Bob Hawke death:Tributes and memories from our readers

Bob Hawke is being remembered as one of our greatest and most popular prime ministers following his death on Thursday,aged 89.

Bob Hawke surrounded by children at Bondi Public and Plunkett Street schools in 1985.

Bob Hawke surrounded by children at Bondi Public and Plunkett Street schools in 1985.Robert Pearce

We asked readers to tell us what they thought and remembered about Labor's longest serving prime minister.

Readers spoke of his"truly common touch",his conviction and his economic and political reforms.

And in the day before the federal election there was also a lament that our country may not see his like again.

You can leave your own tribute here or in the comments below:

Robert James Lee Hawke:Tributes and memories

You were prime minister in 1989 when I emigrated from Ireland,you represented an Australia that was caring,socially inclusive and forward thinking. We need to return to these values now more than ever,dark clouds are gathering and I no longer feel Australia is the battler for the underdog it was when I arrived. We need leaders with the vision of Bob Hawke not dark hearts that strive to divide us. RIP Bob Hawke.David Kerrigan

Thanks Bob. You made Australia better.Frank G

Walking down Regent St in London,Christmas 1988,my husband and I saw Bob Hawke coming towards us. There was instant recognition of our Australian sheepskin coats. He put out his hand straight away to shake ours and said G’day,Happy Christmas. No sign of minders protecting him from the public,just an ordinary Aussie greeting to fellow countrymen overseas. Truly a man of the people. Vale Bob. Thank you for all that you did for us.Angela Douglass

What a great leader we have lost today. Bob Hawke meant something to all Australians. He worked tirelessly for equality,dignity and unity amongst us all. We will never forget the day that Australia won the America's Cup in 1983..."Any boss who sacks a worker for not turning up to work is a bum". One of our few leaders,but always Labor,who bridged the gap between black and white Australians.Tom Tyndall

You may not agree with the political side of the fence he sat on but this was a man of conviction. A man standing up for what was right for the Australian public. He admitted his faults,of which we all have some,and worked hard for his family. Foresight in policy rarely seen in the modern political era and a mastermind at negotiation and relations. Vale Bob. We were lucky to have you.Dee Warr

When I was appointed the first Chairman of the National Occupational Health and Safety Commission in 1985 he said to me that I was the most important man in Australia. I responded that I thought that was his position and he shook my hand saying you are the second most important. Health and Safety in the workplace on a national level was close to Bob's heart.James Brassil

in the 80’s other kid’s heros were Border and Bartlet,mine was Bob. No one has done more to make Australia a stronger,kinder and better place than him Vale.Mark Wingate

RJH is a central source of the 28+ years or unabated economic prosperity our nation has enjoyed. Medicare,Accord,floated dollar,compulsory Super - that’s a legacy. Good bloke too. RIP.Anonymous

One of the few true Australian icons,a leader much needed by this country. Only wish there were more politicians with his commitment,vision and compassion. Thanks for all the good you did for us.Mary-Ann Hollyfield

I don’t recall much negativity,just his consensus approach and a belief in the people of Australia to meet challenges. Vale the Great Larrikin PM.Andrew Parsons

Bob Hawke. A visionary leader who devoted his public life without fear or favour for the betterment of ALL Australians. Qualities that are unfortunately so very rare in today's Parliament. Vale Bob.Dale

You were a man of vision and courage,who understood the value of supporting people,the environment and diversity - all tempered with a mischievous streak that earned you the respect and admiration of the population. R.I.P.Anonymous

Whether you prefer Liberal or Labor,Bob Hawke was an Aussie legend and a damn good bloke. He will truly be missed.Robbie

Apart from great economic achievements thanks Bob for fighting racism with all your might .RIP.Joseph Mercieca

A great great man,a man of conviction,a man of the people,a thinker,an intellectual who respected all people. A fighter for the common man and woman. A listener who was fully aware of his own shortcomings. A great life lived to the full.P Miller

I once saw footage of President Roosevelt's funeral with people crying in the street. I now understand why. How significant the man who shaped modern Australia?Adrian Waller

When I heard the news of his passing I shed a tear for this colossus of Australian politics. I stood next to him many years ago and was awestruck by his presence and charisma,something I shall never experience again.Phillip Amata

I shall remember forever the tears Bob Hawke shared during his speech in Parliament for the victims of Tiananmen Massacre on 4 June 1989 in Beijing. His peaceful departure aged 89 also coincided with the 30th anniversary of the tragedy.Alan Wang

Prime Minister Bob Hawke crying at a Chinese Memorial at Parliament House at the height of the Chinese Democracy Movement following the events at Tiananmen Square in 1989.

Prime Minister Bob Hawke crying at a Chinese Memorial at Parliament House at the height of the Chinese Democracy Movement following the events at Tiananmen Square in 1989.Graham Tidy

The first PM I voted for was Bob Hawke and it turned into a very meaningful decision. The changes he wrought in the economy and in other areas of the Australian experience will remain with me for the rest of my life. The introduction of Medicare and of superannuation will allow me a chance of a retirement that I would never have had any shot at without those changes. I have been reminded of many Bob Hawke moments tonight but it those practical impacts on my life that resonate.Catherine

A year ten student with an assignment on the 1984 election I attended Box Hill Town Hall to see him at a campaign rally. Labor ever since Thanks Bob.Anonymous

RIP Bob Hawke you were a gentleman to the end a true Australian who will be missed condolences to your family in this sad time. Gary Baker

We need another Bob Hawke.... Can't see any on the horizon?Dale

Farewell to a wonderful Australian who changed all our lives for the better. A man who truly loved his country. Leanne Clarke

Change swept in with Bob Hawke and it was a wild ride but Australia benefited from his courage and determination to make a difference to a country that needed a"man for all seasons"!Anonymous

I don't believe I was ever inspired by an Australian leader and politician,as I have been with Bob Hawke. He was a massive figure in my youth,his progressive ideas laid a foundation for my life that has been lived with gratitude right from the beginning:a national anthem,Medicare,workplace relations,and so on it goes.. Most importantly,he leaves a legacy for Australian men like me,that says to be a man is to fight for what you believe in,empathy and compassion are noble aspirations,be honest,acknowledge your mistakes,learn from them,make better. I am saddened,but I am also inspired to raise my glass and hold my head up high and carry on the spirit of the great man! Vale,mate!Travis Gottschutzke

Mr Hawke as Prime Minister never under estimated the intelligence of the Australian people...his level of respect was genuine and is one of the many reasons why he is held in such high esteem.Tim Brennan

It was a fantastic time in Australia during the Hawke years.So much reform and innovation. Nothing like it since A great leader and a man who could unite divisions through consensus and intelligence.Anonymous

Bob Hawke. The TYPICAL great Australian. Ian Wood

Bob Hawke made and makes me proud to be Australian.Henry

One of Australia's greatest son's.. As PM his vision was uncompromised. His popularity unsurpassed. His legacy together with Keating was to leave the country as a world economic leader. His popularity was such that he bought the political capital while Keating spent it in changing our economy so much so that present day Australians from younger generations have no idea what a recession is. And equality and egalitarianism is embedded into our national psychic unsurpassed in our history. Vale Bob RIP.Paul Sutherland

I remember so clearly the day that Fraser called the election and Labor switched to Hawke. He was so popular and respected that my mates and I were certain Labor would win and he didn't disappoint. He led Australia out of the 1950s and modernised our country that created the foundation of 28 years unbroken economic growth. A wonderful Australian character,beloved by the majority.Anonymous

Bob Hawke was a humanitarian,by championing the rights of the working class,and a visionary,by initiating great economic reforms for Australia. A great man with a truly common touch.Anonymous

A man who spoke the words and thoughts of the ordinary women and men of Australia. Rest In Peace.Linda

The first prime minister of my time,and a man before his time. Let's keep going forward in his name.Anonymous

As a Pom arriving here,my first sight of Bob Hawke was of him wearing that awful blazer after Australia had won the America's Cup and saying that any employer was a'bum'if they complained about a worker taking the next day off. I couldn't believe it,after having left Maggie Thatcher behind,and I've loved the man ever since.Brian Peacock

There are many politicians. There are lesser real leaders. There are even fewer Statesmen. Bob Hawke was a true Statesmen. Rest well a job well done.Angus M

I liked that when he talked to a journalist,he would look them right in the eye and call them by name as he answered their questions.Anonymous

As a kid on election Day i still remember the slogan GIVE BOB THE JOB lucky we did. Zak Temelkoski

Forever remembered and forever appreciate his contribution AND CAN ONLY HOPE that today's politicians can have a fraction of the integrity,conviction,selfless and plain bloody common sense for our future and not their own agenda's and bullshit that is so COMMON. WAKE UP and LEARN - we miss and need another BOB HAWKE. Anonymous

Bob Hawke,I definitely witnessed a remarkable era in Australian politics with Bob,and then Paul guiding the ship,an era that has passed but left its mark on the nation's character for the good.Mike Gorman

Hawke has been remembered for having the'common touch'.

Hawke has been remembered for having the 'common touch'.John Veage

Having been born as Bob Hawke's leadership ended,I can only imagine an Australia where a leader creates such a lasting legacy and betterment of the nation like he did. I hope to see that in my lifetime and that future generations benefit in the same way I did.Daniel H

Bob was the best prime minister we've ever had,and the only one I've ever cried for. VALE BOB.Anonymous

There was none before him and not yet another since,but he left many a policy legacy that I,my children and my grand children still live to be the beneficiaries off. Vale The Honourable Bob Hawke.Anonymous

His prime ministership ran parallel to my teenage years,and helped shape my outlook on politics. During my latter school years,we collected and studied each Monday's Ross Gittens article in the SMH,and that helped us to understand what Hawke and Keating were doing,and how it affected us all. I've watched every Federal Budget since the mid 80s. They were exciting in those days. A great (though flawed) man,a great leader,has left us today. Vale Bob. RIP.Peter H

Australia has lost a father,a mate,a true statesman. Rest in peace Bob. Your legend will live on.Adam Burgess

A great Australian. Father of the nation. March 1983. I will never forget you,Bob. Rest in peace.Anonymous

They don’t make leaders like Bob Hawke anymore. Heaven just became richer by his presence. Cheers Bob,have one for Australia,up above in the Heavens so high!Smita

There are politicians,and there are leaders. Bob Hawke is a true leader.Anonymous

Bob Hawke became Prime Minister just before I arrived in Australia in 1983. In the years to follow he defined the country to me,he represented all that was good and all that was a little wanting about Australia,bundled up in a package that you could put in front of the world and say"This is who we are". Alister Grigg

When I was a kid in the late 80s,we called him Uncle Bob. We were young and racing bikes (bicycles) and to subsidise our cash jobs and our cycling careers we were all on the dole. We called the dole the"Uncle Bob"too. RIP Uncle Bob.Anonymous

Thank you,you did your best,Thank you.Anonymous

Vale Bob Hawke. You were a visionary leader like Whitlam,and you did much to change the living conditions of ordinary Australians.Herschel de Kauwe

Bob Hawke one of Australia's greatest,RIP.Jay Musgrave

A fiercely Labor Supernova who cared. He just cared.Anonymous

What a great man&prime minister remember by me from his days at the football to the cabinet in Canberra very very sad&sorry to hear this regards to the family from Shane.Shane Cox

Bob Hawke made our win on Australia II even more special in the way he personalised the countries delight with our success. He was also instrumental in helping our team save the Endeavour Replica.John Longley Australia II Crewman and Endeavour General Manager

Opposite of Theresa may in every good way.Oz Tom in London

I do not share the adulation of the Hawke-Keating economic policies;for my part the deregulation of the Australian financial system represented a loss of political manoevrability for Labor and centre-left political parties and enabled the rising neo-liberal influence of international finance with its inherent systemic fragility. This in turn undermined the government's capacity to steer the economy strategically. As we see now,also,enterprise bargaining ultimately demolished unions and left wages stagnate:partly a Hawke-Keating legacy. But l have two personal recollections of Bob:first,seeing him at a Fabian Dinner in the early 1980s,l was shocked to see he was short! Second,working as a bookseller,l spoke with him when he was in hospital in 1995-96 in Sydney,and l tried to track down a missing volume of a biography of Nye Bevin for him (the UK Labour politician). Ian Bell

Hawke celebrating the America's Cup win in 1983.

Hawke celebrating the America's Cup win in 1983.Fairfax Media

All Australian legends end with Y. You R.I.P Hawkey.Glendon Johnston

The brief years of the Whitlam government,their soaring achievements and astonishing dismissal were my political awakening. I could not vote in 1975. But I voted for Bob Hawke and Labor in 1983. I remember the headiness of the campaign,Bob becoming Labor leader in the midst of it,promising to block the Franklin dam and following through after winning government. He and Paul Keating went on to make breathtaking reforms in a bellowing echo of Gough Whitlam's time. It was fulfilment for me and I have associated Labor with progressive visionary policy,just national transformation and principled politics ever since. I am grateful to Bob Hawke for the great good he did for the country and for me.Umberto Torresi

A truly great and memorable Australian.Anonymous

Our greatest prime minister - a man of the people,a real Aussie,fearless,an intellect who made huge policy change for the better.Paul R

Vale to a man with one agenda in life:make Australia a place where everyone lived with respect.Anonymous

To Bob,Waltzing Matilda,Hawaiian shirts a good aussie beer and a game of cricket. A smile as broad as an Akubra hat and ever watchful eyes of a man who loved his country and his people. Bob gave life his all. I think Bob knew much more than he ever spoke of. Thanks to Bob and Hazel. Joanne Kimber

Any silly old bugger who thinks Bob Hawke was not a great Prime Minister is bum!Dimitris Langadinos

A legend of Australian Politics. A PM who managed to directly influence the lives of all Australians through the birth of Medicare,an environmentalist,he brought employers and unionists together through the accord. We continue to benefit from his brilliance to this day. A true Aussie larrikin who rose from humble beginnings. RIP Robert.Dave Forbes

A very intelligent man who understood that in Australia you need to act like a bloke’s bloke. Don’t mention the Rhodes scholarship. A womaniser whose charm overcame his reputation. Made huge changes to our lives,all good. Vale.Carmine

The 1983 election was the first I voted in. I remember me and my mates had a big party that night celebrating his victory. It was a time full of hope and the promise of change after the patrician Fraser years. He didn’t let us down. Provided universal health care,opened up the economy and was so forward looking. This country has so much to be thankful for for his time as PM. Always held with fond affection,vale Bob Hawke.Jeremy

Bob had the reassurance you trusted. You knew it wouldn’t be easy,but he got the reforms through,because it was right. With Keating,Australia had the the A team. Farewell comrade.Anonymous

Thank you Bob Hawke for your many many years of service to us,a grateful nation. RIP. Nic

Unforgettable contribution to our nation,genuine courage and love for our people and country. A leader that many of today's politicians can only dream of being. Thanks Bob,I will be saluting you proudly over a beer for the years to come,hoping that you can continue looking over our wonderful land helping guide it once again into a better future.Ken

I first met Bob Hawke in 1974 in Launceston as an idealistic 21 year old. In 1992 while working in Canberra with a GBE I was asked by PMO to review a government health awareness program that had gone off the rails and as such was summonsed to the PM's office. In the car on the way to Parliament House,I told my 2IC that I'd met Hawke in'74 but added there was no chance he'd remember me. On entering his office,it took Bob Hawke around two minutes before asking me"Didn't I meet you in Launceston back in 1974?"When I,rather stunned,replied that he had,Bob turned to his two advisors in the room and said,"See,I told you I knew this bloke."That's my personal memory of this truly great Australian.Gary Fallon

Vale Bob. You proved to the non -true believers that Labour could indeed manage the economy and together with Keating you did more than that- by opening up our economy you changed Australia forever. Thank you for your passion,integrity and your service.Dominic Pellegrino

Bob Hawke a Great Australian who actually did make Australia Great Again. Any bosses who sack anyone for taking today off are a bum!! Cheers J Petrie

Our nation was united under Bob Hawke. At least it felt like it. He was a proud Australian who loved his country and it's people. RIP,mate.Ross

Bob reminds us that an ambitious reform program,coupled with a strong sense of social justice,environmental protection and desire to do what's right for the working people of Australia can build a stronger,more unified,better nation. Vale Bob Hawke. Thanks for letting me grow up in an Australia that was kinder,more ambitious for itself and its people,and outward looking.VK

Hawke at a Canberra press conference in 1983.

Hawke at a Canberra press conference in 1983.Peter Mayoh

Thank you Bob for your caring and kindness. God bless you. Drew Danaher

I will miss prime minister Bob Hawke forever. He changed a lot ofpeople’s Life including mine and my family. He was God send!Anonymous

I wish to convey my sympathy and condolences to Bob Hawke's family and friends.Marisa D

A great man of Labor . Hawke and Keating two visionaries.Anonymous

A great Australian;I feel like we have lost part of our soul with his passing.Anonymous

I’m so grateful my formative years instilled a commitment and belief in equality and opportunity for all despite cultural or financial status thanks to the passion of Gough Whitlam and Bob Hawke. My mantra has passed on to my children and theirs to my grandchildren. Today I’m wearing red for Labor and black for Bob.Anonymous

I can attest to Hawke’s ability to connect with people,of no apparent consequence,instantly. I introduced myself,offering and shaking his hand,(perhaps an unusual gesture for a young woman to make),at an Australian Union of Students event at Macquarie University. It was the early 80s,he was a shadow minister doing the rounds,inspiring us with his speech;our bright collective future. After dinner I moved near him on the dance floor. Everyone was dancing,especially Hawke,who in his early 50s had the moves. He shouted my name,waved me over,referencing the handshake,and we all twisted and danced the night away.Leonie

I remember 1983 when he became PM,I was doing economics for HSC that year,and remember arguing with another girl,who was a liberal supporter,using my economics theory and I was right!Anna Maria

I loved Bob as a kid and wrote to him when I was 6. Was so excited to get a reply from him and just as excited to re-discover this letter a few years ago when cleaning out things at my mum’s house. Alas,my plans to become a famous ballerina didn’t work out!Mione

I knew he was a Former Prime Minister but unfortunately didn’t know about his Great work. Besides being a Prime Minister he seemed like an Amazing Human being. He will Truly be Missed by all Australians and always remembered. Rest In PeaceAnonymous

As a young bloke I saw Bob sitting in the Cricketers Bar at the Windsor Hotel. He was starting his run for Parliament and was off the grog and was sitting on a lemon squash. There was hardly anyone in the bar. I went up to him but was quickly turned away by one of his assistants. But Bob told her to let me through. He was going to be my local member and I said I would be voting for him. I then said my grandfather was head of the gas workers union in NSW in the 1930’s he asked what my name was and then rattled off my grandfathers name and his role in the union movement. I was gobsmacked. What a prodigious memory,what a man;aren’t we so lucky that he was our PM. We are the better for having as our leader and now the poorer for losing him. Vale Bob.Anonymous

A true Prime Minister of and for the people.Anonymous

A real public servant Prime Minister who cared for his country and its economic management to make Australia vital.RIP.Anonymous

You transformed our nation for the benefit of all Australians may we never forget and always rejoice in your legacy.Miles Lane

I also received a letter from Bob Hawke after I wrote to him about my fears about nuclear war as a child. It was so special and I felt so"heard".Jill

What a loss. The first great person I recall in my life. I remember how happy and hopeful my father was when he became PM. He didn’t let us down.RF from Fitzroy

Bob,my father met you at a local Labor party meeting in Canberra in the late 50’s and I was lucky to meet you socially on a couple of occasions in the 90’s. You are a symbol of a time of hope,dignity,compassion and decency in Australia’s recent history,sadly gone! Vale.Antony Bennett

I first met Bob Hawke in a Paddington Pub across the street where we worked in OTC. He bought us all a beer.Christopher McMahon

I remember you as a thoughtful,empathetic,clever and funny PM. You showed mercy and goodwill and steered Australia towards a tolerance and acceptance of others. You saw us as a society not just an economy but you looked after the economy too. You are missed. Vale.Jo-Anne Nibbs

A man who wore his heart on his sleeve and was Not afraid to show emotion as he did when talking about his daughter's drug addiction or Tiananmen Square.Joanne

He was the loveable larrikin who was equally comfortable with"commoners and Kings".Nick Toovey

Bob Hawke visited Casino High School in the early 1990s. He spoke to the students encouraging them to stay on at school to finish year 12. It was an inspirational speech that had an obvious positive effect on students,and certainly gave me a first hand experience of a truly down to earth,genuine man who was all about encouraging people to reach their potential.Therese Schier

I had the privilege to look after Bob Hawke on board. He was truly caring,genuine and a good listener! He will be missed a great deal! #RIPHawke #ValeBobHawke #QantasthespiritofaustraliaAnonymous

A great man who did great things for Australia,enabling us to live the way we do today. R.I.P. Bob Hawke.Gazz

The most valuable thing Bob Hawke did for Australia,was show us and the world that the Union Movement can be a force for good,not just for their member workers,but for the whole country. he seems to take the role of arbitrator of hot disputes easily,but those close to him knew the emotional toll it took on him personally. He quoted the words of Will Rogers,"Not everyone can be a hero. There always has to be someone cheering from the side of the road."Vale Bob. Rest in peace. You will be missed by all.Stephen

Bob Hawke set the standard by which we should judge our political leaders. He was the epitomy of true leadership and lead us all to a better place. He was so much more than just"the budget and taxes"tired old rhetoric of today. He encouraged us to think about others and the country as a whole - a world away from the last 20 years where our political leaders have encouraged selfishness and a focus on"what's in it for me". Thank you Bob.David Morphett

Thanks for everything Bob. Your generosity of spirit transformed the country for the better. We will miss you but your legacy has stood the test of time and will endure.Ross

My grandma hardly speaks English. As a refugee from the Vietnam war she and her family were welcomed into Australia. That was over 30 years ago. To this day she still knows the name Bob Hawke.Anonymous

Bob Hawke sent my Nana a telegram to wish her a happy 100th birthday in 1986. But she was very anti any Labour Prime Ministers,having grown up on a farm where the name of their bull was Chifley,and she told my Auntie Marie to tear up the telegram. But Auntie Marie put it on the bottom of the pile of greetings (including one from the Queen and another from Joh Bjielke Peterson) that she read our to the assembled guests and by the time she got to Bob Hawke’s telegram,Nana was fast asleep in her chair,so my Auntie read out his telegram after all. Auntie Marie will be 99 years old in October,bless her. Dr Ruth Armstrong

The sex discrimination act,economic reform,Uluru,Franklin dam,Medicare - all these things! His humanity and authenticity were palpable which is not something you see often in politics. Thank you Bob Hawke. We are a better place because of you.Kate

An awesome PM who deserves the highest praise.Terese Sullivan

I arrived in Australia as an overseas student in March of 1983,shortly after Bob Hawke became the Prime Minister. His government kept the overseas student fees low (introduced by Malcolm Fraser) which enabled many of us poor overseas students to complete our university degrees. He was ahead of his time in foreshadowing the rise of China and what it meant for Australia to see itself as part of Asia. Bob Hawke will be mourned from Beijing to Jakarta and other parts of Asia for he stood for:- a true friend of Asia and a great leader who stood with and barracked for Asia when many in Australia disagreed. I emigrated to Australia In 2002 because Bob Hawke and Paul Keating (1983 to 1995) has built a nation which was economically vibrant with progressive values,a country that encourages and enables all to thrive,prosper and be part of this great Australia. Thank you Bob. Australia will be a great Asian power because of you.Anonymous

He was the main political figure of my childhood. But it’s the yard of ale,memorialised at The Turf in Oxford,that I think of most!Anonymous

Bob was the best prime minister we've ever had,and the only one I've ever cried for. VALE BOB.Anonymous

I will always remember that it was Hawkey who changed Australia's heart for the better and that nobody else could.Noel Whitaker

The Man has passed. Long live"The Man". Chris Thomas

Thanks Bob. Where are the Silver Bodgies when you need them. Really could do with one now.Anonymous

In 1982,we migrated to Australia from the UK to find Australia was gripped with recession. Not knowing what our future would be in this"lucky country"we settled into our rented accommodation in Summer Hill,NSW. I clearly recall,the leadership spill and Bob Hawke being elected as Leader of the Labor Party facing Malcolm Fraser at the forthcoming election. I also remember seeing the"Dismissal"on TV prior to the elections. In early 1983,when the election results were announced and Labor Party won with a resounding majority,my husband commented that the country was on the right track. History has proved this prediction right and we feel privileged to have been governed by the Labor party that had Vision and guts to roll out reforms. Vale Bob Hawke - a true leader for all times.Arunthathy Saravanamuthu

He wore his heart on his sleeve. He loved Australia and was a Prime Minister to whom we could all relate. We won’t see another PM like Bob Hawke again,more’s the shame. Politicians today could learn from him,from his honesty and authenticity. He didn’t use the stupid “pollie-speak” we hear all the time from current politicians. He said it as it was.....we need more of that!Wendy Buckley

The silver haired bodgey what a man for the rich the poor&everyone in between.Paul Maroon

Bob and his government transformed Australia economically without causing great social dislocation. We owe him a debt of gratitude.Steve Alais

My then 3 yr old daughter was listening intently to the Prime Minister talking on the television.'Who is that Mummy?',she asked.'That's our Prime Minister,darling,Bob Hawke.'She hugged the TV and planted a huge kiss on the screen.'I love you,Bob Hawke'. Looking back,all I can see today are the myriad changes he wrought in our lives that give us such good reason to be grateful for the life of RJL Hawke. I hope I may live long enough to see political leaders who wish to serve the Australian people,who hold genuine affection and respect (rather than confected) for us,and who are willing to'educate'us about necessary change so we can all survive and prosper. Bob took the time to send a letter to my parents on the occasion of their golden wedding anniversary. Fat chance of such consideration today. Great to be sharing memories of this great Australian. Big hole in my heart today.Anonymous

The people’s politician! Vale Bob,you were one of a kind.Kate Doyle

You turned Australia into a more caring society and for that we will all be the better! Rest In Peace Bob,we will win this Election for you and Australia!Michael Purvis

As a member for Wills Mr Hawke through his local office assisted me with a Taxation issue which the Tax Department found in my favour,I will never forget his help.David Mahoney

Bob was a man with a vision of a fairer deal for the common man and woman and for a better Australia. We will remember him also as a statesman who cheered for this country around the world. Hope your final wish will come true Bob! Martin Gehrckens

A sad farewell to the greatest Australian Prime Minister of my lifetime (and I have been voting since Menzies had the position). May Bill Shorten be as good. James Leonard

A great Unionist a great Labor person a greater Australian.Anonymous

Arguably The greatest Australian that ever lived. Australia and her people will forever be shaped by his legacy. He put Australia on the world stage with a voice of her own. His integrity,character,ethics,determination,intelligence,worldview,foresight,compassion and passion for the betterment of everything and everyone around him largely put this country on the stable foundation it finds itself and takes so much for granted. It is unlikely that we will see any future leader of his ability and stature in this country or anywhere else in the world any where anytime soon at all and more realistically possibly not in our lifetimes. Indeed Bob Hawke was possibly predestined to lead his country and he rendered it with an unsurpassable record. Like Don Bradman,there will not be another Bob Hawke again,not even someone remotely close. Bob Hawkes passing is the end of an era that we can only reminisce wistfully. Bob hawke was the people’s prime minister. He brought everyone together. The future looks frightfully disappointing,divided,sad,incoherent,unplanned and selfish.Alan

Vale,R.J.Hawke,man of the people,for the people. Oh,how we could do with your leadership today,rather than the insipid,self-serving rabble from whom we must choose a government on Saturday. Bob,you were witty,wise,wild and wonderful!Gordon Forrest

Great PM we all will miss him RIP Bob.Anonymous

Smoking his cigar on his Northbridge balcony whilst doing a crossword just last year,Hawke was engaged to the end. Never forget seeing him at Randwick races when he was the PM,with his mate John Brown and reading The Sun"Golden Guide"looking for a winner like an average punter!Winza

The referendum king,none have followed him since.John

It was thanks to Mr Hawke’s policies of the time,that I was allowed into the country as a young Mexican man. I was fortunate to have lived through those amazing years of the Hawke/Keating partnership. I owe him a debt of gratitude for the opportunity given to me to live in this country. RIP Mr Hawke.Anonymous

I admired him so much,and so did my Dad who forecast a brilliant future for this young man who worked beside him on the board of the Professional Officers'Association. He was an outstanding Australian in so many ways.Judy Place

Never attended a memorial service before,but I'll be at this one. Even though it will cost $700 in flights. Legend.Anonymous

My father died last year and he was 89. The same age as Bob. My father was a conservative but he respected Bob Hawke. In fact he was the only labor pm he ever voted for. RIP Bob. Josephine Koerner

My first Prime Minister. My first vote in ‘83. So proud to have given him m my vote.Anonymous

If not for Bob Hawke,my family and I would not have ended up here,on the greatest country on Earth. So very sad to hear of his passing. Vale Bob Hawke.Anonymous

Farewell Bob. He was what personifies a true Australian prime minister. A true leader that took Australia towards this century. In our loss of him let’s hope the memories of his achievements will drive the current and future crop of politicians to achieve even more. Bob you will always be a legend mate.Adam

Certainly was a man of the people,and he enjoyed life and what it brought good or bad. The only sour note abusing an old gent in Adelaide telling him to get a job on the 80s.Anonymous

RIP Bob Hawke. While I'm no Labor man,your contribution to Australia has been monumental. Thanks for all your service. May all the hotels of Heaven have their taps flowing of your fine eponymous Lager and Patio Ale.Adam Krslovic

He was a great PM for his time,where he introduce Medicare to benefit everyone in this nation to have a cheaper cost of going to healthcare services.Anonymous

Goodbye Bob. Thank you for what you have done.Anonymous

A great Leader regardless of which side of the fence one sits,,our current bunch on both sides pale in comparison.Arnie Marchant

So sad to here he pass away,he is such a great heart man,he bring a bright future for so many people,wish god bring him to the best place.Shane

A bloody good bloke - and yes he loved a beer,now and then,A thinker,a person with great faith in the wisdom of common people A true Ozi optimist who pursued the best for Australia A real man not afraid to show affection He balanced business and labor - a real feat - His summit connecting both was a first and I hope not the last time all Australians forge common economic identity. His ability to work towards,what he called -"Consensus"- remains legendary. Vale Bob Hawke - lion of the union movement. leader of the Australian Labor Party,a Prime minister of Australia,loved husband and father - mentor of what it is to be Australian Ozi exemplar exquisite ! May you inspire new generations of Australians to be their best! Thank you Bob You are a Great Australian.Miles Hamilton-Green

Farewell Robert James Lee. You made us laugh,you made us cry and you made us better! Rest in peace.Carol Nicholson

Vale,Mr. Hawke. An outstanding Labor leader and Prime Minister,with innumerable achievements. Thank you for your service. The loss of Bob is a loss to all Australians. Mr. Hawke will be very sadly missed,but never forgotten. Rosemary Sutcliffe

A great Australian leading a great Australia during a pivotal time in Australian history.Steve

Truly Australia's greatest and most compassionate Prime Minister,we all stand in awe . Thanks Bob.Tom Webster

I shed tears of grief when I heard the news. I am so fortunate to have lived through his stewardship of our country. His dedication to public service was magnificent,munificent and heroic. Helen Ryan

My mother feel in love with Hawke and his ideals and in doing so opened my eyes to social reform that the Labour Party embarked. This helped shape and strengthen my views on equality for all,something I am truly grateful for. Peter Rees

I had a privilege of having seen Mr Hawke in the late 80s in Sydney Town Hall. As he was walking pass,I looked straight into his eyes,they were so blue and his smiles were warm and sincere. He’s was a true orator,when he spoke it was so passionate and eloquent that captured your attention and enthused you. What I saw of Mr Hawke on that day stayed with me to the present days. I am one of his big fans. My deepest respect and condolences to his wife and children and grand children. I always remember of you Bob and thank you so much for making our country a better place for us all. You will be smiling and watching over us and support us from above - the great return of the true believers,The Australian Labor Party on May 18,2019. Thank you again Sir and may you RIP.Nguyễn Peter Cường

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