Foxtel tantrum reveals true worth of rugby TV rights

At what point do you recognise that a partnership has become an abusive relationship? It’s a question Rugby Australia must have asked itself about its broadcast"partner"for the past 25 years,Foxtel.

A coalition of self-interested voices led by News Corporation (which owns 65 per cent of Foxtel) would have you believe RA has recklessly passed up Foxtel’s offer for the next five years of broadcasting rights,which priced the rights flat for a decade.

This is reckless,apparently,because rugby in Australia is a hot mess being led into TV rights oblivion by a team who need to know their place,take what they are given and be grateful for it.

Matt To'omua in action for the Wallabies against England at the 2019 Rugby World Cup.

Matt To'omua in action for the Wallabies against England at the 2019 Rugby World Cup.Getty Images

The only way RA can test the value of the broadcasting rights is to take those rights to market. Not only is this governance 101,but at a time when the Australian Securities and Investments Commission is taking Harold Mitchell to legal task over allegedly manipulating the Tennis Australia rights,there is no real choice.

So,could other rights partners really love Australian rugby more than Foxtel? Rugby’s value to Foxtel has always been clear — when you’re flogging subscriptions,cornering the most price-insensitive segments is a crucial foundation to the business.

For Optus selling phone plans,grabbing those segments makes the same sense. Customers switch to your service to get the sport"free",or you take money out of the pockets of competitor customers when they buy the access. Optus wants to expand on the success of its Premier League football rights. It needs to acquire incremental,price-insensitive sports fans. Optus,say hello to rugby and V8 supercars.

Rugby in Australia has struggled as a mass broadcast proposition. Super Rugby’s over-expansion,which has produced an erratic schedule of often pointless matches,has not helped. Free-to-air broadcasters want large,dependable blocks of air time.

From 2021,however,RA is trying to lock in a weekly Saturday club game at 3pm,an Australian Super team in New Zealand at 5pm and a home Australian Super fixture at 7.30pm. Sprinkle around that internationals,women’s rugby,schoolboy and sevens,and this is just the sort of programming that Channel 10 — devoid of a regular sporting code — needs.

Ten re-imagined cricket as a product with the Big Bash. A similar opportunity lies with rugby,but it requires a new approach in content creation and marketing. It needs to embrace the role of brazen challenger and move on from an image built around a golden period the current crop of fans and players weren’t even alive for. Search YouTube for Squidge Rugby and The 1014 Rugby to get a hint of what is possible.

When it comes to evaluating rights bids,it’s not just the dollar figure that counts. Platform reach,access to talent and commitment to promoting the code all add value to the offer.

Foxtel,with a declining viewer base behind a paywall,has always been weak on the first element. Disasters like English cricket going behind a paywall are showing RA just what they might have been missing.By making the sport more visible,the flow-on effect will be more participants (players and spectators),resulting in a more valuable code to corporate suitors.

Rugby Australia chief executive Raelene Castle.

Rugby Australia chief executive Raelene Castle.Photo:Janie Barrett

RA has spent months trying to explain to current and would-be sponsors their"partner"News Corporation’s full-on assault. That experience must have certainly put the element of"promoting the code"into clear focus. You could be mistaken for thinking that News Corp was,in fact,trying to drive down the code’s value.

Foxtel’s core negotiation tactic has been to bully the seller from going to market. But RA has called its bluff,and Foxtel and News Corp have been left making one hell of a song and dance about a set of rights they would like us to believe are no big deal to them.

Yet News Corp’s investor update last Friday revealed that 13 per cent of Kayo’s subscribers vapourised at the end of the Rugby World Cup in November. Imagine the carnage should they lose rugby altogether. That’s even before you get to the legion of wealthy,rusted-on,rugby fan Baby Boomers who still form the backbone of old-school set-top Foxtel.

RA chief executive Raelene Castle and her team have created a compelling package of content to take to market — securing club rugby was no mean political feat. With every scolding News Corp article that lands,they should feel assured they have headed down the right path.

Matt Rowley is the founder and chief executive of Pedestrian Group,which is owned by Nine.

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