The rise of the workation:do work and play really belong?

One pronounced effect of the COVID-19 pandemic was a new acceptance of remote work.

Dave Cook,an anthropologist at UCL whose research interests include the digital nomad phenomenon and work-life balance,says that remote work was a “gradual rising trend” before 2020.

Illustration by Dionne Gain

Illustration by Dionne Gain

The pandemic,however,changed the employment landscape. According to the ABS,41 per cent of Australian workers regularly worked from home in August 2021,a dramatic rise from 32 per cent in August 2019.

“Big-name companies like Spotify and Reddit are already allowing employees to work remotely on a permanent basis,and many more are following suit,” says Shaun Busuttil,a PhD candidate at the University of Melbourne who studies digital nomad culture.

And many of us now find we can work from anywhere – not just home.

At first glance,this seems like a liberating lifestyle perk,untethering us from the physical office and conventional business hours. But working from anywhere can often mean working on holidays – an emerging trend known as the “workation” – to the detriment of our wellbeing.

“Flexibility is great,but it can also come with precarity,” says Cook. “Flexibility is a double-edged sword. When people are working alone or from home and have to manage when they work and when they deliver deadlines,work-life can encroach on home-life,and home-life can encroach on work-life.”

This is something I’ve experienced firsthand. Armed with my laptop and Wi-Fi,I have been fortunate to work from some beautiful locations over the years,including a resort in Fiji,hotels in various capital cities,my family’s farm in the country and,most recently,an Airbnb in Bangalow before a wedding.

While I realise this is both a choice and a privilege,I’ve learned there are some downsides to the workation (for one,looking on longingly while your family frolics in a pool while you’re in yet another Zoom meeting).

One of Cook’s papers examining digital nomads – “the pioneers of the workation” – was titledThe Freedom Trap. He says that while the life of a work-from-anywhere digital nomad sounds glamorous,it requires a lot of discipline and work.

“One thing I noticed is that they were spending so much time and effort working with different digital technologies and coming up with work-life balance strategies to separate work and leisure that that was making these workations more stressful than working at their home base.”

Chloe Hamman,Director of Product People Science atCulture Amp,says a workation has many selling points,such as the opportunity to travel when annual leave isn’t an option. Some people also report feeling “less pressure before they go on leave because they don’t feel like they have to completely shut their laptop down – they can catch up on holiday.”

Another plus she offers is the fact that you’re more likely to take “microbreaks” when you’re working away from home.

However,what a workation doesn’t afford is a “macrobreak” – a period of “psychological detachment” from work and the stress of everyday life that is necessary to reset and refresh. “Macrobreaks are a chance to relieve those pressures,create distance and put your life in perspective,which helps build psychological resilience and improve performance,” says Hamman.

If a workation is an option for you,Hamman suggests adopting a blended approach. “If you’ve got two weeks on a trip,work for the first few days,take at least a week off,and work the last few days,” she says. “That helps integrating back into work – it takes off some of that stress.”

Work – let’s talk about it

Another tip from Hamman is to pay attention to how you feel and be aware of symptoms of burnout,such as anxiety or depression,irritability,lack of motivation,brain fog or physical symptoms such as headaches.

Finally,be realistic about what a workation offers. “If you are deciding to work on holiday,you’re not getting that macrobreak,you’re not getting psychological detachment,” says Hamman.

Cook believes work-life balance should be considered a public health issue. “The French already have legislation in place that makes it illegal to contact people outside of work hours,” he says.

“It shouldn’t be something that is the responsibility of the individual worker. Government and corporations need to make sure that clear policy and guidance and work contracts are in place to ensure people have the right to switch off.”

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