Body feeling crumpled from sitting while working? Change your desk

As soon as Fiona Sarkissian began working from home during the pandemic last year,her body felt worse for wear.

The 33-year-old HR manager would often spend hours working in a hard dining table chair,cramped at her desk. Her body began feeling “tighter”,her neck ached and her shoulders hunched. “Everything felt a bit stiff,” she says.

Sarkissian would get up and move when she could,and even tried to devise her own makeshift standing desk. But it wasn’t the same. “By the end of the day – particularly if it was a meeting-heavy day – I would definitely be feeling it.”

Since returning to working at a standing desk – which she’d previously used for more than a year – at her office,she says she’s no longer plagued by such complaints. She also feels more switched on. “It’s good for my productivity,” she says.

Sarkissian’s story is far from unique,says spinal and neurosurgeon Dr Michael Wong from EPC Health. He says neck and back complaints are rife in people who sit all day while working.

Fiona Sarkissian is back at her standing desk.

Fiona Sarkissian is back at her standing desk.Nick Moir

Sitting is bad for us,he explains,because when we’re seated we put more pressure on our lumbar (lower) spine. If we work at a computer,our heads are also likely to stay fixed in one spot as we focus on our screen. “If you do that for many years,you predispose yourself to neck problems,” he says.

Standing,on the other hand,is a “physiologically neutral position” that allows us to spread the weight of our bodies evenly throughout our spine. Sure,we may stand in certain postures that put more weight on one part than another. But because standing for long periods of time is uncomfortable,we’re bound to move around and redistribute our weight,so no single part of our spine becomes damaged over time.

“Change of posture is a very key element in protecting our spine,” he says. That’s why he says standing desks are worth the hype,as they can play such a pivotal role in looking after our backs.

But they’re not just good for our spines,says exercise physiologist Andrew Daubney from Rebound Health.

“Because the muscles in your legs are doing more work when you’re standing,your heart has to work a little bit harder to pump the blood around so you end up expending more energy,” Daubney says.

Admittedly,he says it’s “not a huge amount”,but it does “add up” long-term. Research from 2017published inOccupational Medicine backs that notion,finding workers who stood continuously for an hour expended 11.5 per cent more energy than those who stayed seated.

If you’ve never used a standing desk,Daubney recommends starting slow and building up,spending about a quarter of your day standing,and the rest sitting.

Work towards flipping those numbers,spending three quarters of your day on your feet. Ideally,you should break that down each hour,so you spend 15 minutes standing and 45 minutes on your derriere.

Wong agrees a mix of standing and sitting is ideal for your spine. It can also be particularly helpful for those who feel they can’t work as productively when upright.

If that’s you,don’t throw in the towel too early. Daubney says it takes an average of two to four weeks to get into the groove of using a standing desk,reassuring it becomes “more intuitive the more you do it”.

If you’ve given standing desks a bash before and weren’t a fan,Daubney recommends trying again. He says working while upright “isn’t a huge shift”,but the health benefits are significant.

Sarkissian can speak to that. While naysayers worry being on your feet all day is exhausting,she says the opposite is true. Even at eight months’ pregnant,she chooses to spend all her workdays using her standing desk,saying she feels best when upright. “There’s something about it that fosters my energy.”

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