Why is the world watching the small Swiss town of Davos?

Who goes to Davos and what do they do there?


In the small town of Davos,nestled among the Swiss Alps a kilometre-and-a-half above sea level,the restaurants serve fondue in woody interiors and tourists flock to test their mettle on the runs of one of the country's biggest ski resorts.

Drawn by the town's clean air and gentle microclimate,famous visitors have included Sherlock Holmes author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle,tubercular Scottish novelist Robert Louis Stephenson and German painter Ernst Kirchener,who went to conquer his drug addiction and ended up being honoured with a chic museum that houses 1400 of his vibrant expressionist works.

Davos is known for many things but it is world-famous for one,and we do not mean the annual ice-hockey Spengler Cup.

Davos is famous for Davos,shorthand for the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum. Now in its 50th year,the meeting has evolved into something of a spectacle as the business and political elites of the world,with a sprinkling of Hollywood types,as well as activists and media,arrive in a blizzard of helicopters and hype to talk about big issues,both publicly and behind closed doors.

What do they do at Davos? Who goes? Can anyone buy tickets?

Davos:the calm before the event.

Davos:the calm before the event.Bloomberg

What is the purpose of the World Economic Forum?

It was started by a German engineer and economist,Klaus Schwab,in 1971,when he set up the not-for-profit European Management Forum and invited a few hundred European business leaders to Davos in summer to learn about US management practices.

Known as the World Economic Forum since 1987,and with a more international focus,its annual alpine get-together is an exercise in high-level cross-pollination – what it calls a"creative force for engaging the world's top leaders in collaborative activities to shape global,regional and industrial agendas".

“People are revolting against the economic ‘elites’ they believe have betrayed them,and our efforts to keep global warming limited to 1.5C are falling dangerously short,” says Professor Schwab,now 81,on the forum's website. “With the world at such critical crossroads,this year we must develop a Davos Manifesto 2020 to reimagine the purpose and scorecards for companies and governments. It is what the World Economic Forum was founded for 50 years ago,and it is what we want to contribute to for the next 50 years.”

Klaus Schwab on the opening day of the World Economic Forum in 2020.

Klaus Schwab on the opening day of the World Economic Forum in 2020.Bloomberg

It's no surprise then,that this year's theme is Stakeholders for a Cohesive and Sustainable World and panel discussions include Averting a Climate Apocalypse and Balancing Domestic and Global Inequality. Aiming to walk the walk,organisers say the meeting aims to be carbon-neutral through measures such as offsets. Meat and fish are off the menu in the main congress centre for a Future Food Wednesday."You can live a luxury life – not be a hippy wearing Birkenstocks – and not eat animals,"says the award-winning Canadian chef brought in to cook vegan and vegetarian meals for some guests. Bananas are banned in a drive to focus on local produce.

The Davos Manifesto 2020 focuses on the question,What kind of capitalism does the world want? Rather than shareholder capitalism,with its focus on maximising profit,or state capitalism,where governments run the show,Schwab has long contended that stakeholder capitalism is the way forward.

Under this model,corporations are"social organisms"that pay their fair share of taxes,don't tolerate corruption,uphold human rights through their supply chains,and support a competitive level playing field,including in the new platform economy,which includes digital companies such as Facebook,Amazon and Google.

One metric of stakeholder capitalism is that executive salaries are pegged to the creation of long-termshared value rather than just shareholder interests.

This is reflective of a wider trend:a group of US CEOs called the Business Roundtable ditched the shareholder-first principle last year and pledged to work for stakeholders instead,including customers,employees,suppliers and communities.

Donald Trump addresses media at Davos.

Donald Trump addresses media at Davos.Keystone

Who goes to Davos?

About 3000 guests,from 117 nations,including at least 119 billionaires,53 heads of state and a range of school-age"change-makers". Guests are,famously,given name tags colour-coded according to their"rank". (The white ones with a hologram are,apparently,the most coveted access-all-areas badges.) Davos remains a mostly male affair,with just about a quarter of attendees women this year,a record high. Companies must pay 27,000 Swiss francs per person,or just over $40,000,and must fork out membership fees for the World Economic Forum.

The US administration's price tag for its two-day trip to the forum was more than $US4 million ($5.8 million),reported US publicationQuartz.

Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg,17,and US President Donald Trump (whose daughter,Ivanka,is also at Davos) made a splash in their back-to-back public addresses. Trump backed a"trillion trees"planting initiative and dismissed the"perennial prophets of doom"on climate change. Thunberg responded,to a packed auditorium,"Our house is still on fire"and"Your inaction is fuelling the flames."

Naomi Wadler,a 13-year-old anti-gun campaigner from the United States told Reuters,"I think it's so great that we're all invited ... because this is something that hasn't been done before. The forum used to be made up of a lot of old,rich white men and so I think it's really cool that we have so many people of colour."

Australian guests include Finance Minister Mathias Cormann who defended the government's progress on emissions reduction;Julie Bishop,as chancellor of Canberra's Australian National University;Rob Scott,the head of conglomerate Wesfarmers and its chief financial officer,Anthony Ginaotti;Arun Sharma,an Adani Abbot Point Terminal board member;and artist Lynette Wallworth,who told attendees,“I am standing here a traveller from a new reality:a burning Australia,where amidst the endless falling ash,the thing that is clearest to see is what was feared and what was warned is no longer in our future,a topic for debate. It is here.”

Iran's top diplomat,Mohammad Javad Zarif,cancelled his place at Davos amid disputes with Europe over Iran's nuclear steps,high tensions with the US after an American drone killed Revolutionary Guard General Qassem Soleimani in Baghdad and outrage following Iran's downing of a Ukrainian passenger plane,killing all 176 people on board.

An attendee rests between sessions.

An attendee rests between sessions.Bloomberg

What does everyone do there?

Much of the day is spent in a whirlwind of half-hour sessions,as with any conference only with a particularly high-powered line-up of talent. At any given event you might hear Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong,Prince Charles,Pakistan leader Imran Khan,Hong Kong chief executive Carrie Lam,pop star will.i.am,German Chancellor Angela Merkel or Finnish PM Sanna Marin.

Networking,negotiations and schmoozing also take place on the sidelines. Apple chief executive Tim Cook was set to breakfast with Trump,for instance.

With so many decision-makers accessible to journalists,peripheral comments are reported,whether on US trade ("We're going to talk about a big trade deal,"Trump said at the start of a one-on-one meeting with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen) or on what Saudi Arabia's finance minister disclosing what the kingdom will do with the money it got from recently listing oil giant Aramco (it will put it back into the local economy,including spending on defence systems).

Apres-talk activities have ranged from caviar and vodka dos in Russian oligarchs'chalets to dance parties where guests quaff Roederer champagne and cut the rug with British actor Idris Elba on the decks.

"It is a lot of middle-aged men in suits dancing around awkwardly,"one attendee said in 2018."A lot of people don't actually really know each other. Some people obviously hit it pretty hard but most of us have to get up the next day at 7am."

Greta Thunberg during a panel talk at Davos.

Greta Thunberg during a panel talk at Davos.Bloomberg

Are there any controversies at Davos?

Naturally. Most criticism is about the gap between talk and action.

A video of Dutch writer Rutger Bregman went viral last year when he said what he really thought during a panel discussion on The Cost of Inequality. “This is my first time at Davos and I find it quite a bewildering experience to be honest,” he said. “I mean,1500 private jets flown in to hear David Attenborough speak about how we’re wrecking the planet.

“I hear people talking the language of participation and justice and equality and transparency. But then almost no one raises the real issue of tax avoidance,right,and of the rich just not paying their fair share.

“It feels like I’m at a firefighters conference and no-one's allowed to speak about water.”

At Zurich airport this year,a lower-carbon fuel blending synthetic and conventional jet fuel was on sale to private jets. Rutger was not on the guest list.

What does the term"Davos Man"mean?

For many people,Trump stands in opposition to something called "Davos Man".

In 2004,the US political scientist Samuel Huntington accused sections of the country's political and economic elites of being "dead souls" who gave less importance to "existing patterns of language,culture,association,religion and national identity" than they did to "participating in the global economy,supporting international trade and migration,strengthening international institutions,promoting American values abroad,and encouraging minority identities and cultures at home".

"The central distinction between the public and elites is not isolationism versus internationalism," he wrote,"but nationalism versus cosmopolitanism."

Huntington cited a description of this new global class as "Davos Men",or "gold-collar workers",and over time his criticism of them became an article of faith for the populist-nationalist Right that swept Trump to office in 2016. Both Trump's supporters and the anti-capitalist Left have railed against "globalism" and the figure of "Davos Man" who sends jobs and industry abroad and brings foreign labour to our shores without accountability to national authorities.

Depending on your perspective,Trump's presence at Davos either betrays his core constituency,proves he is part and parcel of the elites he claims to despise or shows that he is able to dominate even the most powerful businessmen and women on the planet.

"Davos Man" has historical resonance too. The concept of a class of "rootless cosmopolitans" was a pillar of the rhetoric that both the Soviet Union under Stalin and Nazi Germany used against Europe's most notable transnational minority at the time,the Jews,portraying them as having enriched themselves at the expense of those who "truly" represented Germany or Russia and its people.

– Maher Mughrabi

– with wires

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Felicity Lewis is the National Explainer Editor for The Sydney Morning Herald,The Age,WAtoday and The Brisbane Times.

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