A picture of the man wanted after two women,aged in their 80s,were sexually attacked during a string of break-ins in Merrylands,in Sydney.

Manhunt after women sexually attacked by knife-wielding intruder

Police say two women were targeted during a spate of terrifying home invasions in Sydney overnight.

  • Perry Duffin


A serial rapist from Long Bay fornensic hospital,who attacked a woman while on unsupervised leave,has been greenlit for release even as conditions tighten on forensic patients.

This serial rapist is earmarked for release,but system doesn’t know when or where he’ll go

He inflicted a “chilling” attack on one woman weeks after his last discharge from care.

  • Perry Duffin
Index image:Loretta Williams,right,Maria Williams,centre,and Tina Montana

The psychic crime family,the ‘King of the Gypsies’ and the hidden TV cameras

A “gypsy healer” who allegedly fleeced grieving Sydneysiders of their fortunes is part of a crime family once caught in a covert television sting,police claim.

  • Perry Duffin
NSW Police Minister Yasmin Catley’s brother was arrested and charged with drug supply in Newcastle on Friday night. He has long battled addiction,the minister said.

Police minister’s brother charged after drugs allegedly found in car

NSW Police Minister Yasmin Catley’s brother has been charged after police allegedly found drugs in his car.

  • Perry Duffin
ESO story

Why a rapist keeps being released from jail

Mark Sturgeon raped a 15-year-old girl in his car and is considered a high-risk offender. He will soon walk the streets again.

  • Perry Duffin
North Shore Rapist Graham Kay in 2018,while he was on his first extended supervision order - which he breached twice.

Schoolgirl confronted North Shore Rapist after alleged attack in chemist

Graham James Kay’s neighbours have reacted with horror as news broke that they and their families were walking the same halls as a serial sex offender.

  • Perry Duffin andClare Sibthorpe
Graham Kay in 2018.

North Shore Rapist charged after allegedly assaulting girl in Sydney’s CBD

Notorious rapist Graham James Kay allegedly sexually touched a teenage girl in Sydney’s CBD on Friday,just months after a court was warned he would never be rehabilitated.

  • Perry Duffin andAngus Thomson
Inside the Adass Israel Synagogue after the attack.

ASIO warns bikies,organised crime linked to antisemitism,hostile nations

Spy chief Mike Burgess has signalled grave concerns that criminals could be accepting payments to carry out hate crimes or act for hostile nations.

  • Nick McKenzie,Chris Vedelago andPerry Duffin
Tammie Farrugia,Adam Moule,Scott Marshall,Leon Sofilas

The low-level crooks linked to Sydney antisemitic attacks

Leon Sofilas and Adam Moule were neighbours in a shabby block of inner-city flats before their arrests. Tammie Farrugia and Scott Marshall were broke and living in a Liverpool flat.

  • Perry Duffin andJordan Baker
Irvin Mirzaiyan is accused of stickering anti-Israeli messages around Sydney and was allegedly filmed slashing at the face of a person who confronted him with a pair of pliers.

Vaucluse pensioner fronts court over alleged antisemitic stickers,assault

The 62-year-old’s court appearance came as police revealed the likely charges two Sydney nurses will face for allegedly threatened to kill Israeli patients.

  • Perry Duffin,Clare Sibthorpe andJessica McSweeney