World could go ‘back to square one’ with new COVID-19 strains without more vaccine aid

Australia has been urged to ramp up its COVID-19 vaccine aid to developing countries and encourage other nations to do the same at this weekend’s summit of global leaders to reduce the risk of dangerous new strains emerging.

Research commissioned by UNICEF Australia ahead of the G20 meeting of the world’s major economies shows Australia’s per capita vaccine supply is nine times higher than doses delivered per capita to Sub-Saharan Africa.

A shipment of COVAX AstraZeneca vaccines arriving in the Democratic Republic of Congo in May. Less than 5 per cent of Africa has been vaccinated so far.

A shipment of COVAX AstraZeneca vaccines arriving in the Democratic Republic of Congo in May. Less than 5 per cent of Africa has been vaccinated so far.Getty

“For every 18 doses of vaccine which have been delivered to G20 countries,only one of those has been delivered to low-income countries,” UNICEF Australia chief executive Tony Stuart said.

Without higher-income countries increasing assistance through donations of doses and supplies such as syringes,Australian International Development Network chief executive Mark Cubit said low vaccination rates in low-income countries were a risk to everyone.

“Surely the biggest risk to Australia is that a new variant of COVID rears its head in one of these unvaccinated countries and that makes its way around the world,” he said. “We could be back to square one in six months,12 months’ time.”

Coronavirus vaccines will be a major topic at the G20 summit in Rome. Ahead of the meetings,European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said developed nations must get vaccines out to countries that needed them.

In Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s first remarks at the summit,he will highlight the need to ensure low-income countries have access to COVID-19 vaccines. Mr Morrison is also expected to announce another large delivery of vaccination aid at the G20.

Mr Stuart said Mr Morrison should use the opportunity to take the lead on the discussions.

“This is mateship. This is about a safer world,a safer Australia. It’s not about a handout,” he said. “We can’t take our eye off the fact that we need global solutions to COVID immediately,and we can’t afford that to somehow get lost in the booster vaccination strategies that the higher-income countries are now focused on.”

More than 76 per cent of Australians aged 16 and over are fully vaccinated and thecountry’s booster program was launched this week,while UNICEF analysis shows fewer than 5 per cent of African people are fully vaccinated.

For the first in-person gathering of leaders since the COVID-19 pandemic,Prime Minister Scott Morrison flies to Rome for the G20 summit.

Many developing countries are relying on vaccine assistance through the World Health Organisation’s COVAX facility. Other countries have pledged to donate 1.2 billion doses,but so far only 356 million have been provided. Mr Stuart said COVAX needed 2 billion doses at a minimum.

There are currently about 7 million doses sitting unused around Australia. Mr Cubit said he could not speak for Australia,but there had been instances of doses expiring in developed countries or being shipped to developing nations too close to their expiry date.

“There was an incident in Malawi where they had to throw out half of the vaccines that they were sent. And that’s got to be the ultimate in waste – shipping vaccines around the world but they’re not being given enough time to distribute them,” he said.

The federal government has ordered more than 225 million doses of the Pfizer,Moderna,AstraZeneca and Novavax vaccines for the country over this year and the next. The Commonwealth has committed 40 million of those for foreign aid and a further 20 million through a partnership with UNICEF. But Australia has donated just 5.8 million doses to neighbouring countries including Fiji,Papua New Guinea,Timor Leste,Indonesia and Vietnam to date.

Health Minister Greg Hunt said once Novavax was approved by the medical regulator – with the company expected to apply for approval in the next fortnight – the country would have more options for further overseas aid.

“So whilst the 60 million is pledged,we see that as a minimum,and then as we have confirmation of further supplies arriving in the country and the ability to meet all of our needs,we’re also in a position to add to that,” he said on Friday.

Mr Cubit said Australia’s vaccine aid was being delivered “nowhere near quick enough”.

“I spend most of my week on the phone to Myanmar,Cambodia,various countries in Africa. People are dying over there. People are losing their family members,and they’re losing their jobs. They need help now,” he said.

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Rachel Clun is an economics correspondent for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age,based at Parliament House in Canberra.

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