For years,Van-Anh had a dating rule. She broke it when she met Mark

For years,Van-Anh had a dating rule. She broke it when she met Mark

Although they had nearly diametrically opposed careers in music,a writing retreat in Bali saw them forge a romantic relationship like no other.

  • bySamantha Selinger-Morris


They met,isolated together and then they fell in love

They met,isolated together and then they fell in love

What on paper sounded like a match made in hell – a positive COVID-19 result,living in different countries – became a relationship filled with kindness and respect.

  • bySamantha Selinger-Morris
When Michael met his future wife,he was at her engagement party

When Michael met his future wife,he was at her engagement party

Both Michael Korb and Jennifer Hammerschlag had their own respective long-distance partners when they became friends. Within six months,they realised their bond was far bigger than that.

  • bySamantha Selinger-Morris
Edwina locked eyes with a Frenchman at a restaurant. Two years later,they were married

Edwina locked eyes with a Frenchman at a restaurant. Two years later,they were married

For years,Edwina Forest found herself falling into relationships,instead of actively choosing them. One fateful evening,she glimpsed the man who would change that.

  • bySamantha Selinger-Morris
After just 25 days together,Dolli knew. So she moved to Europe for love

After just 25 days together,Dolli knew. So she moved to Europe for love

Dolli Taylor spent years building her career. She never thought she would upend every part of her life for a man she had spent only about 25 days with.

  • bySamantha Selinger-Morris
Four months before her wedding,Mary knew it was over

Four months before her wedding,Mary knew it was over

After a two-and-a-half-hour phone call,Mary Kavanagh made the decision to call off her wedding. It ended up leading her to the love of her life six months later.

  • bySamantha Selinger-Morris