5.15am A takeaway skinny flat white before a 15-kilometre run.

7am An energy drink and 500ml of water with some electrolytes.

7.30am A smoothie with skim milk,water,banana and 30 grams of protein powder.

9am I snack on trail mix and chocolate,and have a couple of decaf black coffees.

12.30pm A large takeaway teriyaki chicken on rice.

1.30pm Another energy drink,700ml of water and a peanut butter sandwich.

5.30pm Dinner at home is a burrito with a side of salad and rice. I also have water and a decaf coffee.


Dr Joanna McMillan says:

Top marks for … Getting plenty of protein and spreading it over the day;that helps with muscle recovery. Nuts,including peanut butter,are nutrient-dense,making these terrific snack options.

If you keep eating like this you’ll … Find you’re more tired at training towards the end of the week as you’re short on carbohydrates. After training,your body is primed to refuel. You’d also benefit from more antioxidant-rich fruits and vegies,as they help with recovery.

Why don’t you try … Adding oats and mixed frozen berries to your smoothie. At 9am make a proper breakfast,such as wholegrain toast with avocado and a mushroom and spinach omelette. Add stir-fried vegies to lunch and include a bowl of fruit salad with yoghurt.

Courtney is a Red Bull athlete. He is running inUltra Trail Australia on October 27-30.

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