sharks are almost certainly a case of mistaken identity.

Historically portrayed as reckless killing machines,recent scientific consensus has shifted to the theory the sharks are intelligent hunters and that attacks on surfers are usually because the shark mistakes the board rider for a seal or other prey animal.

Researchers have confirmed most great white shark bites on humans are likely a case of mistaken identity.

Researchers have confirmed most great white shark bites on humans are likely a case of mistaken identity.DAVID GRAY/Reuters

However,no hard research had been done to test that theory until researchers from Macquarie University led a team that tried to get a shark’s eye view on the situation.

Great white sharks,more than most large shark species,are ambush hunters,swimming beneath their prey and rushing up at them from below with their huge,powerful jaws.

Nathan Hart,research co-author and Macquarie University’s Head of Biological Sciences,said they created an experiment to confirm that from that vantage point,a surfer could look very similar to a seal to a hungry shark.

The team went to Taronga Zoo in Sydney and placed cameras in the seal enclosure,filming seals swimming near the surface as well as people riding surfboards.

“So we’ve got this footage from the shark’s perspective. We then take that and filter it to represent what a shark would see,” Professor Hart said.

“We’ve taken out all the colour information,because great white sharks are colourblind,and we’ve scaled down the image quality to represent the lower acuity of their vision.”

Run through the various filters,the researchers found the board riders and the seals were virtually identical.

Observations of the hunting behaviour of great white sharks had led scientists to believe the animals relied on their vision for much of their hunting,despite also having other senses including electroperception.

Lead author Laura Ryan said the results of the experiment supported the now mainstream theory that most bites on humans by white sharks were exploratory.

“We confirm the plausibility of the mistaken identity theory from a visual perspective,but sharks can also detect prey using other sensory systems,” Dr Ryan said.

“While it seems unlikely that every bite on a human by white sharks is a result of mistaken identity,in circumstances where surface objects,like surfers,are targeted from below,it is very possible.”

The research also supports the theory the reason most bite incidents on humans involve juvenile sharks is because they have poorer vision than fully grown adult sharks and have just started to incorporate seals into their diet.

In 2020 there were 22 shark attacks in Australia,eight fatal,compared with 2019,in which there were no fatalities from 17 attacks.

Experts point out shark attacks statistically are very rare and deaths even rarer,but with global warming changing animal behaviour,as well as Australians’ love of the beach,attacks could become more frequent in the coming years.

Professor Hart said they hoped their research could go part of the way to helping humans and sharks share the ocean with fewer incidents.

“Once you understand what the drivers are for a shark to bite,then you can develop ways to avoid that mistaken identity,” he said.

“We’ve had some good results with lights on the bottom of seal decoys which deter the sharks,and which could be put on the bottom of surfboards.

“We want to change the idea that sharks are these mindless killers who target humans,and I think the people are gradually understanding that.”

The research has been published in the journalRoyal Society Interface.

Stuart Layt covers health,science and technology for the Brisbane Times.

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