Knowing where your kids are is important,but so is their ability to come home on their own.

Knowing where your kids are is important,but so is their ability to come home on their own.

When I look back to my childhood and adolescence,and imagine knowing that my whereabouts were visible to my parents at all times,I think my experiences would have been incredibly different. I don't know about you,but some of my most memorable (and most teachable) moments came from testing the rules,whether I came to challenge them or to realise suddenly why they were so important. Would I have even tried if I knew an alarm would go off back home?

Especially as I grew older,time and space to myself away from home became incredibly important. I can't say I ever deliberately lied to my parents about where I was (although I had plenty of friends who did),but there's certainly plenty I wouldn't have done if I knew I could be seen. Not necessarily bad things,just private.

In fact,if keeping tabs on kids technologically was the standard when I was 17,my son probably wouldn't even exist. His mother and I both turned out to be fairly well-adjusted and trustworthy adults,by the way,despite her teenage habit of meeting boys at strange parties in places her parents almost certainly wouldn't have approved.

In truth,products and services designed to let parents track their children through GPS and smartphones are broadly available now,but we're only just starting to explore their use. Which makes this an ideal time to think about what it means for kids and teens to be watched this way. Does it change their behaviour? Alter their relationship with their parents? Does it make a difference if the surveillance is open or secret? If it's threatened but never used?

The solutions available run the gamut from potentially problematic to outright illegal. On one end of the spectrum you have services like Google's Family Link or Apple's Find my Friends,where parents can track kids via their mobile phones but transparency means a two-way dialogue about the surveillance is encouraged. On the other end are skeezy spyware,popular with jealous or paranoid partners as well as overbearing parents,that you can load onto a phone or computer to monitor everything from location to messages and tap into live audio or video feeds.

Somewhere in between are dozens apps and services – as well as physical devices like GPS-enabled watches that can alert a parent if its wearer strays outside of approved areas – that are sold as solutions to help keep kids safe.

Generally these solutions remind me very much of the kind of the unnecessarily technological baby products tech companies love to produce at the moment – from connected socks that report live body temperature,to IP cameras that pump a video feed to your phone,to motion-sensing mattress underlays that promise to sound an alarm if your little one stops breathing – which are designed more to exploit and appease parental anxiety than they are to solve a real problem.


Like these baby devices,kid-tracking solutions might provide peace of mind for the parent – and could legitimately provide relief in certain circumstances,for example when a child has special medical needs – but they also have the less desirable effect of offloading important parent-child interactions to machines. I'm no expert in child development but I don't think it's controversial to say that,while devices might keep a kid entertained or manage their vital signs,it's better if the parents do it with their own faces,voices and touch. Does a baby appreciate Bluetooth socks as much as it does a parent's hand on its tummy?

There's a similar line of thought to follow with child surveillance solutions,although in addition to potentially affecting kids'development there's also the potential impact on their rights and freedoms to consider.

First and foremost is the issue of trust. Even if you're open with your kids about your access to their location or data,the dynamic is fundamentally changed. Whereas before your parental oversight was tied to your physical presence,now you're omnipotent. The need for kids to develop their own rules and checking system is gone,as yours apply all the time. You're also likely to find technology is a very unreliable crutch. What happens for example if your kid decides to ditch their tracker,and neither you or they have the skills to deal without it?

There are several arguments you could make about using limited tracking. For example you might only track small children up to a certain age,only when they go on faraway trips or only in busy places like a shopping centre or theme park. Or you might say you'll set up the ability to track,but not activate it unless they're in trouble. I'd argue such limitations don't negate the issues.

In fact,spot-tracking to make sure you don't lose a child in a crowd is likely to have the opposite of the desired effect. What impetus is there for a kid to make sure they stay by your side if they know you'll always find them by GPS? We all remember the horrible feeling of losing our parents,but isn't there something vital about that experience?

And then you have to consider what impact such surveillance might have on a child's burgeoning moral compass. We teach kids about their physical bodily integrity by not exerting ownership over them,by listening to them and giving them their own space,not just because we respect their autonomy but because we hope they'll learn from example as they grow and respect the autonomy of others as adults. Is there a way to keep tabs on them digitally without intimating that invading others'digital space is OK?

In the current climate it's become clear that a vital skill to teach kids is how to be ethical and considerate of others online. People my age and older,those who grew up before the internet became ubiquitous,tend to have issues with this,and don't apply the rules we've learned about ethics and etiquette to technological spaces. We need to teach the next generation better.

It's also vital to tech good privacy practices,and this is another area of concern I have around tracking apps and services. When I allow Google to track my location,or sift through my emails,I'm handing over vital (potentially lucrative) information about myself in exchange for useful services. If I activate a service that does the same,but for my child's location and other data,it's foolish to assume I'm the only one who has access. It's important to ask who else gets this data,and how they'll use it.

In the best case it's Google or Apple,who keep information secure and at least honestly spell out the ways they use or profit from the data. In the worst case the maker of your child's smart device could get hacked,or the providers of your sketchy phone-tracking software could be stockpiling the data for less-than-ethical purposes. Either way,given the data could be tied to a profile that sticks with them for a long time,it's tough to argue parents have the right to make this call for their kids.

It's clear this kind of tracking can help ease parental anxiety,at least in the short term,but what it all comes down to is whether kids'lives will be improved by their parents having wireless access to their location and other data. Will they still have the same adventures? Make the same discoveries? Get into the same teachable strife?

As hard as it will be to simply hope nothing happens to my little boy while he's out and about,to have trust that I've raised him well enough to know what to do,to suffer the anxiety my parents must have suffered – even while I know there's an easy solution available to extend my parental gaze beyond the home to wherever he goes and whatever he does – I can't help feeling I'll be doing him a favour by opting out.

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