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Why do magpies swoop?

The simple answer is that the birds are protecting their young from things they perceive as a threat. Dr Guy Castley,an urban ecologist from Griffith University,says there are lots of myths about the birds being pumped up on testosterone during mating season and the like,butthe latest research suggests a bird usually swoops only when it has chicks in its nest.

“When the chicks have hatched,up to when they leave the nest,is when you see the bulk of the swooping behaviour,” Castley says. “It’s the birds responding to things they perceive as threats. That includes humans,dogs,cats,snakes and anything else the magpie decides is a threat to its chicks.”

That might also include other magpies.The birds can live in groups as large as 20 individuals or more,the Australian Museum notes,and often return to the same places to build their nests. “Suitable breeding sites are in short supply and once attained,a territory must be defended to prevent it from being reduced or seized by a rival group.”


Even that charming birdsong has a territorial purpose,La Trobe University PhD candidate Robin Johnsson has said. “Magpies are very social,they have very complex family groups and their carols are partly used to establish their territorial boundaries. And they often carol together,it’s seen as a way to strengthen family bonds between magpies.” (This was why Johnsson chose magpies as the subject of a study on sleep deprivation in birds,finding they sang later in the day and more simple songs when they had missed out on sleep,and that they performed worse on some avian cognitive tests. A previous study by his team showed streetlights shining through the night deprived magpies of sleep.)


Magpies are extremely intelligent andresearch has shown that at least some can recognise individual humans. They are also one of the most common birds in Australia,says Sean Dooley,national public affairs manager atBirdlife Australia,so the behaviour of a small fraction could give the impression that all magpies swoop.

“Only 10 per cent of the male magpies actually swoop people and the research suggests it is actually a learned behaviour,” Dooley says. “These birds might have had a bad experience with humans in the past,and they remember that and swoop when humans come near their nest.”

September is the height of the “swooping season”,although the birds nest from July to December and can swoop during those months too. Compounding the issue is the fact that magpies can breed at any time within those months,and if they have a brood of chicks early in the season,they can even have a second round of chicks months later.

Are all magpies dangerous?

Although extremely rare,deaths linked to magpie attacks do happen.A five-month-old girl died when her mother fell while being swooped by a magpie in Brisbane’s south in 2021. Aman died in Wollongong in 2019 after crashing his bike while being attacked by a magpie.


The birds can also hurt people directly. In 2020,a man and woman suffered eye injuries in separate incidents in regional Victoria involving a particularly aggressive magpie. Far more common are scratches to the head,neck or face from the birds’ sharp beaks.

Despite that,magpies have an unearned reputation as an aggressive species,Castley says. “The majority of birds are not aggressive. Even the ones that are defending their territory will show restraint. But a few are aggressive,and they cause the trouble,” he says.

Local councils usually compile records of magpie attacks,while the independent websiteMagpie Alertcompiles national data based on readers’ submissions. In 2021,its users logged 1395 attacks in NSW,1225 in the ACT,1209 in Queensland,1179 in Victoria,247 in South Australia and 172 in WA. Overall,more than two-thirds of the attacks were on cyclists. Injuries resulted in 12.9 per cent of incidents.

Magpies are not the only bird that swoops in Australia:peewees,butcher birds and plovers do too,although Dooley says given magpies are more common,the number of incidents is higher.

What should you do if a magpie swoops you?

“It’s almost a rite of passage to be swooped by a magpie in Australia,but it can be terrifying and they can inflict damage. It’s rare but it happens,” Dooley admits.

He says if a magpie does get you in its sights,the best thing to do is to stay calm,despite that being difficult when an angry bird is flapping in your face.


“Usually they actually don’t try to make contact with you,they’re aiming to scare you off,so they’ll come at you from behind,” Dooley says.

“Waving your arms around or a stick or something is only going to make the bird more angry,so the best thing to do is walk,not run,away from the area.”

Castley says instead of waving your arms above your head,simply placing them over your head to protect it is the best bet.

“So,walk as fast as you can but don’t run,protect your face,and get out of there as quickly as possible to minimise your risk of injury,” he says.

But how can you avoid getting swooped?

If you know there’s a nest,obviously steer clear. If you can’t avoid areas where there are nests,be aware that cyclists tend to be much more likely to be attacked than people on foot,and runners tend to be attacked more than walkers. Dooley says that’s because the birds view something moving rapidly into the vicinity of their nest as a much greater threat than something moving slowly.

“The birds don’t have time to assess whether someone is a threat if they’re moving too quickly,so they just decide it is and start swooping,” he says.


Castley says ploys such as sticking googly eyes on the back of your helmet are of mixed benefit,and agrees with Dooley that carrying a stick to lash out at the birds will just anger them more. “A better bet is something like an umbrella,which can shield you without antagonising the bird,” he says.

Outside the immediate situation,Dooley says playing a long game could help ensure you avoid magpie attacks – at least in your local area. Because the birds can recognise individuals,going out of your way to make friends with them can ensure they recognise that you’re not a threat,he says.


“Obviously,it’s a bit impractical to carry some mince in your pocket while you’re out walking or cycling,but if you feed them at your home at other times of the year,they will remember come breeding season,” he says.

“And just in general,if you don’t antagonise the birds,they will mostly leave you alone.”

Is anything being done about problem magpies?

Most councils around the country have magpie policies. Brisbane City Council,which covers the area where baby Mia died,relocated the magpie believed to be responsible for the attack. It had already put up warning signs in the park where the bird had its nest after it swooped a number of other people.


Wellington Shire Council in Gippsland in 2020 destroyed the two magpies responsible for attacking people’s eyes,saying the birds had learned dangerous behaviour and could not be relocated safely.

Dooley says because magpies are so widespread throughout the areas that humans inhabit,it’s in the interests of both to get along. “They’re not bastards,they’re actually really caring parents. We just share the same habitat,and we have to try to find a way to co-exist.”

This explainer was first published in August 2021 and has since been updated.

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