The problem with wages waiting for the next prime minister

RBA Governor Philip Lowe,Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese now resemble those passengers on the railway platform,forlornly looking at their watches and up the line for the next train.

The train is supposed to be delivering a sharp lift in wages growth,enough to at least get within cooee of the inflation rate.

But the Australian Bureau of Statistic’s latest wage price index shows the train is running so late that our passengers could rightly wonder if it’s going to turn up at all.

Wages lifted by 0.7 per cent in the March quarter for an annual rate of 2.4 per cent. Inflation,currently 5.1 per cent,is now out-pacing wages by a record 2.7 percentage points.

For a record seven consecutive quarters,wages growth has been either lower or equal with inflation.

There’s a reason why every measure of consumer confidence is nose-diving at present. Consumers know their pay packets are not keeping up with the increasing costs of their petrol,their groceries,their veterinary bills or (now) the repayments on their super-sized mortgages.

The gap between the official measures of wages growth and inflation just confirms what they are living with every day.

There are some issues with the wage price index,as it measures the wage prices faced by employers rather than the dollars and cents going into the pockets of workers. But the ABS noted the average size of private sector wage rises has lifted to 3.4 per cent,the highest rate since June 2013.

Putting aside that this is still well short of inflation,just 15 per cent of private workers got wage rises at this level. That means 85 per cent did not.

This suggests that sizeable wage rises normally associated with an unemployment rate of 4 per cent (likely lower once April’s figures are released on Thursday morning) are going to a very narrow group of workers.

Morrison on Wednesday quite rightly noted that wages should go up because unemployment is coming down. It’s the reason the Reserve Bank took official interest rates to 0.1 per cent and held them there for so long.

The problem for both Morrison (and perhaps Albanese from Sunday) and Lowe is that inflation is running faster and broader than both would like.

Minutes of the RBA’s May meeting,at which it lifted interest rates for the first time since 2010,showedthe bank is hearing loud and clear that inflation is gathering pace.

“Information from the bank’s liaison program indicated that upstream price pressures were increasingly being passed on to final consumer prices of many goods,as supply chain pressures persisted and demand remained strong,” it noted.

The RBA’s job is to keep inflation at bay. It is forecasting inflation not to be back in its target band until mid-2024. It is also not tipping wages to out-pace inflation until the end of next year.

The bank has to find a balance between returning monetary policy towards something considered normal while keeping the jobs market tight enough to generate faster wages growth.

The past decade shows generating wages growth is increasingly difficult due to a range of factors,many of which are out of the control of central banks and governments.

It may take a little longer for the wages train to pull into the station.

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Shane is a senior economics correspondent for The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald.

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