Carbon Washington| Yes On Initiative 732| Carbon Tax Swap

YES ON I-732

Act NOW on climate change

Our proposal makes taxes more fair and promotes
cleaner energy with four bold steps.

pig gif

Cut the sales tax
by 1%

Pay less at the cash register.

family gif

Fund a tax rebate for working families

Provide a tax credit of up to $1,500 a year for 460,000 low-income households.

gears gif

Reduce the B&O tax on manufacturing

Keep good,living-wage manufacturing jobs in Washington.

stack gif

Add a tax to
fossil fuels

Pay for the tax cuts and tax the right thing–pollution.

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Campaign News

Washington Policy Center’s Analysis of Initiative 732

WPC analysis of I 732

A Carbon Bargain for Conservatives

R Street Institute Analysis of Carbon Taxes
  • “Society stands to gain in both environmental outcomes and economic performance by moving to a more straightforward policy that pursues carbon reductions by mobilizing the marketplace.This can be done by placing a direct price on emissions.”


More Humans of I-732

Inspired byHumans of New York:a photography project that began in an attempt to capture 10,000 New Yorkers on the street and create an exhaustive catalog of the lives and spirits of its inhabitants. Today,HONY reaches over 20 million people and provides a worldwide audience with a daily glimpse into the lives of strangers on the streets of New York City.

Grassroots campaigns like I-732’s are comprised of many people who get involved because they see something beautiful in the world worth fighting for. These are some of their stories…

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Carbon WA

Yes On I-732@carbonwa
RT @zauriezim:@TomSteyer–please reconsider&support WA’s I – 732. Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good! @CarbonWA
Yes On I-732@carbonwa
RT @zauriezim:For the birds sake,donate time or $ to support @carbonWA #I732 initiative–1st revenue-neutral carbon tax in US.…
Yes On I-732@carbonwa
Guest Editorial:To Fight Climate Change and Poverty,Vote YES on Initiative 732 via @TheStranger #Waelex
Yes On I-732@carbonwa
RT @poet_economist:Support for Washington State’s Revenue-neutral #CarbonTax from @NYTimes #I732 @CarbonWA @citizensclimate @republicEn
Yes On I-732@carbonwa
You can sign up to call voters in washington at!
Yes On I-732@carbonwa
RT @GreenBuckaroo:Tax carbon&cut sales tax. To Fight Climate Change and Poverty,Vote YES on Initiative 732 @seattlegreens @carbonwa
Yes On I-732@carbonwa
RT @TreeHuggers_Inc:If we don’t take action,costs from climate change impacts could reach $10.9 billion/yr in WA. @CarbonWA
Yes On I-732@carbonwa
RT @SWWAGreens:“Washington can lead on climate change by passing I-732” by James Hanson. Great read! Vote YES on I-732! @CarbonWA
Yes On I-732@carbonwa
RT @kylemurphy514:Now hitting turf with this campaign seasons fanciest lit–letters from kids @CarbonWA #yeson732
Yes On I-732@carbonwa
RT @seattleweekly:Vote Yes On I-732 to Start Addressing Climate Change NOW @CarbonWA #SWEndorsements
Yes On I-732@carbonwa
RT @phidippides26:Care about #climate but #TooYoungToVote? Go to this page and encourage WA voters to #Vote Yes on I-732. @CarbonWA
Yes On I-732@carbonwa
RT @republicEn:Conservative economist Gregory Mankiw makes case for Washington State carbon tax #ecoright…

Follow @carbonwa

I-732 is endorsed by a bipartisan group of citizens,business leaders,scientists,economists,public officials,and social and environmental leaders.

Cyrus Habib
WA State Senator and Candidate for Lieutenant Governor

Jim McDermott

Martha Choe
Former Chief Administrative Officer of the Bill&Melinda Gates Foundation

Jessyn Farrell
WA State Representative

Ron Sims
Former King County Executive

What people are saying about Initiative 732

Please join me in voting Yes on I-732. We have a moral obligation to current and future generations to fight climate change. I-732 takes a critical first step in that fight and also has helped spark a long-overdue conversation about reforming our broken tax structure. I will work with my fellow legislators to take more aggressive steps to move away from fossil fuels in the years ahead,but pricing carbon pollution is an essential first step and can’t wait any longer.

Rep. Joe Fitzgibbon,D-34th District

I strongly support the Carbon Washington revenue-neutral carbon tax ballot measure. It is a bipartisan approach that will reduce carbon emissions,make our state tax code less regressive,and protect manufacturing jobs. We are running out of time to address the growing threat of global climate disruption. Lets all work together to pass Initiative 732.

Ron Sims,Former King County Executive
Like many in Washington I have political concerns about how we will raise the new revenue our State needs;but that is a separate battle. We can’t let the politics of money prevent us from acting on climate. This November an opportunity for long over-due action sits before us in I-732. An opportunity to reduce carbon pollution,while making the most progressive change to our tax code in 40 years. We should take that opportunity!–Vote Yes On I-732.
Sharon Wylie,49th Legislative District State Representative (D)

It’s time to put a price on carbon pollution.

The Olympian

A revenue-neutral carbon tax like the I-732 proposal in Washington State is the right way to tackle climate change in a way that’s fair to American households,and that works for American businesses.

Steven Chu,U.S. Secretary of Energy and winner of the 1997 Nobel Prize in Physics

Climate change is the biggest market failure of our time. If the United States is to continue to lead and innovate,we must move away from fossil fuels and focus on developing clean,inexpensive,renewable energy sources. A price on carbon is the best policy to promote this change. I proposed legislation similar to I-732 at the federal level,and I’m excited to endorse this state initiative and help Washington launch this nation-leading climate policy. Vote Yes on I-732!

Jim McDermott,U.S. Representative for Washington’s 7th Congressional District

I-732 would give Washington the continent’s,if not the world’s,most potent,persistent,and comprehensive incentive to move swiftly beyond dirty fossil fuels and to a carbon-free future.

Sightline Institute pt. 1

A carbon tax works–and the state should implement one.

Seattle Business Magazine

I support the concept and urgency behind I-732. We must act on climate to protect future generations in a way that safeguards funding for vital services,ensures a just transition for workers and benefits communities of color that are impacted by climate change. I-732 is a good first step towards that goal.

Rep. Jessyn Farrell,D-46th District

Voters in Washington . . . should adopt the smartest policy with the broadest bipartisan appeal:a revenue-neutral tax.

Bloomberg View
Passage of Initiative 732 would be an important step forward in combating climate change and…stemming the worst effects on low-income people and on the ecosystem that sustains us all.
Board of Directors,Interfaith Works
Sorting through the contenders for political office in a confusing year like takes a lot of time. One handy shortcut is the I-732 endorsement list – that’s where you’ll find the serious,thoughtful candidates who take environmental issues seriously.
Alec Fisken,Former Port of Seattle Commissioner

“Passing I-732 would let Washington state set the national example of putting a price on carbon emissions. Do you want to lower the sales tax by 1%,and make large-scale polluters pay their fair share instead? Do you want to incentivize green energy,while providing a just transition to lower-income families? (Are you tired of government gridlock and inaction on this issue?) Let’s act on climate now,with the plan that will jump-start our future with clean energy. Let’s make history. Vote YES on I-732.”

Jim Moeller,Representative 49th Legislative District (D)

From my perspective it is simply the health of humans vs. the profit of polluters and I’ll vote health every time.

Richard Weisman,Solar Blog

I am supporting I-732 because science and experience show that it uses the most effective and efficient mechanisms for reducing pollution. As an accountability professional,I appreciate the utilization of proven market mechanisms rather than using unproven regulations and government programs that waste money. I also support I-732 because it creates a more ethical and balanced tax code rather than just increasing taxes.

Mark Miloscia,Senator 30th District (R),(R-30th District)

As a business community,we have an opportunity not just to make a change in Washington,but to pave a moderate path that is both pro-business and pro-environment,and that can be adopted across the country. It is not an overstatement to say that the impact of that could change the world for our children and our grandchildren . . .

A-P Hurd,president,Touchstone

In Washington,we can agree on two things:1) climate change is bad;and 2) the state’s tax structure is bad and the sales tax burden falls disproportionately on the poor. I-732 supporters respectfully asked the Legislature to address these policy issues,and it declined. As a former regulator,I endorse I-732 because it is a simple and effective policy to address climate change. It has been working in British Columbia. Unlike more complicated cap and trade regulatory schemes,the policy of I-732 is not susceptible to game playing and loophole making by special interests. It will stand the test of time and benefit all residents of Washington,especially lower income people.

Sharon L. Nelson,Former Chairman of the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission

“With the negative impacts of climate change becoming more obvious each month,I-732 is a solid step toward making the polluters pay a fair carbon tax. While there is a lot of talk about alternatives,I-732 is the only major step forward to action.”

Mike Doherty,Retired Clallam County Commissioner

I am endorsing I-732 because it is a pragmatic and progressive approach to address climate change in Washington. It has been a proven success in British Columbia,our neighbor to the north,which has an economy and ecology similar to ours. From my long experience in the Legislature,I know that all of the questions about the revenue neutrality of I-732 raised during the session can be addressed by the Legislature after the initiative is passed. Climate change is one of the greatest moral challenges facing our generation. We can’t wait any longer for action. Vote Yes on I-732

Judy Clibborn,Washington State Representative,41st Legislative District (D)

Scientists and economists agree that the most effective way to free ourselves from fossil fuels is to stop the free lunch for polluters. Initiative 732 does exactly what the scientists and economists prescribe:it sets a science-based,steadily rising price on pollution. The citizens’ initiative covers most of the state’s climate pollution,makes the tax code more progressive,and is administratively elegant.

Sightline Institute

Climate action faces both policy and political challenges. This year we have seen many political groups attempt to discourage support for a great climate policy. I am thankful that the experts at the Sightline Institute have provided such an in-depth analysis of I-732 as it is one of the most important policies of our time. Please help me spread the word–Vote Yes on 732!

Bruce Bassett,Mayor of Mercer Island

“Seattle Business endorses Initiative 732 because businesses like predictability and this creates a predictable environment without punishing the manufacturers that are so important to our economy.”

Seattle Business,Leslie Helm,Editor,Seattle Business

Who We Are

I-732 was created by students,activists,scientists,economists and concerned citizens who believe that we have a moral obligation to reduce carbon pollution and to make our tax system fairer and more sustainable. We realized we couldn’t wait any longer for someone else to address climate change — that ordinary citizens need to act now. Our policy will promote cleaner energy and

clearer skies (it’s worked elsewhere!) and it will get the job done without higher taxes,expensive new regulations,or big bureaucracies.

Carbon Washington is the organization we formed to gather signatures,collect donations and run our initiative campaign.

More than 360,000 citizens signed our petition. I-732 will be on the statewide ballot in November. You can help by talking with your friends and neighbors,connecting with us onFacebook and Twitter,and donating so we can get our message to more people. You can alsojoin one of our chapters across the state.

Contact Us

Have a question? Give us a shout!


Please email[email protected] or call the Campaign Headquarters at 206-632-1805

Media inquiries only:
Please email[email protected] or call Samara Villasenor at 206-478-5643.

Office Phone

Mailing Address
PO Box 85565
Seattle,WA 98145-1565

Campaign HQ
1914 N 34th St.,Suite 407
Seattle,WA 98103

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