Eight ways Sue Gray’s ‘partygate’ report makes things worse for Boris Johnson

London:Boris Johnson was still standing without a leadership vote triggered at the end of Tuesday (UK time),despite the Sue Gray “update”,leaving his supporters feeling upbeat.

But a closer look at developments suggests that far from drawing a line under the “partygate” saga,a period ofdeep uncertainty and political danger approaches.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson boards an aircraft as he departs to meet with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in London,England.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson boards an aircraft as he departs to meet with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in London,England.Getty

On at least eight fronts,new information emerged on Tuesday that hindered rather than helped the Prime Minister’s attempt to move on from the row and focus on governing.

1. The photographs

More than 300 photographs have been handed to the police as part of their investigation into “partygate” allegations,Scotland Yard said in a statement.

The images were found by Gray,a senior civil servant,and her team as they interviewed more than 70 people as part of their inquiries.

The production of just one photograph,showing Johnson in his garden with cheese and wine has prompted a media storm.

And the event captured in the photo (obtained byThe Guardian) did not even reach the bar for police investigation.

2. The flat

A gathering in Johnson’s Downing Street flat is being investigated by police for potential COVID-19 rule breaches,Gray’s report revealed.

The event was on November 13,2020,when Dominic Cummings,then a former senior adviser,was forced out of No. 10.

The political danger from that allegation goes much beyond claims of parties held by advisers which the Prime Minister did not attend - this is an event in his own home.

TheMail on Sunday claimed that Abba songs,includingThe Winner Takes It All,were played. Downing Street and Johnson have both categorically denied a party took place.

3. Other Boris events

In total Gray revealed that 12 of the 16 events she looked intoare being investigated by Scotland Yard,spread across eight different dates.

Leaving to one side the Downing Street flat gathering,Johnson reportedly attended at least three other events being looked at by police.

They are the “bring your own booze” Downing Street garden event in May 2020,his alleged birthday party in June 2020 and afarewell event for an adviser in November 2020.

Scotland Yard’s interest in the events was only confirmed on Tuesday.

4. Another Gray report

A few weeks ago Number 10 hoped that Gray’s report would draw a line under the “partygate” saga,getting the facts in the open before a Johnson reset moved on the agenda.

That has not happened. In fact,due to the Metropolitan Police’s request that only “minimal reference” be made to the events it is investigating,Gray gave only a short “update”.

Late on Tuesday,after a barrage of requests for a promise that Gray’s full findings will be made public,Johnson promised her final “update” will be released.

That means another Gray report is coming,most likely after the police probe is complete,which may well reveal details of what happened at the events investigated.

5. Met clears the way

Scotland Yard’s insistence that details of 12 gatherings it is investigating are kept secret was the key block on information being put in the Gray report - but it will not last.

A statement released on Tuesday afternoon by the Met said “this request only applied during the duration of our investigation”.

In other words,Gray is free to publish everything that she has found when the police investigation - which could last weeks rather than months - is completed.

The position,if it holds,means Gray and the Met will both be happy eventually to release everything they know - piling pressure on No. 10 to agree to the same.

6. The new events

Three of the dozen events which Gray revealed were being investigated by Scotland Yard had not been fully reported in the public domain before Tuesday.

They were all leaving events. One in the Cabinet Office on June 18,2020,another in Downing Street on December 17,2020 and a third in Number 10 on January 14,2021.

The full details of what took place at each event is unclear,but it means that more details about gatherings that have sparked police interest are sure to come out.

7. Fresh Boris positions

During a bruising appearance in the House of Commons on Monday,Johnson laid out a string of new public positions that are likely to be scrutinised in the coming weeks.

The Prime Minister declined to promise that he would resign if fined by the police for breaking COVID-19 laws,side-stepping a demand some Tory MPs privately have made.

Johnson,speaking at the Despatch Box,also doubled down on his insistence that a party did not take place in the Downing Street flat on November 13,2020.

He also declined to promise the full Gray report would be published,though No. 10 later backtracked.

8. New Tory dissenters

Tuesday brought new Tory rebels. Andrew Mitchell,the former chief whip,declared in the Commons that Johnson had lost his “support”.

Theresa May,the former prime minister herself ousted by Tory rebels who favoured Johnson,asked her successor if he had not understood the COVID-19 rules.

Then Angela Richardson quit as a ministerial aide to Michael Gove,the Communities Secretary,making her the first government resignation over “partygate”.

The 54 letters mark which triggers a no confidence vote in Johnson has not been met,but new Tories going over the top with criticism will increase the jitters in No. 10.

The Telegraph,London

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