Queensland the hold-out on capping coal price as NSW signs on

A split between the states remains the final obstacle to a national deal on energy that will cap the price of coal and gas for major customers,with NSW and Queensland at odds over the federal payments needed to cut the cost of supplying power.

The federal government is willing to offer cash payments to ensure the new regime keeps costs down for power generators and guarantees the benefits will flow to households next year and limit the increase in retail prices.

Queensland makes more than $10 billion in annual state royalties on coal.

Queensland makes more than $10 billion in annual state royalties on coal.Glenn Hunt

But Queensland is holding out against a deal because of the impact on $10.7 billion in annual state royalties from coal mining,while NSW has accepted the need to sacrifice some of its royalties to secure the cut to costs.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese will convene an online meeting of national cabinet on Friday afternoon to overcome the final obstacles and clear the way for price caps of $125 per tonne of coal and $13 per gigajoule of gas.

A key demand from the states is for an assistance scheme that prevents the new rules hurting coal-fired power generators that have long-term contracts at prices above the cap because they might lose to other generators that can take advantage of the mandated low price.

Another potential sticking point is whether states will need help from Canberra to indemnify them against any claims from generators or coal miners,although this may be addressed by the passage of state laws next year to put the agreement into effect.

The states turned down a suggestion from Canberra that they recall parliaments before the end of this year to pass laws on coal price caps,but NSW Treasurer and Energy Minister Matt Kean said there was no objection to the loss of state royalties.

“NSW is prepared to take the hit because we want to protect consumers and businesses,” Kean said on Thursday afternoon.

“We are not here today asking for compensation for loss of coal royalties,we are here seeking support for families and businesses who could be impacted by a cap on coal prices.”

NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet made it clear,however,that federal payments would have to be part of the outcome at Friday’s national cabinet meeting.

“We’re working through those policy changes now and if there are impacts on the taxpayers of NSW there needs to be compensation – I’ve made that very clear,” Mr Perrottet said.

The $125 cap on thermal coal is almost half the top rate on the spot market but will only apply to supplies going to domestic customers. It cannot erode all state royalty revenue because 85 per cent of Australian coal goes to exports outside the new regime.

The federal government has played down the scale of the impact on electricity prices because many coal-fired power generators are already paying less than $125 per tonne on long-term contracts,although some power stations are exposed to the spot market and paying much more.

One source,speaking on condition they not be named because they were not authorised to speak about the negotiations,said the federal government had not sent the states any modelling on the likely impact on prices and that a statement of principles sent this week was only one page long.

Federal and state energy ministers will hold crucial meeting to discuss the rising cost of power.

The $13 price cap on gas is assured of support because it can be imposed by the federal government through a new code of conduct agreed with gas producers to send more of their uncontracted supplies to the domestic market and strike deals with major customers at the new rate.

Behind the new scheme is a shared acceptance by federal and state leaders that coal and gas power stations will continue to set the price for electricity despite the addition of huge volumes of wind and solar power,at least until more storage is built to add more reliability to the grid.

Energy Minister Chris Bowen emerged from a meeting with state counterparts including Kean on Thursday to announce a new Capacity Investment Scheme that will offer federal support for storage such as pumped hydro and large-scale batteries.

As expected,the scheme does not offer help to coal or gas power stations and replaces the previous government’s plan for a “capacity mechanism” that would have included fossil fuels.

The federal government said the scheme would “unlock” investment worth $10 billion but did not quantify the taxpayer assistance required.

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David Crowe is chief political correspondent for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

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