Ken Wyatt launches Voice to Parliament consultation

Ken Wyatt says government must put aside more than a century of imposing laws and policies on First Nations people and"listen to communities"as he takes the first step towards establishing an Indigenous"Voice"to Parliament.

The federal Indigenous Australians Minister will reveal on Wednesday a 12-month plan to establish the body,announcing a senior advisory group to oversee its design will be co-chaired by two prominent Indigenous leaders,Professor Tom Calma and Professor Marcia Langton.

A senior advisory group will be established by Indigenous Affairs Minister Ken Wyatt to ensure the voices of all Indigenous Australians are heard at all levels of government.

Mr Wyatt said the co-design process would develop Voice models to enhance local and regional decision-making and ensure Indigenous voices were heard as"equally as any other Australian voice"by all levels of government.

Pre-empting further criticism over the Morrison government's refusal to enshrine the Voice in Australia's Constitution,Mr Wyatt toldThe Sydney Morning Herald andThe Age the process must listen to all the communities which make up almost 800,000 Indigenous Australian voices — from"the far reaches of the top end"to inner cities.

"Nothing is ever going to be easy,"Mr Wyatt said.

"Even if we think about the Federation of Australia,every key initiative for Indigenous Australians has varied in success. But the bottom line is we're not listening to the voices of people who live in those communities."

Professor Calma and Professor Langton will steer the senior advisory group,to include up to 20 leaders and experts from across the country and will likely to include some leaders involved with 2017Uluru Statement from the Heart,which called for any established body to be enshrined in the Constitution.

Separate regional and national co-design groups will also be established to develop models to improve local and regional decision-making and a national voice to governments.

The majority of members of each group will be Indigenous and from across urban,regional and remote communities and supported by non-Indigenous Australians with relevant expertise.

Mr Wyatt said the appointment of the co-chairs showed he was prepared for robust discussions to get a model which worked,acknowledging Professor Langton's pastcriticisms of government policy.

"What I want is a group of individuals who come together as that committee and for them to have the rigorous discussions,"Mr Wyatt said.

Indigenous groups from around the country have strongly criticised the Morrison government for ruling out including a Voice to parliament in any future referendum on constitutional reform since it won the May election.

It has committed $7.3 million for the Voice co-design process and has separately committed to holding a referendum within this term of Parliament on constitutional recognition.

"What I would say to anybody[seeking to criticise] is we've always had this principle of a'fair go',"Mr Wyatt said.

"We've always talked about,as Indigenous Australians that we'care and share'. What I'm asking is that we take the time to care and share and listen to people at the community level."

He has set a 12-month deadline to finalise the design but said he was prepared to stretch it further if needed to ensure models were workshopped with communities across urban,regional and remote Australia.

"The best outcomes are achieved when Indigenous Australians are at the centre of decision-making,"Mr Wyatt said.

Professor Calma,who is Chancellor of the University of Canberra and has previously served
as the Race Discrimination Commissioner,said it was a"daunting"process but would ultimately be rewarding.

Tom Calma said it was a"daunting"process but would ultimately be rewarding.

Tom Calma said it was a "daunting" process but would ultimately be rewarding.Karleen Minney

"It's going to be a collective outcome,working with the various groups at a regional and national bodies to be able to bring it all together,"he said.

"What's really important is that we give it a good shot. It will need to be broadly supported to be successful."

Mr Wyatt has this week asked Labor,the Greens and cross benchers to join a parliamentary working group,chaired by him,to"provide feedback and suggestions"on constitutional recognition and contribute to"Voice".

Rob Harris is Europe correspondent for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

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