The grand moral of the Lehrmann fable is yet to unfold

The grand moral of the Lehrmann fable is yet to unfold

At the heart of this case is a woman who has been most shamefully immolated in service of other people’s vanities.

  • byParnell Palme McGuinness


Can trans women and biological women share an identity? This case may provide an answer

Can trans women and biological women share an identity? This case may provide an answer

Identity is fundamental to what it is to be human. The Tickle v Giggle case is exploring whether a trans woman can occupy the same space as someone born female.

  • byParnell Palme McGuinness
This is how cancel culture ends. Thank you,JK Rowling

This is how cancel culture ends. Thank you,JK Rowling

When the author dared police to arrest her – if they believed she’d broken new hate-speech laws – she struck a blow for freedom.

  • byParnell Palme McGuinness
If the Easter Bunny delivered cocaine,would you be outraged? Discuss

If the Easter Bunny delivered cocaine,would you be outraged? Discuss

Studies that try to show chocolate is a health food succeed only in showing that it causes happiness.

  • byParnell Palme McGuinness
You’re not a racist if you oppose unchecked immigration,you’re a realist

You’re not a racist if you oppose unchecked immigration,you’re a realist

If we want to continue as a great migrant nation,we need an integration plan. Europe is waking up to this challenge.

  • byParnell Palme McGuinness
Denying desperate Gazans refuge exposes the hard politics for Australia

Denying desperate Gazans refuge exposes the hard politics for Australia

People in safe,conflict-free zones need “moral fables” to simplify conflicts,but nothing can airbrush the complexity of the war in Gaza.

  • byParnell Palme McGuinness
Corporate women have their special day,but what about the rest?

Corporate women have their special day,but what about the rest?

Let’s call it Feminist Freedom Day – a day when we can discuss what women really want.

  • byParnell Palme McGuinness
Our woke world can’t take a joke,and it’s no laughing matter

Our woke world can’t take a joke,and it’s no laughing matter

Laughter has been critical to our evolution,yet too many of us have lost that human touch.

  • byParnell Palme McGuinness
Banducci and Joyce shared special talents,and one crucial weakness

Banducci and Joyce shared special talents,and one crucial weakness

Brad Banducci,like Alan Joyce before him,was very good at lobbying governments. But the public lost patience with them,so they checked out.

  • byParnell Palme McGuinness
Wondering where the women’s March4Justice movement’s gone? Me too

Wondering where the women’s March4Justice movement’s gone? Me too

Just three years ago,thousands of women demanded justice outside Parliament House. Did that campaign end with Scott Morrison’s defeat? Looks like it.

  • byParnell Palme McGuinness
Our failure to close the gap is not about who but where

Our failure to close the gap is not about who but where

The good news is we can expect Indigenous life expectancy to go up in the next report. But the bad news is,it won’t be from improved access or conditions.

  • byParnell Palme McGuinness