Union lashes divided Labor over'morally indefensible'gas opposition

The boss of Australia's oldest union is warning Labor will kill off blue-collar jobs and any chance of winning government if it does not wholeheartedly embrace gas to properly transition to a low-emissions economy.

Australian Workers'Union national secretary Daniel Walton has lashed Anthony Albanese's federal opposition for"continuing to impotently hedge"on gas and being"suckered"by the extreme left and right on climate policy.

Australian Workers Union boss Daniel Walton.

Australian Workers Union boss Daniel Walton.Alex Ellinghausen

Writing in The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald on Friday,the union heavyweight said any more equivocating from Labor on gas was"not just morally indefensible,it's strategically moronic".

"The extreme right and the extreme left side of the debate won't thank us,and the moderate middle will be turned off by our lack of conviction. Our chances of electoral success will flatline,"Mr Walton writes.

"Spewing out environmental buzzwords about the evils of fossil fuels while refusing to take a hard position just isn't good enough. Labor needs to tell a good economic story on energy and it needs a good economic storyteller to step up."

"Labor must wholeheartedly embrace gas and we must explain why. We must explain where we want to go and what's necessary to get there safely.

The federal opposition continues a new round of bitter infighting over its climate and energy policy,with revelations veteran frontbencher Mark Dreyfus led fierce attacks against resources spokesman Joel Fitzgibbon at a private meeting on Monday.

Several MPs on a virtual meeting of the Victorian Right faction toldThe AgeandThe Sydney Morning HeraldMr Dreyfus had called his shadow cabinet colleague"the idiot for Hunter" over Mr Fitzgibbon's continued advocacy for the ALP to embrace fossil fuels to win back blue-collar voters.

But several MPs are also growing increasingly annoyed at climate and energy spokesman Mark Butler,who was on Thursday forced to defendcomments he had made at a Carbon Market Institute event a day earlier that gas and coal did not have a role in Australia's future prosperity.

Mr Walton has urged Labor to trustChief Scientist Alan Finkel's advice on placing gas front-and-centre in the transition to a low-emissions economy and not reject his advice at the"urging of green extremists".

Dr Finkel's stance on using gas a transition fuel has beenchallenged on climate grounds by the previous chief scientist,Penny Sackett,as well asa group of 25 Australian scientists who say his support for gas is"not consistent with a safe climate".

Mr Walton writes"everyone wants to move toward a clean energy future. But a party of workers can't callously play dice with blue-collar lives to get there".

The right-wing union,one of the founding parties of Australian Labor Party,represents a large and diverse workforce across a broad range of industries. It has been a vocal supporter of new gasfield development to aid the manufacturing sector.

On Thursday Mr Butler repeated his statement that Australia would not be able to base its prosperity entirely on fossil fuels in the way it did in the 20th century.

He said to achieve net zero emissions by 2050 would have an impact on Australia as a large exporter of coal and gas.

"But gas is a critically important part of our economy and society here in Australia,"Mr Butler told Sky News Australia.

"Many of our businesses rely very heavily on gas,a number of manufacturers very heavily,employing thousands and thousands of Australians."

Since losing last year's federal election Labor has been locked in a growingpolicy tussle over whether to support future gas production,with some MPs breaking from the party's grassroots environmental movement,known as LEAN,by supporting the development of new gas fields and the construction of new gas-fired power stations.

Mr Fitzgibbon has faced internal criticism for advocating Labor be more vocal in its support for gas development and support of the coal industry.

Federal Energy and Emissions Reduction Minister Angus Taylor said on Thursday Labor was"hopelessly divided"over energy and climate policy.

"They don't have a plan to reduce emissions,reduce power prices and create jobs. While Labor will continue fighting amongst itself on gas and climate policies,the Morrison government is taking real and meaningful action to reduce emissions,cut energy costs and keep the lights on."

Rob Harris is Europe correspondent for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

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