Now is the prime time for students to cheat

Now is the prime time for students to cheat

Educators looking to weed out plagiarism among students face an impossibly difficult new technological challenge.

  • byJoanne Orlando


Living with COVID doesn’t mean being a zoomed-out zombie

Living with COVID doesn’t mean being a zoomed-out zombie

The pandemic has made us slaves to omnipresent technology. No wonder we’re exhausted.

  • byJoanne Orlando
The other pandemic threatening our health:online misinformation

The other pandemic threatening our health:online misinformation

We have been inundated with a massive wave of information since the Delta outbreak in Sydney began.

  • byJoanne Orlando
Kids and online games:stop judging and start parenting

Kids and online games:stop judging and start parenting

We parent the whole child,not just the offline part. It’s time for a new attitude around how we guide our kids online.

  • byJoanne Orlando
Kurt,that porn footage will never go away

Kurt,that porn footage will never go away

One NRL star's horrifying experience - the distribution of a porn video shot eight years ago - is a cautionary tale for anyone who shares their personal life so it can be shared on the internet:it can come back to haunt them.

  • byJoanne Orlando
Teens acting fast and strategically on social media to get political messages across

Teens acting fast and strategically on social media to get political messages across

The millions of teens who took to TikTok to sabotage Donald Trump's rally give adults a glimpse of what's possible.

  • byJoanne Orlando
COVID-19 has opened our eyes to the bigger picture when it comes to tech and kids

COVID-19 has opened our eyes to the bigger picture when it comes to tech and kids

We've had a clearer glimpse of what the future we are preparing students for might actually be.

  • byJoanne Orlando
There's a crucial voice missing in the debate about reopening schools

There's a crucial voice missing in the debate about reopening schools

Right now children are caught up in the middle of a massive power struggle between the important adults in their life.

  • byJoanne Orlando
Social media:the bushfire bush telegraph

Social media:the bushfire bush telegraph

The internet has provided an online gathering space during this emergency.

  • byJoanne Orlando
Unfamiliar and disturbing:Children's TV since Big Bird

Unfamiliar and disturbing:Children's TV since Big Bird

Once parents felt secure letting their children watch programming for them - not any more.

  • byJoanne Orlando
School phone ban is moral panic based on no evidence

School phone ban is moral panic based on no evidence

Depriving children of the technology of their era is damaging their faith in adults,while there is no evidence it will improve their education.

  • byJoanne Orlando