Matt GoldingCredit:
The Dutton-led opposition repeatedly wrings its hands at the cost of living and yet proposes the most expensive option of nuclear power which would take decades to deliver. Now that’s reassuring for the financially stressed. In rejecting the 2030 emissions target Australia agreed to in Paris we are now told that we will have to wait until the next election before being given Dutton’s vision and solution. What contempt for the electorate. Credible political opposition goes beyond just saying no. It has the responsibility of providing a reasoned alternative in a timely manner.Murray Patchett,Kentucky
The Coalition’s climate strategy yet again is to sow confusion and misinformation. It is all bluster and boasting while maximising wriggle room and the opportunity to keep coal longer. Deliberately withholding decisions about costs and targets is typical of a used car salesman not mentioning the gearbox.Peter Hull,Katoomba
It would appear the devil may well be in the detail. The Coalition’s refusal to articulate their plan to reach net-zero by 2050 (having abandoned all hope of reaching targets set for 2030) beggars belief. I doubt a vague promise to trust in their confused messaging on climate change conviction will receive a positive response from a weary electorate desperate for action. The target they allude to may well land on them for a direct hit in the polls.Janet Argall,Dulwich Hill
The usual Australian inventiveness story. We invented the solar panel which is now commercialised all over the world,bringing enormous wealth to many other countries except ours. We now have a dedicated group of UNSW students working to bring nuclear fusion into our lives. If Dutton was genuine about nuclear energy,he would dump dirty old nuclear fission technology and have policies in place to fast-track this technology into our future. It’s called vision. But Dutton is not interested in our future,it’s just all politics to him.Tony Lewis,Mount Victoria
I am dumbstruck that Dutton could suggest that delaying action on climate change is “taking care of the Australian people”. He is completely ignoring the catastrophic weather events we are already experiencing from our warming climate and the massive economic cost of greater frequency of such events. The time to act is now.Suzy Bessell, Cremorne
Kick the climate can down the road to 2050. Babies born this year will be parents asking “why did it take so long”? Many of today’s politicians will be stardust or stoking the hell of Hades.Ferdo Mathews,Robina (Qld)
If the Coalition is correct that reducing emissions by 43 per cent by 2030 is unachievable it is because of Coalition energy policy since the Abbott government was elected in 2013. What the Coalition is really saying id that they don’t even want to try.Victor Bivell,Abbotsford
It is not surprising that,with the next election on the horizon,some in the Liberal Party will be positioning themselves for life after the election (“Liberal frontbencher accuses Angus Taylor of treachery,incompetence”,June 12). Such seems to be the case with Angus Taylor,as articulated by Senator Hollie Hughes.
On the basis that the Coalition is unsuccessful in gaining government at the election,Peter Dutton will be vulnerable even if he is able to bite into the ALP’s majority. Many have commented that Dutton became leader of the Liberals due to the paucity of viable alternatives. This view disregards the somewhat haughty demeanour of Angus Taylor who regularly attempts to project how well he is qualified for greater office.
Taylor rarely misses the opportunity to reveal his life prior to parliament as a Rhodes scholar and management consultant,no doubt to remind Liberal members of his credentials. He has been less able to positively shut down concerns relating to his relationship with Eastern Australia Agriculture (EAA). If Taylor is to become opposition leader,he can be assured the ALP will have more to say about him and EEA.Ross Butler,Rodd Point
Accusations of treachery and incompetence from Liberal frontbencher Hughes against Taylor highlight the chaos and division within the Coalition. Peter Dutton threatened to pull us out of the Paris Agreement one day,then stated,“an absolute commitment to Paris” the next,a backflip reminiscent of his pledge to call a second referendum to change the constitution if the Voice referendum was defeated. That pledge,too,only lasted days before being rescinded. Nuclear details,including sites,were promised earlier this year. Now Dutton claims that he won’t release his 2030 climate target until after the election and expects the voters to not only believe him but to trust him. Why would anyone vote for this shambolic rabble?Alan Marel,North Curl Curl
Senator Hughes should not feel so angry about losing her spot on the Liberal Party’s pre-selection list. She stood for pre-selection in the 2016 election but was not successful. She was subsequently appointed to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal by then Liberal attorney-general Christian Porter. Many of these appointments went to people with close connections to the Liberal Party. Few had experience in dealing with complex federal legislation. A vacancy in the Senate then occurred for which she was selected by the Liberal Party. She was ineligible due to her appointment to the AAT. She eventually won pre-selection in the 2019 election for a six-year term.I would suggest she should count herself well treated by the Liberal Party.John Rome,Mt Lawley (WA)
An ambitious politician? Involved in “treachery”? Almost certain I have heard this before.Mustafa Erem,Terrigal
Daniel Cash’s opinion piece mentions that young people aged 16 were allowed to take part in the Scottish vote for independence in 2014 (“Young Australians are ready,change the voting age to 16”,June 12). It is worth remembering that special legislation was passed to allow this,but not for future elections. It is also worth pointing out that voting is not compulsory in Scotland,unlike Australia. I am not sure how many 16-year-olds took up the option. If the voting age were lowered to 16 in Australia,then perhaps it would be sensible to make voting optional for 16-year-olds and,of course,compulsory at 18. Perhaps we could then cease referring to young people as kids,which is patronising.Ann Grant, Randwick
There are good arguments for changing the voting age from 18 to 16,mainly the passionate interest and involvement many young people have in the issues that will affect their lives. However,the problem may be the compulsion to vote when many at this age are immersed in academic studies,sporting interests and social life and have no interest in politics. A system of optional voting between the ages of 16 to 18 may be the best solution.Geoff Harding,Chatswood
With proper modifications,most homes can stay comfortable year-round without excessive use of energy (“Keep warm,save money and help the planet,” June 12) Having insulated our house a few years ago,we now get through summer and winter without cooling or heating. Floor fans and blankets are all we need. Last year we replaced our gas hot water system with a heat pump,and this year we ditched our old gas-guzzler and bought an EV. We also source our electricity from renewables – some via our solar panels,the rest via the grid. Itis possible to cut your energy use without affecting your lifestyle. Better still,you can save money while doing it.Ken Enderby,Concord
Like Kerri Sackville,my wife too is obsessed with her dehumidifier (“La Nina’s raided my wardrobe,but I’ve broken the mould”,June 12). I am not so convinced of its worth. Sure,it produces a container full of water every couple of hours,but all it is doing is sucking more humid air into the room so it will continue its “moisture removal” while ever the outside air has humidity. I am sure our electricity provider is pleased.Mark Nugent,Lugarno
I immigrated to Australia in 1982 from the UK. During my first few years,I often experienced daily summer temperatures of 45 degrees. Since arriving in this lovely country,the temperature has steadily dropped and has rarely exceeded 35 degrees in these past few years. So where is “global warming”? I agree there’s climate change and that we need to clean up our act,but I suggest Sackville open her windows and air out her house like the rest of us.Freda Surgenor,Caringbah
Reading your article on the advantages of today’s electronic payments I couldn’t help reflecting on the times in my youth when I unwittingly short-changed my customers (“Play your cards right … and save”,June 12).There was my Christmas holiday job as a teenager in a department store where having to resort to mental arithmetic on the old-fashioned cash registers,I charged the customer the change she was due for her goods instead of the sale price. Then there was the time when I filled the pay packets of all the factory workers with the tax amount that they paid each week instead of their net pay.Needless to say that day there was a very hostile line-up outside the pay office.Elizabeth Maher,Fiddletown
They have gun laws in the USA? Who’d have thought (“Hunter Biden found guilty of illegally owning gun”,June 12).Meredith Williams,Baulkham Hills
If the only thing stopping drug addicts in the USA from obtaining a gun is their own honesty,perhaps the insistence of Republicans to prosecute Hunter Biden will result in more background checks which is something they have always opposed.Graeme Finn,Earlwood
How is it that many people in the US oppose gun regulations but support the prosecution of Hunter Biden?Denis Goodwin,Dee Why
Speaking of tax thresholds,the other one that needs an urgent review is the sole trader threshold of $75,000 turnover which was introduced in 2007(Letters,June 12). It is ridiculously low in this day and age of inflation and increased business costs. It should be brought more in line with the non-profit business threshold of $150,000.John Swanton Coogee
The loss of Dr Michael Mosley is unfortunately a sad but timely reminder to respect your capabilities and acknowledge the risks,both great and small (Letters,June 12). His adventurous and inquiring mind was probably in overdrive contemplating his awful predicament. Unlike his other trials and experiments in medicine and science,there was no one to assist in monitoring his vital signs and the risk of further exposure to the unrelenting heat and distress of a Greek summer. I’m sure he would have realised he was in great peril,but his optimistic outlook on life was never a match for the situation he was in. His book about the 800-calorie eating regime sits as a poignant reminder on our kitchen bench. We will not put it away but will celebrate his valuable contribution to many people who embraced his commonsense and healthy approach to life in an articulate and humble way.Peter O’Brien,Shoalhaven Heads
I assume those who make up the .3 of our lovers weren’t entirely satisfied (“Australians average 13.3 sexual partners in a lifetime. That doesn’t seem like many to me”,,June 11).Ross Duncan,Potts Point
Another reason to be livid with Vivid was the accompanying noise (“Punters right to be livid with Vivid”,June 12). So many of the beautiful installations had loud music accompanying them. Let’s just let the light do its thing - we don’t need loud music as well. It just distracts from the lights.Danina Anderson,Newport
Before we all take fright and give up drinking tap water,can I ask if anyone has tested bottled water (“Single water plant tested for toxins”,June 12)? Is there Any chance I could be better off with a gin and tonic?Rae Litting,Glenhaven
If there is one thing guaranteed to trigger panic-buying - i.e eggs - it is a politician telling everyone there’s no need to panic-buy (Letters,June 12). I still have my emergency toilet paper from 2020. As my grandmother used to say,“stock up and beat the hoarders”.Steven McCann,Lane Cove
If eggs are to be the next toilet paper,I’m putting in a bidet.Russ Couch,Woonona
One should hasten to advise your correspondent that most readers are likely not to take up the option of using eggs in loo,in lieu of toilet paper.Ken Finlayson,East Corrimal