National Australia Day Council denies ‘threatening’ Grace Tame call

The National Australia Day Council has denied having “threatening” conversations with Grace Tame after the 2021 Australian of the Year said a senior member of a government-funded organisation had urged her to refrain from criticising Prime Minister Scott Morrison.

Mr Morrison hit out at the unnamed person who Ms Tame claimed spoke to her last August,calling on them to apologise for their “unacceptable” behaviour while insisting he was not aware of any moves to silence her.

Ms Tame and former ministerial staffer Brittany Higgins appeared at the National Press Club on Wednesday to decry the slow progress in acting on violence against women and child sexual abuse,and make specific calls for better action.

Brittany Higgins and Grace Tame got standing ovations for their speeches at the National Press Club.

Brittany Higgins and Grace Tame got standing ovations for their speeches at the National Press Club.Alex Ellinghausen

Ms Tame said she received “a threatening phone call” from a senior member of a government-funded organisation on August 17 last year asking her not to say anything damning about the Prime Minister in the lead-up to the next Australian of the Year awards.

“‘You are an influential person. He will have a fear,’ they said... And then I heard the words,‘with an election coming soon’,” she recounted.

“And then it crystallised,a fear – a fear for himself and no-one else,a fear he might lose his position or,more to the point,his power.”

While Ms Tame declined to name the person or organisation,The Sydney Morning Herald andThe Age can report she was referring to a senior representative from the National Australia Day Council (NADC),the organisation that coordinates the Australian of the Year awards.

Ms Tame had an increasingly contentious relationship with the council over her year-long tenure as Australian of the Year and felt frustrated that the organisation did not give her enough support to perform her duties.

A spokesman for the NADC said the organisation was trying to verify what had occurred but denied the interpretation that Ms Tame had been ‘threatened’ in a phone call.

“The NADC has spoken to a number of personnel who have had conversations with Ms Tame over the past year,none of whom had interactions with Ms Tame that would be considered ‘threatening’,as the 17 August conversation has been described,” he said.

“The NADC has contacted Grace and her management to ask about the specifics of the conversation described at the National Press Club.”

Grace Tame addresses the National Press Club.

The spokesman said the council “has always sought to support Ms Tame throughout her tenure as Australian of the Year”.

The Prime Minister’s office said the first it knew of the allegation was when Ms Tame raised it during the nationally televised address and said Mr Morrison had not asked for any such action.

“Ms Tame should always be free to speak her mind and conduct herself as she chooses,” a spokesman for Mr Morrison said.

“While Ms Tame has declined to name the individual,the individual should apologise… The PM and the government consider the actions and statements of the individual as unacceptable.”

Women’s Safety Minister Anne Ruston said such a conversation was “absolutely inappropriate” and the government was investigating the matter.

Ms Tamelater tweeted that a formal investigation was the same “silencing culture that drove the call in the first place”.

“Stop deflecting,Scott. I’m not angry at the person who made the call…” she said.

In her address,Ms Tame noted that after she criticised Mr Morrison during a previous appearance at the National Press Club,the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet launched a review into the National Australia Day Council.

She described this as “a transparent intimidation tactic,designed to rattle the cage of an organisation whose funding mostly comes from the federal government”.

Ms Higgins and Ms Tame sparkeda national conversation over the past year about sexual violence and the treatment of women,but they said talk was not enough without concrete,institutional change.

“Last year wasn’t a march for acknowledgement. It wasn’t a march for coverage. It wasn’t a march for language. It wasa march for justice,” Ms Higgins said.

“Too little has changed.”

Real change had to start from the Prime Minister,she said,adding that his “shocking and at times … a bit offensive” language wouldn’t have mattered if his actions had measured up.

“I didn’t want his sympathyas a father. I wanted him to use his power as Prime Minister,” she said.

Ms Tame said the approach from the federal government “seems to consist of nothing but empty announcements,placatory platitudes,superficial last-minute acknowledgements,and carefully staged photo ops,facades and false hope”.

She implored elected politicians to “respect the privilege and purpose of this power” and warned that “every single one of them is,inarguably,replaceable” if voters so decided.

Ms Tame laid out three key requests:for the government to take the issue of abuse “in all its forms” more seriously,for adequate preventative education funding to be actually spent,and for nationally consistent structural change and resolving inadequate legal frameworks.

Ms Higgins also called for a more specific national action plan for ending violence against women. She said the draft released early in January was ambitious but didn’t acknowledge the failure of the first plan to reduce violence and simply “laments wistfully that more needs to be done”.

“If it is more of the same … then this plan will not be worth the glossy paper it will eventually be printed on and Australian women and children will suffer through another decade of violence and abuse while politicians and policymakers wring their hands about the fact that we need to turn things around in 2040,” she said.

“My patience has run out.”

Both urged voters in the coming federal election to look carefully at what each party was promising or had done on sexual violence and gender equality.

Despite lamenting failures and slow progress,Ms Tame said it was important to also remember just how far Australia had come over the past year,to shift the dial towards survivors’ voices and restore courage and hope back of a disempowered community.

“We are on the path to achieving nationwide safety,equity,and respect,” she said.

Matthew Knott is national correspondent for The Sydney Morning Herald,focusing on race,culture and identity. He was previously North America correspondent for the Herald and The Age.

Katina Curtis is a political reporter for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age,based at Parliament House in Canberra.

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