Australia can’t afford politically biased grant funding

It should go without saying pork-barrelling has no place in a modern well-managed nation. Taxpayer resources must be allocated in a way that most efficiently contributes to the wellbeing of all citizens.

And yet,aHerald investigation of $2.8 billion in discretionary federal grants has revealed disturbing political bias.

The review of more than 19,000 grants across every federal electorate over the past three years by reporters Katina Curtis and Shane Wright found government-held seats received nearly four times the amount that flowed into Labor electorates.

Of course,much of this funding was completely appropriate,including drought relief that went disproportionately to seats held by the Coalition in regional areas.

But the analysis revealed alarming disparities between adjacent electorates with very similar socio-economic profiles. For instance,the ultra-marginal western Sydney seat of Lindsay,which flipped from Labor to Liberal at the 2019 election,attracted more than $23 million in grants over the past three years while the neighbouring safe Labor electorate of McMahon,received only $651,000. The inner Sydney seat of Grayndler,held by Labor leader Anthony Albanese,received $718,000 in that period but the adjacent electorate of Reid,held by the Liberal Party on a tight margin,scored $14.8 million.

The lopsided allocation of grants is antithetical to the Morrison government’s claim to be a strong economic manager. It also points to a level of arrogance and complacency after the Coalition’s eight years in power.

TheHerald’s investigation follows a slew of examples at both the state and federal level where local grant programs have been skewed for political advantage. This includes the “sports rorts” affair that led to the resignation of Bridget McKenzie from cabinet last year.

Percy Allan,a former NSW Treasury secretary and public finance expert,summed it up well:“We now have governments pursuing political cost-benefit analysis,rather than socio-economic cost-benefit analysis.”

The investigation also comes on the heels of Scott Morrison’sextraordinary tirade against the NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption. He labelled the corruption watchdog a “kangaroo court” and described its inquiry involving former NSW premier Gladys Berejiklian as “an absolute disgrace”.

This attack on the ICAC shows a disturbing disregard for integrity in politics.

Only a year ago Ms Berejiklian made adispiriting attempt to justify pork-barrelling – the term used to describe public spending on projects of dubious value to win political support.

She claimed that every government indulged in pork-barrelling “from time to time” and that it was “part of the political process whether we like it or not”.

TheHerald strongly rejects any attempt to defend political bias in the allocation of public money and welcomes areview of NSW government processes for awarding local grants ordered by the new Premier,Dominic Perrottet,last month.

Allocating taxpayer resources for political advantage is not just unfair,it is bad for the economy.

Government spending is an important driver of productivity growth which has been sluggish in Australia for some time. In a competitive global economy we simply can’t afford to squander public funds for base political purposes. Ultimately,pork-barrelling hurts us all.

The administration of local grants programs must be overhauled urgently to ensure taxpayer funds are protected from governmental abuse.

But the bias exposed by theHerald’s investigation raises a troubling question that goes deeper than local grants funding:how much have political considerations been put ahead of the national interest in much bigger spending decisions?

Australian voters deserve much better.

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