Morrison to pump funding into IT in public service shake-up

Prime Minister Scott Morrison will pump millions of dollars into upgrading technology systems and streamlining bureaucratic processes as he launches the biggest overhaul of Australia's public service in three decades.

Mr Morrison will next week announce increased funding for the Commonwealth public service as the federal government finalises its response toDavid Thodey's review of the nation's bureaucratic processes,which is expected to include a further cull of government agencies and boards.

PM Scott Morrison will next week announce increased funding for the Commonwealth public service.

PM Scott Morrison will next week announce increased funding for the Commonwealth public service.AAP

Senior government sources have toldThe Age andThe Sydney Morning Herald the main focus of the funding injection will be on"people and technology"to"build capability"within the public service as part of Mr Morrison's promise to improve service delivery for Australians.

Departments will also be directed to more readily share information and data as the government works towards abolishing"silos"within the system,cutting red tape,and focusing on skills,waste management and a greater connection with regional Australia.

Amid a fierce backlash from the public sector unions and the Opposition,Mr Morrison axed four departments and five senior public servants on Thursday and flagged more changes to come to establish a"lean and mean"bureaucracy.

From February 1,the number of federal departments will be reduced from 18 to 14 to"bust bureaucratic congestion",creating four super departments in the most significant restructure of the public service since Bob Hawke cut 28 departments down to 18 and abolished the public service board following the 1987 election.

Sources said much of the funding would be focused on the government's expensive information and communications technology platforms.

Mr Morrison said the new super departments,such as the combination of infrastructure and communications,were a step towards ensuring remote and regional parts of the country were connected.

"I want to ensure that our regional towns and communities are plugged in and are locked in to the prosperity that can be achieved and will be achieved in our economy in the years to come,"he said."Allowing the bush to contribute to the cities and the cities to contribute to the bush. And getting those connections far stronger than they are today."

Mr Morrison has been accused of a"centralised takeover"after sacking five department secretaries — Mike Mrdak,Daryl Quinlivan,Heather Smith,Renee Leon and Kerri Hartland.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has announced the formation of four new mega-departments in Canberra.

Mr Mrdak,the boss of the Department of Communications and Arts,said he was told late on Wednesday afternoon his department would be abolished and his 32-year career in the public service was over.

"We were not permitted any opportunity to provide advice on the machinery of government changes,nor were our views ever sought on any proposals to abolish the department or to changes to our structure and operations,"Mr Mrdak wrote in an email to staff.

Opposition public service spokeswoman Katy Gallagher said the decision appeared to have been made without"rigour or advice"about what the changes would mean.

She told ABC radio on Friday Mr Morrison's decisions threatened to silence policy areas the government was"not interested in".

"I think if you look at it in those eyes you will see some pretty careful decisions being made by the Prime Minister,not necessarily focused on how those departments deliver services to the community but more about how they relate and interact with cabinet and the executive government,"Senator Gallagher said.

Community and Public Sector Union national secretary Melissa Donnelly said 18,908 - or 11.4 per cent - of public service jobs had been cut since 2013,which had caused"enormous damage to the capacity of the Commonwealth to deliver policy and essential services that all Australians rely upon".

"The Prime Minister is wrong if he thinks slashing departments is going to improve services to the community. If Scott Morrison was serious about making sure Australians can rely on government services,he should stop gutting jobs and lift the ASL[average staffing level] cap,"Ms Donnelly said.

Rob Harris is Europe correspondent for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

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