‘We’re up against a huge machine’:the players putting tennis in a spin

The lopsided economy of tennis means staggering riches go to a select few,while many full-time professionals struggle. Now,those behind a new players’ union are aiming to smash the status quo.

Canadian Vasek Pospisil has made $US5 million from tennis,but believes poor support for rank-and-file players threatens the game’s future.

Canadian Vasek Pospisil has made $US5 million from tennis,but believes poor support for rank-and-file players threatens the game’s future.Getty Images

On Halloween night 2019,the Canadian tennis player Vasek Pospisil faced Australian Chris O’Connell in a third-round match at the Charlottesville Men’s Pro Challenger in Virginia in the United States. The event was part of the ATP Challenger Tour,a rung below the main circuit in men’s tennis. The match had a minor-league vibe:there were maybe a dozen spectators,and one of them was Pospisil’s coach. The total purse for the week-long tournament was just $US54,000,not uncommon for Challenger-level events. The winner would get $US7200.

Pospisil,a former Wimbledon doubles champion who sometimes sips maple syrup for energy during matches,was playing there as part of his comeback from an injury that sidelined him for the first half of the 2019 season. A strapping six feet four inches (193 centimetres),with perpetually flushed cheeks and strong thighs,Pospisil has an aggressive game built around a big first serve,a concussive forehand and a deft touch at the net. O’Connell normally plays attacking tennis himself. Against Pospisil,however,he was thrust into the role of counterpuncher.

The match was a case study in contrasting fortunes,as well. Tennis had left Pospisil very comfortable,with more than $US5 million in career earnings. He was happy just to break even in Charlottesville and could afford certain luxuries,such as the presence of his coach and meals from Whole Foods organic grocer,not available to many players on the Challenger circuit. The 25-year-old O’Connell,on the other hand,had made less than $US200,000 as a pro and had cleaned boats and worked in a Lululemon shop to sustain himself financially. Heading into the match against Pospisil,he was ranked No. 139. He had recently won a Challenger event and reached the semi-final of another. He would go on to finish 2019 having won 82 matches in total,more than any other man or woman on the pro tour. Yet,after expenses,he would earn just $US15,000 or so.

On that night in Charlottesville,Pospisil prevailed 6-3,6-2,but he came away impressed with O’Connell’s game – “The guy is playing potentially top-50 tennis” – and incensed that his opponent could barely scratch out a living. “It’s crazy,” Pospisil told me when we spoke a few days after the match. (He ended up winning the tournament.) O’Connell’s financial struggles were a perfect illustration of an issue that Pospisil,who has been ranked as high as 25th in the world,believed was a threat to the future of tennis:the sport does not take adequate care of its rank-and-file players. “If you are not in the top 100,you are basically not making any money,” Pospisil said.

The problem,in Pospisil’s view,is not that Roger Federer and Serena Williams make too much;rather,it is that the players as a group do not receive anything close to a fair share of the revenue generated by tennis. At the US Open,for instance,prize money amounts to around 14 per cent of gross revenues;by contrast,around half of the US National Basketball Association’s total revenues goes to the players,and the same is roughly true in America’s National Football League,National Hockey League and Major League Baseball.

“There’s so much money in tennis,” Pospisil said. “The pie is huge;the piece we’re getting is tiny.” If the tournaments gave the players a bigger cut,he argued,the extra money could be directed to lower-level events. Instead of offering a $US54,000 purse,Charlottesville could be a $US250,000 tournament. Pospisil said the players were being stiffed because,unlike their peers in those other sports,they do not have a union. The Association of Tennis Professionals,or ATP,was originally formed as a players’ advocacy group,but today it also operates the men’s tour and has to look after the needs of tournaments. (The Women’s Tennis Association,or WTA,is structured the same way.) In Pospisil’s judgment,the interests of the players have been consistently sacrificed to those of the tournaments.

When he and I had our first conversation,at Wimbledon in 2019,he was emphatic:the players needed independent representation. “There’s no other way,” he said. He had found a powerful ally in the world’s No. 1 player,Novak Djokovic,who believed likewise. I met with Djokovic,too,at Wimbledon,and he said radical change was essential. “This structure is failing tennis,” he told me.

More evidence for his claim came just eight months later,when COVID-19 forced the pro tours to shut down,plunging the sport into crisis as scores of players who had barely scraped by in pre-pandemic times suddenly had no work. Djokovic and others tried to organise arelief fund to which top players would donate money to help their hard-up colleagues. It was a compassionate gesture but also deeply embarrassing for a sport that has long projected an image of wealth and glamour.

Quietly,Djokovic and Pospisil used the hiatus to brainstorm,and at the US Open last August,they announced the formation of the Professional Tennis Players Association,or PTPA,which would negotiate on behalf of the players over money,scheduling and other matters.

In retrospect,the announcement was premature:at the time,they had no actual organisation in place. But they have since put together what now appears to be a formidable entity,helped by the backing of a trio of
billionaires:the American hedge-fund manager Bill Ackman and the Canadian tycoons Anton Rabie and Rebecca MacDonald. The group has appointed Adam Larry,a Toronto lawyer previously with the National Hockey League Players Association,as its executive director. It has hired lawyers,forensic accountants and a communications staff. It has asharp website and a logo,and it appears to enjoy robust support in the men’s locker room.

But although it claims to want torepresent men and women,the PTPA has yet to draw public support from top female players,a shortcoming that feels even more conspicuous in the wake of Naomi Osaka’s withdrawal from this year’s French Open,which raised thorny questions about the rights and obligations of athletes. And the fledgling organisation faces powerful opposition – not just from the ATP,which seems to view it as an existential threat,but also from the four grand slam tournaments:Wimbledon,the US Open,the French Open and the Australian Open,which collectively are the most powerful institutions in the game. “We’re up against a huge machine,” Pospisil says. They are also up against Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal,whose
opposition to the PTPA has become an intriguing subplot to their rivalry with Djokovic.

Debates about pro athletes and money typically revolve around the highest earners and whether their incomes can be justified. The pandemic has confronted tennis with a very different question:what does a sport owe its also-rans?

Novak Djokovic of Serbia shakes hands with Vasek Pospisil of Canada after a match in England. The duo are united in their belief in a players’ union.

Novak Djokovic of Serbia shakes hands with Vasek Pospisil of Canada after a match in England. The duo are united in their belief in a players’ union.Getty Images

The pity and puzzle of tennis are how a game that is so pleasing to the eye – especially on the grass lawns at Wimbledon – has become such a mess off the court. Instead of a single controlling authority,for instance,it has an alphabet soup of associations and federations that often work at cross-purposes. That goes some way to explaining why a sport that could barely support one men’s team competition now has three taking place in a span of four months.

The men’s and women’s tours operate separately,and the four majors are independent from the tours – in tennis,all the energy is centrifugal. “The sport has grown like a town that didn’t have an urban planner,” says the former world No. 1,Jim Courier. Beyond the administrative chaos,tennis is riddled with conflicts of interest. Management companies that represent players also run tournaments,television commentators moonlight as coaches,governing bodies award contracts to companies with links to board members.

“The sport has grown like a town that didn’t have an urban planner.”

What’s puzzling,too,is how a sport that has done maybe as much as any other to promote equality and empower athletes ended up with such a lopsided economic structure. The biggest stars,like Federer and Nadal,earn tens of millions of dollars a year in prize money and,above all,endorsements. In fact,Federer is now apparently close to becoming abillionaire. The annualForbes list of the world’s highest-paid female athletes is dominated bytennis players. For the non-superstars,however,tennis is far less remunerative. Players are self-employed,and between travel,coaching and other expenses the overhead is steep and the pay often shockingly meagre. Many players lose money pursuing their careers.

Given this set of facts,it is not hard to see why many consider tennis to be a sport in dire need of reform,or even revolution. In the genial Pospisil,it has found an unlikely Che Guevara. Pospisil,31,is part of a wave of Canadian players,nearly all of them the children of immigrants,who have turned the country into a tennis power. The third of three sons,Pospisil was born in 1990,two years after his parents fled Czechoslovakia. The family settled in what he describes as “a small hockey town” in British Columbia’s Okanagan Valley,where his father worked in a brewery,before moving to Vancouver so that Pospisil could have access to better competition. He turned pro when he was 17. In 2014,he won the men’s doubles at Wimbledon with Jack Sock,an American,as his partner. The following year,he reached the quarter-finals in singles.

Tara Axford

Pospisil has also distinguished himself with his side ventures. He dabbles in real estate and recently started a mushroom company,selling fungi that are claimed to have specific nutritional or health benefits. “He has a love for business,” says Anton Rabie,a founder and co-CEO of the Canada-based toy-and-entertainment company Spin Master who has become a mentor to Pospisil. He believes the player has all the qualities of a first-rate entrepreneur,including perhaps the most important one. “He has chutzpah,” Rabie says with a laugh. Pospisil seems to be popular with sponsors. He has deals with KITS,a Canadian eyewear company,and with the Canadian arm of Huawei,the Chinese telecom giant.

In 2018,Pospisil joined the ATP’s player council. The 12-member group elects several members of the ATP’s board but otherwise serves an advisory function,conveying the views of the players to the group’s executives. Pospisil grew disillusioned as he came to understand the inner workings of the ATP. He was troubled by what he saw as overlapping interests. One board member,for instance,was an agent for IMG,the talent-management company that represents players but that also operates tournaments.

What especially bothered him,though,was a sense that the ATP was failing at its most basic duty:to promote the interest of the players. “There’s no way that tennis shouldn’t have 300 players making decent livings,” he said. Pospisil was acutely aware of how much better middle-of-the-pack athletes in other sports had it. The National Hockey League was his reference point:the league had roughly 700 players and,in 2019,a guaranteed minimum salary of $US700,000. More than half the players were earning more than $US1 million a year. Coaching and travel were free,as was health care,and players were paid even when they were out with injuries,which was not the case in tennis.

Pospisil recognised that a team sport could offer benefits that an individual sport could not. “Tennis is its own animal,” he said. But the share of revenue that the players received from the tournaments – around 17.5 per cent across the two tours and the four majors – struck him as inexcusably low. Players were the ones pulling in the fans and driving the revenue,and in his view they were being exploited. And when he thought about why the 300th-best hockey player was making seven figures while Chris O’Connell,the 139th-best tennis player,was barely solvent,the answer was self-evident. It wasn’t because NHL team owners were inordinately generous;it was because NHL players had a union and tennis players did not. “It was a logical conclusion,” Pospisil said.

Djokovic had already come to the same conclusion. At a players’ meeting before the 2018 Australian Open,he told his colleagues that they needed to consider forming their own association. At the time,Djokovic was president of the ATP player council. But he said that the players would get what they deserved from the tournaments only if they had representation of their own,separate from the ATP. While a number of players expressed support for the move,Djokovic was accused by some in the press of being greedy,and in the days after the meeting,he seemed to disavow his own idea. But it turned out to be just a temporary retreat.

After expenses,Australian Chris O’Connell cleared $US15,000 in 2019,when he won 82 matches.

After expenses,Australian Chris O’Connell cleared $US15,000 in 2019,when he won 82 matches.AAP

Labor issues gave rise to the modern tennis era. For much of their history,the grand slam tournaments and other competitions were limited to amateurs. In the 1950s,the American Jack Kramer led a professional tour that over time attracted many of the best players. Even though the amateur-only restriction was by then a farce – instead of prize money,players were paid under the table;“shamateurism” was the term used to describe this state of affairs – the majors refused to allow the pros to compete. It was,in effect,a lockout. Finally,in 1968,the tournaments,recognising that it did tennis no good to have some of the strongest players absent from the most prestigious events,opened their draws to the pros.

Four years later,Kramer and several others created the ATP. It was conceived as a players-only organisation,and it wasted no time asserting itself:in 1973,players boycotted Wimbledon in a dispute over their right to choose the tournaments they participated in. “Tennis is exactly a century old,” Arthur Ashe,a member of the ATP’s board,wrote in his diary a few days before the vote on whether to play,“and this,at last,will be the moment when the players stand up for themselves.”

Player empowerment seemed to take another step forward in the late 1980s,when the ATP,now under the leadership of Hamilton Jordan,who had been Jimmy Carter’s White House chief-of-staff,created its own tour. From that point on,the ATP was a partnership between the players and the tournaments,with each side holding three seats on the ATP’s board.

Plenty of players think this arrangement has served them well. If you ask them why,they just point to the growth in prize money. When Ashe won the US Open in 1968,the first year the tournament offered money,the total purse was $US100,000 and the winner’s haul was $US14,000 (which Ashe,who was still in the army,couldn’t accept). These days,prize money totals more than $US50 million,and the male and female winners receive just under $US4 million each (although it was less last year). The 128 men and women eliminated in the first round take home $US61,000.

When I spoke with the veteran player Feliciano Lopez,who’s from Spain,he expressed dismay at the notion that he and his fellow competitors were getting a raw deal. “There are many people – they have no idea how this was 20 years ago,” Lopez said. “I was making $US10,000 for entering a slam. Now I’m making $US50,000,and these people complain? How is that possible?”

Prize money at the four majors,however,has increased mostly because revenues have soared. Starting in 2013,the tournaments did agree to gradually bump up the portion going to the players;the US Open share,for instance,has risen to 14 per cent from 11 per cent. But critics point out that the ATP,though supposedly the voice of the players,was not chiefly responsible for extracting those concessions. Instead,Federer and a couple of other top players negotiated the increases,and the tournaments capitulated only in the face of a threatened boycott and the spectre of competition:a Middle Eastern investor had offered to hold a lucrative event at the same time as the Australian Open.

“There is just a very big lack of transparency over tournament and tour finances. It’s just a shut-up-and-play attitude. ‘Shut up and play and focus on your forehands.’ ”

And the majors are just one part of the equation. Many players feel let down by their own tour. The richest of its events,the nine ATP Masters 1000 tournaments – so named because the winners receive 1000 ranking points – pay the players around 23 to 26 per cent of gross revenues. But the players don’t know the exact figures for each tournament because that information is not shared with them;instead,they receive a report summarising the financial performance of the 1000s as a group.

“There is just a very big lack of transparency,” says the veteran American player John Isner,who quit the ATP player council last year and is now backing the PTPA. In his view,the ATP didn’t want the players to be informed and engaged. “It’s just a shut-up-and-play attitude. ‘Shut up and play and focus on your forehands.’ ”

In early 2019,Djokovic and Pospisil were part of a successful effort to push out the ATP chairman,Chris Kermode,who was criticised for being too deferential to the tournaments (despite casting a tie-breaking vote in 2014 to increase prize money,which angered some tournaments). At Wimbledon a few months later,a meeting of the player council dissolved in acrimony,with four members resigning over Kermode’s ousting and a disputed board seat. It was a particularly baroque illustration of the dysfunction that plagues pro tennis.

By then,Djokovic and Pospisil were already contemplating a breakaway organisation. When I spoke with Djokovic following his third-round victory at Wimbledon in 2019,he told me the root of the problem was that the ATP was based on an unworkable idea:that the players and tournaments could be equal partners. He claimed that the two sides were at odds “98 per cent of the time” and that because the players were busy with their careers and unable to
immerse themselves in the negotiating intricacies,they were always in an “inferior position” when dealing with the tournaments.

“I’m not complaining about anything personally. But as a representative of players,as the president of the player council,I feel that the players,especially from 50 to 250 ranking in the world,deserve more.”

But he stressed that he was not looking for more money for himself. Rather,his aim was to help players down the ranks. He said that when he discussed
compensation in the past,people had “kind of twisted around” his position to suggest he was greedy. “Let’s clear this up,” Djokovic said,his voice rising.

“I’m not complaining about anything personally. But as a representative of players,as the president of the player council,I feel that the players,especially from 50 to 250 ranking in the world,deserve more.”

He was close to a number of fellow Serbs on the pro tour and was keenly aware of how difficult it was for them. “I know how much they struggle,” he said.

Lucrative endorsement deals mean Roger Federer has become the first tennis player to be the world’s highest-paid athlete and Japan’s Naomi Osaka the world’s best-paid female athlete;female superstars like Serena Williams earn millions,yet other women players barely scrape a living together.

Lucrative endorsement deals mean Roger Federer has become the first tennis player to be the world’s highest-paid athlete and Japan’s Naomi Osaka the world’s best-paid female athlete;female superstars like Serena Williams earn millions,yet other women players barely scrape a living together.Getty Images

Years ago it was fairly common to see the winners of tennis tournaments handed big cardboard cheques,giving the impression that the sport was unusually remunerative. For a handful of players,it has been. Last May,as tennis was scrambling to help its masses,Forbes announced that Federer was the world’s highest-paid athlete,the first time a tennis player had held that distinction. The week that Naomi Osaka withdrew from the French Open,it was reported that she earned $US60 million the previous year,the most ever for a female athlete. Numbers like that tend to lodge themselves in the public mind and feed the impression that tennis is a bonanza for everyone.

Part of the challenge for the PTPA is overcoming that perception and making the case that the inequality in tennis is something worth caring about. But even in normal,non-pandemic times,the inability of some players to make a
decent living is not an issue that has much purchase on public sympathy.

When I spoke with Jim Courier a while back,he said he empathised with those players but that some perspective was in order:the sport still offered plenty of rewards,even if the money wasn’t great. “It beats working for a living,” Courier joked,“chasing a yellow ball around the world and pretending it’s a real job.”

Tara Axford

And there are some in tennis who don’t believe that the income inequality is necessarily unjust. Last spring,Dominic Thiem,world No. 3 at the time,pointedlyrefused to contribute to the player relief fund. He told an Austrian newspaper that a lot of players “don’t commit to the sport 100 per cent. Many of them are quite unprofessional. I don’t see why I should give them money.” (The relief fund never materialised,but the four majors,along with the two tours and the International Tennis Federation,put together a $US6 million relief package.)

Outside the top 100,there is plenty of talent and dedication;the problem is that many of the players lack the resources needed to rise higher. Gaby Dabrowski,a Canadian player who specialises in doubles,told me that racket skills and hard work only carry you so far now. “The players ranked 150 to 250 are on the cusp of breaking through,but they need to be able to invest in themselves,” she said. “You can’t do it alone. You need a coach to guide you,to have a vision for your tennis,to see your blind spots,and you need money for that.”

That was the problem she faced,and it ended her singles career. “I couldn’t afford a full-time coach,but I also couldn’t get better without one,” Dabrowski says. She didn’t need one for doubles,so that became her focus.

And life on the fringes of the pro circuit is hardly glamorous. The facilities are often shoddy,and subsisting on instant ramen in seedy motels can be soul-crushing for even the most resilient athlete. The American player Noah Rubin says that depression is a major problem,one that he himself has battled,and that financial stress is a big factor. “It’s a snowball effect,” he says. “You don’t make enough money,you can’t pay for a team around you,you are travelling to these tournaments alone,which makes it tougher to succeed,which sets you up for failure,which sets you up for depression and anxiety,which doesn’t allow you to play your best tennis. It is just going in a circle.”

“The players ranked 150 to 250 are on the cusp of breaking through,but they need to be able to invest in themselves. You can’t do it alone. You need a coach to guide you,to have a vision for your tennis,to see your blind spots,and you need money for that.”

The poor pay at low-level events has also contributed to match-fixing problems. In 2019,26 players were suspended or banned for life for taking money in exchange for throwing matches,sets or even just individual games. Almost all the infractions occurred on the ITF Men’s World Tennis Tour,which is a level below the Challenger circuit.

Pospisil and other players think the ATP tournaments are also short-changing them. But Andrea Gaudenzi,who replaced Kermode as the ATP’s chairman,disputes that. He told me that while the Masters 1000 events do well,most of the other tournaments on the ATP Tour earn only modest profits,if that,a situation made worse by the pandemic. And he points out that prize money is just one part of compensation. Players receive free food and lodging at ATP events,and the organisation offers a generous pension plan.

In addition,high-ranked players are often paid hefty appearance fees by tournaments. The tour has $US140 million in total prize money,and Gaudenzi insists that this,for the moment,is the best the ATP can do. “The lemon has been squeezed dry,” he says.

Gaudenzi is pushing to increase tennis’s revenues over the long term – by,among other things,forging closer co-operation between the men’s and women’s tours and bundling media rights for all of the big tournaments. He says this will ultimately help lower-ranked players. “Whether you move the percentage of money from left to right,it doesn’t really grow the pie,” Gaudenzi says. “We want to grow the pie. When you grow the pie,you can redistribute the money in a more equitable and fair way.”

But his plan is based on some questionable assumptions. It seems rather unlikely,for instance,that the majors would agree to pool their television rights with the two tours. Beyond that,Gaudenzi is implicitly asking current players to accept the status quo,which is unacceptable to many of them. As Pospisil puts it,“Why can’t we also negotiate in parallel something that is fair for the players now?”

Tennis is brutally individualistic,and its lopsided economy,in which almost all the rewards go to a select few,inevitably makes collective action difficult if not impossible. It is a sport in which the superstars get most of the money and attention. The pandemic has cast a rare spotlight on tennis’s unsung performers. The test now is whether it will lead to meaningful change.

Edited version of a story first published in The New York Times Magazine. © 2021 The New York Times Company

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